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<br />'f' <br /> <br />i <br />:'j <br />-1 <br />! <br />:! <br />'i <br /> <br />~ ~'..'.. <br />o .~.. <br />li' ~...., <br />~ it <br /> <br />...," <br />I <br />Ql <br />N <br />1"\. <br />a'I <br />IlQ 1" <br />12l ~. <br /> <br />I f <br /> <br />i <br />.j <br />j <br />! <br />! <br />I <br />I <br />'I <br />, <br /> <br />~ !2 <br />I nd <br />I JIll <br />I JI~ <br />1 e ! !nO <br />! is ~ ~~ <br />j <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />Ii <br />I <br />~ <br />1 <br />J <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />j <br />I <br />1 <br />I <br /> <br />1 I <br />i! <br /> <br /> <br />"-I" ~."" <br /> <br />I~ <br /> <br />'.'J <br />~ <br /> <br />i <br />I <br /> <br />FORM 673X N. Y. ABBIGNl\IENT OF MORTGAGE-IF.ow . COo"'KATIOxl <br /> <br /> <br />Jmn"... <br /> <br />TUTBLANJ(, ItltO..T&JtIP U,15 PAT.o.., <br />ruffle /.iIw Prrnt. Pllb/ishflrs.NoJlltlnd.W. <br /> <br />88-:1.03193 <br /> <br />cm:. AND MJRE : <br />(I. ~. 00 and' i1Dre' <br /> <br />B1lNI<ERS' FUlIDING CORP. <br /> <br />assilnor in c01t8ideration 01 <br />Dollars, <br /> <br />) paid by <br />OOI..JXH: RFAIJrY CREDIT' CORP. <br />205 Pcu:k Club lane <br />P.O. Box 9000 <br />Buffalo, NY 14221-9000 <br /> <br />Qssitnee , hereby assitn <br /> <br />ll.nto the assitnee ,a certain mo~tl!ale made by <br /> <br />EUGENE F. FULLER AND LINDA M. FULLER, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br /> <br /> <br />o <br />o <br />o <br />en <br />.!. <br />to.! <br />to.! <br />~ <br /> <br />, tiven to secure payment of the BUIlt 01 <br />AND 00/100--------------------------- Dollars <br /> <br />22ND day of APRIL 1093 <br />25TH day of APRIL 1!JB3 <br />Clerks 01 the county of HALL <br />of mortl!al!es, at pale cO/Jerinl! prcmisell <br /> <br />THIRTY SIX THOUSAND <br />and interest, dated the <br />recorded on the <br />in tilt! olllce of the <br />in Do"CUMENT * <br />83-001968 <br /> <br />LOT SEVENTEEN (17), POTASH SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />to~ether with the bond or oblillation described in ,aid mortl!ate, and the moneys <br />due and to trow due thereon with the int.ere,t, <br />~II 1I.1t, .m. fa HaUl the same unto the assillnee , and to the successors, <br />le~al representatives and ussil!ns of the allsillnee lorever. <br />Ami the a88illnor COVelWlI t that there is nowollJin~ upon said mortllale, <br />without off,et or defenlle of any kind, the prlncipalsum 01 <br />THIRrY SIX THOUSAND AND OO/loo-------------~-------------------~~olla7.s <br />(8 36.000'.00;), with interellt thereon at 12.00% per centum per annu";' <br />Iron! the '22ND day of APRIL Nineteen Hundred and EIGHTY-'J;HREE <br /> <br />In Witness Whereof, the <br />party of ihe ftrst part has caused its corpQrate <br />.~eal to be hereunto affixed, and these presents <br />to be sil!ned by its duly authorized ntp,cer <br />this 15th day of Janwu:y <br />."il/cteen Hundred alld Eighty-six. . <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />"at, of NtIII lark <br />GIlIIIIIIg of ERIE <br /> <br />_ BlINRERS' FUNDING CORP. ~_ <br /> <br />By P'~~. ~';"}" <br />PlWL w. KUCINSKI, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENl' <br />} On t his 15th day of Janum:y <br />811. .\'ineleell Hlllldred uud Eighty-six. <br /> <br />. '.efore me personally came <br /> <br />PlWL w. KtX:.INSKI <br /> <br />tn me personally know/l, who, lJeint by me duly ,mlOrn, did depose and say thai <br />he resides in the Town of west Seneca, New York Owi he is <br />the ~IOR VICE PRESIIENl' 01 BANJ<ER:)' FUNDING CORP. <br />tlte corporation cleBcribfld in, and which eJ.:eol/.ted, the within I1tstrument.. thai he <br />l':IWlI'S the Beal of ,aid corporatior/.; that U~e seal alfl,xed to ,~uid lnst.rll.ment is such <br />cO/1,0Iaie .flal.. that it Wdil 30 alflJ:ed by order of the Board of Directors 01 said t'orpnra- <br />li,.1/I md that he alllned his lIame thcrelo bllli/..:tJ o,der, <br />DIANA 1.. QANZENMUlLER ..t"193307 tJrL ~1 . ;. ' / <br />NotJl'Y P"t:hf. ~;t"ll... ~ NoftoW Vork *1. ..'~/:,~,~'.1r.-,/" 4.'J. ", ;I' ,~., _,.; -1 // <br />>C'" ".,."... .,..!, '1 . /t.!..,. It Z..., (1.1.: 1.1" ~ ~ <br />"~r ,.t' ,. ~_ ',:.' ,., t:i"'~:l ~I, :9,1.. }lJcrtary 1>\1Ii c <br />