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<br /> <br />d~,,'.,.,.,.\.~,;,. <br />l~' <br />,fi'., <br />a 'if~ <br />8 ~-.l~.:~. <br />~j <br /> <br />~ i <br />l/) ,g <br /> <br /> <br />B <br />I <br />1 <br />I <br />J <br /> <br />I. <br />-:~ <br />"ho <br /> <br />J~ <br /> <br />S <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />FORM 1i73X N, \", AIIlltaNMENT OF MORTGAGE-CF.o. A CO.."...TlO.) <br /> <br /> <br />.'ha' <br /> <br />TUT8LA"" ....QI.TC...CD U S_PAT.O"PICIii <br />ru/fletdw PrInt. Pub''''hus, R-JlI"nd.W. <br /> <br />88- 103161 <br /> <br />, , <br />am RID H:>RE ;, <br />(11.00 and 1'lIJJ:'8., <br /> <br />BANI(ERS' FtmING OORP. <br /> <br />QSBilnor in consideration of <br />. DoUars, <br /> <br />) paid by <br />CDIJXM!: RFAI1.1'Y CREDIT CDRP" <br />205 PaJ::k: Club lane <br />P.O. Box 9000 <br />Buffalo~ Nl( 14221-9000 <br /> <br />asailnee , hereby assiln <br /> <br />unto the asailnee ,a certain morttale made by <br /> <br />TERRENCE J. GOODRICH AND BARBARA K. GOODRICH, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br /> <br />o <br />o <br />o <br />en <br />..!. <br />N <br />N <br />~ <br /> <br />, liven to secure payment 01 the sum of <br />THIRTY SEVEN THOUSAND AND OO/100--------------------------Dollars <br />alJd illterest, dated ~~'~ n 8TH day 01 APRIL 1983 <br />recordcrlon the ,~, day 01 ('bfu~'1 1983 <br />ill tI,,- olflce 01 the Clerks 01 the coUitiY or'" HAl.L <br />in tr3-0lH&O 7 of murttales, at pate coverint premises <br /> <br />LOT SEVEN (7) IN BLOCK SEVENTY FOUR (74), IN WHEELER AND <br />BENNETT'S THIRD ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />totether with the bOlld or oblitatiorl described in said mortlate, and the moneys <br />du~ and to trow due thereon with the in.tere,', <br />ltG JIai .to JIoUl the ,ame JUlto the a..itnee , and to the lIu.cceUOrll. <br />le:!al repreBfmtativell and a88itnll of the all,itnetJ forever. <br />Ad the a"ilnor covemUlI tllDt tltere i. now owin#! upon said nwrttate, <br />wUhout offset or defen.e 01 any kind, Ole principal Bum of <br />THIRTY SEVEN THOUSAND AND OO/loo----------------------Dollan, <br />(I 37,000.00), with intere.t tltereon at 12.00\ per centum per annum <br />from the 9TH day of APRIL "'1neteen Hundred. and EIGHTY-THREE <br /> <br />In Wilnees Whereof, the <br />flarty of t he first I'art. has cau,ed its corporate <br />,~ecJl to "e hereunto alflzed, and t,hese pru~nt8 <br />to lie sit"ed by its duly authorized of/Lcer <br />this 15th day of January <br />,\"illeteell Hundred and Eighty-six. <br /> <br />Ibdt IIf ... llIrk } .., <br />lIoaadg IIf ERIE <br /> <br />~' FtmIOO CDRP. <br /> <br />-~~1~~~, _~ ---:-4-. - ~=- <br /> <br />PAUL W. KUCINSKI, SENIOR VICE PIlESImNl' <br />0" t liis 15th dan of January <br />,\'ineteell Hllmlred (wd Eighty-six. <br /> <br />llefon! III e personally calli e <br /> <br />PAIn. w. KUCINSKI <br /> <br />to me IIer8mlalJy knowlI, wlto, ueiJlt by lite dIlly swam, did depose mId say that <br />he re.ide, in the Town of West Seneca, New York that he ;s <br />the ~ VICE PRESItDn' of BIlNKER)' FWDIOO CDRP. <br />thlJ C01poNtiOJl cJe,cribed ill, ulld which ezecl4led, the withi" IlIstrument; Owt he <br />k"o/('. t.he ,eal of ,aid corporation; t hat the Ileal a!1i.xed to said lnstmment i,~ Hlw/, <br />COI J""ute Ital.: that it WfJ$ .0 alflx,td by order of tltl! Board of Directors ol.'Baid l'orlmru. <br />fl'J1' "Id Uta', he .idllerl hiS name therf'to by like orckr. <br />OIAW'L GANZCNIJIUllEI1 ~,r,93307 I.?t/.. ",: ~. ' <br />1M", ~.:'. . '.."'. oi "... '10<1< .'%'//...'"Gt('/~,&.' "~."" ,'.. ""', ',J<,," <br />. j 11 ~f.{~~v !.:.t~~';{ ,;,,"!(.'eGt"" <br />" -. Notary . c <br />