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<br />~~1 <br />f J:' <br /> <br />'" <br />I. <br />o <br />. <br />., <br />en," <br />~ " <br />:zoo '" <br />.co.', <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />tIl <br /> <br /> <br />B <br /> <br />I <br />1 <br />1 <br />J <br /> <br />I~ <br />"J, <br />"H~ <br />!~ <br /> <br />.. <br />A- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />mRMj;;::'O'-'-' ~--"' <br /> <br />TUTBLANJl IItr.G..Tr...O U. PAT,O"".C. <br />ruflfe/.iJw PrInt. Publl$Mn,1i:JlIilfld.W. <br />88-103165 <br /> <br />OOE AND K)RE <br />(11.00 and m:>r:e <br /> <br />BANKERS' <br />Q88itnor <br /> <br />roNDINGOORP . <br />ill- comideration of <br />J)nUar8, <br /> <br />) paid by <br />ooux::H: BEAI.In' CREDIT CDRP. <br />205 Park Club Lane <br />P.o. Box 9000 <br />Buffalo, NY 14221-9000 <br /> <br />a88it"ee , hereby a8Bitn <br /> <br />unto the a8sil!nee , a certain!al!e made by <br /> <br />~', <br /> <br />CRAIG A. CUMMINGS AND PETTY A. CUMMINGS, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br /> <br />o <br />o <br />o <br />'" <br />.!. <br />N <br />N <br />. <br />"'"' <br /> <br />, tit'el', to secure payment of the Bum, of <br />AND OO/100-----------------------------Dolfurs <br />31ST dayof OCTOBER lIe 3 <br />1ST day of NOVEMBER lIe 3 <br />Clerks of tile county of HALL <br />of mar/tates, at paste coveril~1! premi.8es <br /> <br />FORTY SIX THOUSAND <br />and intereBt, dated the <br />recorelcd on the <br />in t11tJ otJlce of tile <br />in DOCUMENT' <br />83-005865 <br /> <br />LOT TWENTY FIVE (25), BLOCK (2), IN SOTHMAN'S SUBDIVISION, <br />TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />tolether with tile bOlld or oblil!ation described in 8aid morttate, a1J.d the moneys <br />due and to I!row due thereon with the int:.:re8t, <br />Ito )I.", .edllll.~ the Ilame unto the aSllilnee ,and to the 8ucce880r8, <br />le~al representatives and a88itn:J of the assitnee. forever.. <br />.Ad the a88itnor covellant tllat there f8 now owmt upon. said morttate, <br />without off8et or defense of any f.-.ind, the lIrin,ci1Jol .,n... of <br />FORTY SIX THOUSAND AND OO/IOO-------------------------------------------Bollar.., <br />(I 46.oo0.0Q ), with interest tIIlHl>tJn at l2. 50\ per Cellaun), per annum <br />from the 31st day of October Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-three <br /> <br />In Witnen Whereof. the <br />party of the /ir/ft part, has cau,sed its corporate <br />seal to be hereunto afftzed, and these preB(!nts <br />to be sit"ed' by its au.thorized ofPcer <br />this 15th day of January <br />,'"i"eiet", Hundred alld Eighty-six. <br /> <br />..... fit W. lark <br />ClIIIUIIg at BRIE <br /> <br />~roNDING CDRP. <br />-:;~~~.~~~' <br /> <br />PAUL W. KOCINSKI, SDlIOR VICE PRESIrfNl' <br />} On t his 15th day 0/ January <br />.1I, .\'i1letee" Hundred and Efghty-six. <br /> <br />'.ef01'e me per80nally came <br /> <br />PAUL W. Ku::INSKI <br /> <br />in me personally k1WW1t, tI.Jlw, ueil/.~ by me duly swom. did depose alld say that <br />he relidell J,n the Town of west seneca, New Yolk that h;f.! is <br />the SPm:OR VICE PRESItENT of BANKERS' FlH>IR; OORP. <br />the corporati.o1t de~cribf'.d In, ulId which ezecu.ted, tile withIn Instrlunenl: that lie <br />knuws the ,eal of ,aid corporatioll; that, the .eal atJl;t!ed to ..aid Instru.ment ;S ,.//('II <br />COt /.r,/ate 111'41; was 110 "Ifl,xed by order of the Board 01 Directors ollluid r""paNJ- <br />(itJII ilia (,hat h,~AitllJ..,.d his name therr-toO hy.1ik",.wller, <br />ClANA L <lAf./ZrNMlf( tER 1Ill79~!01 d/ ' "r ;, .' . . <br />NOla", Pub'" '.1..'" 0' ."...,; V",k '/:1&,(1,,1 /);,~ '/.,.' /. ',' ," <br />O".-'.l~l'."'.' e 1 --'. .i . U ".'/ .~Z I' "ro" '.t('/ ,,1 (( <br />M, Co,n~'",;;" " ; qtt NotAry PUb1 c <br />