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<br /> <br />d ~{ <br />'~l <br /> <br />>0 ....."" <br /> <br />~' 1;';' <br />J j' <br />~ .~ <br /> <br />. <br />~ !2 <br />II ~ <br />1= <br />JII~ <br />! 1tI0 <br />o. <br />NP. <br /> <br />s <br />I <br />1 <br />1 <br />J <br /> <br /> <br />t~ <br />:14 <br />..i \0 <br /> <br />)~ <br />i <br />1 <br /> <br />""'l <br /> <br />FORM li73X N. Y. AB8IGN~IENT OF MORTOAGE-IFIIOM . CO.IOIU.,OX) <br /> <br /> <br />Jmn".., <br /> <br />TUTBLANX "Ceil_TERle U 5,PAT.O,,".CII <br />ruffle law Pnnt.,NoJlltlnd.W. <br /> <br />88- 103205 <br /> <br /> <br />~. ,.,' _ ,\;'.1 <br />, qe.AND ~RE <br />(,),; 00 arld1lioJ:e'. <br />,....,.- ". ...., ". <br /> <br />~. <br />assil!~or. <br /> <br />FUNpING ~. <br />in, con8ideta~ion 01 <br />[)oHars, <br />) pqid by,.... .'. '., ..... <br />, ~:RE:AIJr.i C3PIT 'mRP. <br />205 Park Club Lai1e <br />P.O. Box 9000 <br />Buffalo, NY 14221~9000 <br /> <br />a88illl ee ,hereby assil!n <br /> <br /> th.e aSBilnee , a certain morttale made by <br /> <br />HAROLD E. DAMRATOWSKI AND ELIZABETH L. DAMRATOWSKI, HUSBAND <br />AND WIFE <br /> <br />o <br />o <br />~ <br />~ <br />N <br />~ <br /> <br />. ~iL'en to secure paymel~t of the sum of <br />TWENTY SIX THOUSAND AND 00/100----------------------------DoUars <br />alld interest, dated the 12TH day of MAY 1983 <br />recordcd on the '~+f\ day of m~ 193- 3 <br />in till! office of thc Clerks of the county 01 HALL <br />in DOCIMENT' of mort.tales, at. pate coverinl! premi.ell <br />83-002403 <br /> <br />SEE ATTACHED <br /> <br />totether with the bond or oblil!ation described in said morttate, and the moneys <br />dUll ~nd to trow due thereon with the interest, <br />o;a Baor .aIII bl1IaUl the same , tile ossilnee , and to th.e lIu.cccssors. <br />le[!al representative. olld allsilnll of the all8ilnee forever. <br />Ad Ule a88;I,lQr covenant that tllere is now owint upon said nwrtllate, <br />without offset or defense of arzy "~ind, the principal sum of <br />TWENTY SIX TH9USAND AND OO/IOO__________________________________1>ollar.s, <br />(I 26,000.00)' wlth interest thereon at ~2. 00\ per cen.tum per annum <br />'from the 12TH' day of MAY Nmeteen Hundred and EIGHTY-THREE' <br /> <br />In Wilneu Whereof, the <br />'/arty of the firsi part. hall caulled its corporate <br />,~eal io be hereu.nto alftxed, and these pres~nt6 <br />to be sil!ned by its dilly authorizetl of1lcer <br />t II is 15th day of Januaxy . <br />.rilleteell Hllndred alld Eighty-six~ . . ! <br /> <br />b!t of Kfllllorll <br />, GlIlWdJJ &If ERIE <br /> <br />Bi\NKERS' FUNDtoo OORP. .,,~.,:.:~ :.:, <br />,------ .' r;---- - <br /> <br />ny_~A.I.~..L;' ',' . <br />PAUL w. KUCINSKl, sonOR VICE PIlESIIlalI' <br />} 011 t his 15th day of J8nU8%Y <br />'1. ,\1netee/l Hlflldred alld Eighty-six. <br /> <br />"f!for.e me pertwllally cam.e <br /> <br />PAUL w. KlCNSKI <br /> <br />tn me per.onally "~'IQWlt. whQ, beillt by me duly sworn, did depose ami say that <br />he reside. in the 'n:lwn of West Seneca, New Yom t1~(lt he J'S <br />the SENIOR VICE PRESI[ENT 01 BANJ<ERS' FUmING OORP. " <br />the corporatio'l delcrlbed ill, and which exeou.ted, tlte willtill 11lstrlWt.erl.t:tlmt he <br />k,t/,J/('s the .6dl 0/ ,aid corporatilJofl.; tI/.C,t the leal al/l.xed to said lnlltrll.;'lfm.t is .~IHlh <br />COI },',raif!, ,eal; that U wall 80 a/Tlxed by order 0/ t1HJ Board 0/ J)ircetor.~ o/said cor/JOra- <br />ii')I, ",d t.hat he dIned his no", c tllere.'.o by 1i".:tJ or4re . <br />DIANA L QAN1[NMIJLL[R _/1791307 ;{:.. . , :6:L:" /" <br />!I",.:,. ".l"." ~,.~'> 0' I'.... " ."~ . .:/.{t<'-te' .' ~"I ),,~ r" ''/J'' . ,{"':"'-,... <br />"..,.' ".". ",". ~.~ 1.~".1 ~..(;. ~, ,.(, ,[ ( (,,, I <br />'.' '. '... 'l.., 1"-' N:>tatY 110 ,,' <br />