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<br />~ <br />z <br />~ <br />U) <br /> <br /> <br />Ol ~.g. '..,.l.:.......... <br /> <br />l' 'If') :'.' <br />o .. .;., <br /> <br />~ ... <br />~ ~r:.: <br /> <br /> <br />s <br />i <br />1 <br />1 <br />J <br /> <br />Ii <br />Ja <br />J~ <br /> <br />j <br />I <br /> <br />roaM j;;~~~'row~~.. ~,,~, <br /> <br />TUT8LANA RltGl5TERlEO U.iS,PAT.O,....'C. <br />ruffle Law Prrnl. Publlshe=.TrJtltlnd.W. <br /> <br />88-103181 <br /> <br />(m' AND foDRE <br />(11.00 andirore <br /> <br />BANRERS' FtlNDINGOORP. <br /> <br />as,itnor in, considera~ion. 0/ <br />. [)ollar8, <br /> <br />) paid by <br />GJI..IX'ME RFJWl'Y CREDIT'(l)RP. <br />205 Pcu:k Club lane <br />P.o. Sax 9000 <br />Buffalo, NY 14221..;,9000 <br /> <br />U88itnee I hereby 08'litll <br /> <br />unto the assitnee , a certain mortllale made by <br /> <br />ROBERT M. HARNESS AND JERI L. HARNESS, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br /> <br />o <br />o <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />:!i <br /> <br />, til',m to secure payment 01 the BU"" 0/ <br />FORTY FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND OO/100---------------~Uar6 <br />and Interest, dated tlf~. 28TH clay of MARCH 1583 <br />recorded 011 the ~ ~ day 0/ \Y1~ 199.3 <br />in tlw otp,ce o/llle Clerks 0/ the cOlmty 0/ HALL <br />ill 83-0D' '-(7b of morttates, at ,Jate coverinl premise. <br /> <br />LOT TWENTY (20) IN FREEDOM ACRES SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />to~ether with U'6 bo"d or oblitcltiou clellCribed in. ,aid nwrttate, and the moneys <br />dUf! q.nd to trow dU/Ltllt.lrtW1I with tile interest, <br />~a Bu, I." JIG", the same 1m-to t/&e aBBitnee , and to the Buccessor., <br />letfal represe"tatives a1ld assitns of the asllit1lee forever, <br />. Aadi the aBBil!llOr covellaut a,at there is now owint UpOl~ said mortfate, <br />without offset or defe1lse of allY "~i"d. the principal Bum of <br />FORTY FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND OO/lOo------------------------Dollar., <br />(I 45,900.00 ,. WU/I. lIu~'ell t1'ereo'~ at 12 .ilO\ per centum, per annum <br />Irom tile 28TH day of MARCH Nineteen Hundred and BIGHTY-THREE <br /> <br />In WhneM Whereof, the <br />'HITty of the fJrllt part has caused its cQrporate <br />.veal to IJe hereunto alftzed, and t.hese pres~ntB <br />to IJl1 .itned IIY its dIlly authorized nlfLce,. <br />tltis 15th day 0/ Januaxy <br />,'.Ineteen lllwdred and Eighty-six. <br /> <br />ttItr at .fIII ,..... <br />ClOWdg rIf BAIE <br /> <br />BANKERS' FUNDING (X)Rp. <br /> <br />..~~~_P1~~-.:,~_.= - <br /> <br />PAUL W. KUCINSKI, SENIOR VIa: PRESIIBf.l' <br />} Oil this 15th day 01 January <br />n. .\'ineteen Hundred ami EI'ghty-sb:. <br /> <br />"e/o,.,~ me lUJl'lw1Ially cemu' <br /> <br />PAUL W. KOCINSKI <br /> <br />to mt lJ"rIlOlwllr/ Amowu., who, {Jf!illt by me duly swom, did depose and .~ay thaI <br />he "( in the 'l\:M\ of West Seneca, New York tlrat IIf' ;18 <br />the SE!NIOR VIa: PRlSIIBfl' 01 1WII<ERS' FtWING roRP. <br />thcl vor,wNdion deterib,ul {II, (wd wit/oil exetm.ted, tile withi" /"slru.mmli: "wl he <br />A:IIUII" O,e ,eal ol,aid corpor.aUo",' tlwt tile seal ('I/Ixed 10 Imid IllslrumIH't. is Im(1" <br />cOt !""ate .eal,' thut It UJd. 110 ad/xed by order of 1 II e IJoard of Directors 01 .'aid f"tlrIH1ra- <br />fi,'b,Arl~le~lt..l,~\i/"~~~'JU. lIame tllert.~o IJII W:e lJ~!Ler. <br />"1:.(.,11'"' I'utl!W: '_;~,~'" "I ~h'w Vo,tt ,/ /.,. , .~.-A'L C "I , ' 0" " <br />'.J ,_.f)"~1'" '1 ....&.St{ /i,r7) ..OfJ../.l::j':i{/;;" d ('I. ') <br />., ,h , NOtary PUb Io.> <br />