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<br /> <br />..... en <br />r-- <br />'.J Q <br />, <br /> <br />, <br />is <br />I~ <br /> <br />I~l <br />i <br /> <br />.i' ~ <br />j Z <br />I, <br />!~ 'Il= <br /> <br />!~ ~ <br /> <br />~ <br />I <br />~ <br />N <br />~ <br />~ ~ <br />~I!~ <br />ili~~ <br />,~~i~ <br />! 0 <br />.~ ra p; <br />B <br />I <br />1 <br />1 <br />j <br /> <br />D.. <br /> <br />~, <br />I. .'.,'.',';,. <br />" <br />'l~' ; <br /> <br />ij <br />tn <br />',C'1 <br />..:l~ <br />LI~ <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />FORM 1173X 1'1, y, AIl810KMENT OF MORTGAGE-IFao.. . Oo.-..TI...., <br /> <br /> <br />Jupw'ha' <br /> <br />Superior Mortgage. InC. <br /> <br />TUTBLA"'" "U'''TEMD U.~.PAT.O""II::. <br />TUflle UJw Print. 'Pub/~fHIn, R-.lfltlnd,W: <br /> <br />88- 103166 <br /> <br />, '<mAN!> mRE <br />;'::fJ .1.00 8nd mOre <br /> <br />assi~nor <br /> <br />in consideration 0/ <br />Dollars, <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />Bankers' Funding O:n:p. <br /> <br />, hereby aS8i~n <br /> <br />unto the aS8i~nee , a certain mo7t~a~e made by <br /> <br />JAMES R. GREEN AND KATHLEEN E. GREEN, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br /> <br />, l1iuen to Becure payment 0/ the Bum of <br />ANDOO/lOO----------------------------LWllar. <br />l2TH day of OCTOBER 1983 <br />12TH day 0/ OCTOBER 1983 <br />C1erlcs of the county of HALL <br />0/ morttateB, at pate couerint pre",,"u <br /> <br />FIFTY TWO THOUSAND <br />and interest, dated the <br />recorded 01~ the <br />in t1w olflce 0/ the <br />in DOCUMENT . <br />83-005451 <br /> <br />LOT THREE (3) AND FOUR (4), IN BLOCK TWO (2), IN SOUTH GRAND <br />ISLAND, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />to'ether with the bond or oblitation described in .aid mortta~e, and the 1fW1U1l/B <br />due and to trow due thereon with the interut, <br />III 1Iu, _111 JIea the lame unto the aBBitnee , and to the Buccu.or., <br />lelal. repruentotives and all.i~1U 0/ the aBBi~nu /orever. <br />AaUi the auitnor covenant that there is now owint upon .aid 1fWrt~~e, <br />without offlet or defense of anu kind. the lJrincilJal Bum of <br />FIFTY TWO THOUSAND AND 00/100---- - . -------..---------------------- DollarB <br />(I 52,060..00 ), with interest thereon at 12. 50' per centum per ann:u.-"; <br />from the 12th day 0/ October Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-three: <br /> <br />Ia Wia- Whereo( the <br />party 0/ th.e ftrst part has CGU8ed its corporate <br />seal to be hereunto af/Lzed, and thue p,.es~nu <br />t,o be .itned by it. duly authorized officer <br />this day of <br />."""ineteen Hundred and <br /> <br /> <br />...., af li:lb&.Mka } n. <br />,...... ..r Hall <br /> <br />By <br />ames S. Reed, President <br />On t 5th day of January <br />.\1netee1l HIHuired and Eighty-Six <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />:t.e/ore me perBonally cam.e <br /> <br />James S. Reed <br /> <br />to me. per,oJwlly kn,owlt, wha, beiJ~t by me duly Bwarn. did depoBe and Bay tMt <br />he ruUSes in The city of Grand Island, Nebraska that he is <br />the Preeident 0/ Superior Mortgage, Inc. <br />tI~e CDTporation, de.eribed in, and aecll,ted, the withil/ /I/.stru.m.cnt.. that 1Ie <br />klU.Jl('8 the .eal a/.aid corporation; that the Beal atfl.z.ed to said blstru,m.ent is such <br />co, ,'("ate .eal;, it wal 110 alfl~ by order of the Board 0/ Directors 0/ said ('orpo1'O- <br />Ii"" md tf,nt-;-he nllned hill JWJlJe t11Crl!to by .like order, <br />~Ui~"l ftUJf, .11.11 r. i1falf'.If..lJ <br />II.AA[H G BU~E ; <br />'::" M,[;ommujl...,I,I~bI, ..J.']'.Ai_!.y / - J. <br />- ,- - - NCh...u y !'Iit5m <br />