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<br /> <br />~~,.,;.' <br />-.....;: 5: <br />~:.: <br />, <br />,,' ,-',~ ,~ <br />"':'.1 <br />~,~!:,{ <br />6, ' 'CJ, ,",;,<,~,,',',' <br />8, f <br />~ i! <br />.2l G' <br />!~:.: <br /> <br />~ ri <br /> <br />JI~ <br />..i I JI <br />I lSo <br />a NAo <br /> <br />s <br />I <br />l <br />I <br />J <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />I~ <br /> <br />i <br />1 <br /> <br />FORM li73X N. Y. AlI8IQNMENT 01' MORTOAGE-(l'aoK A eo"""'T'''_) <br /> <br /> <br />.'ha' <br /> <br />TUTBLAHX RC.GI.TEMD U...PAT,O""ICK <br />rUffle law Print. Pub/l!ihus, Ti-JfltlM.W. <br /> <br />~ AND toDRE , <br />('~. 00 'and mo:re;~ <br /> <br />BANKERS t FUNDING<DRP. <br /> <br />assi~nor in c01tsideration 0/ <br />Dollars. <br /> <br />88- '103155 <br /> <br />) paid by <br />. OOID:H: ,RFAIJ1'Y cREDIT OORP. <br />205 Park Club lane <br />P.O. Box 9000 <br />Buffalo, NY' 14221-9000 <br /> <br />assil!llee ,h.ereby assitn <br /> <br />unto the assil!nee ,a certain morttate made by <br /> <br />STEPHEN L. VON RIESEN AND PATTI R. VON RIESEN, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br /> <br />o <br />o <br />o <br />CA <br />..!t <br />N <br />N <br />... <br />o-t <br /> <br />, liven to secure payment of the sum of <br />SIXTY THOUSAND AND OO/100----------------------------------------------JOoUaTs <br />a11d interest, dateJJ.. 6TH da~f JUNE 19 83 <br />recorded 011 the - 1+'\ day of 19 8} <br />I~n Ow vlnce of tile 7 Cledcs of tlte C llty 0/ HALL <br />in i' 3-0 t>7:J....R'"6 of mortlates, at, pate coverint premises <br /> <br />THE WESTERLY FORTY SIX (46) FEET OF LOT TWO (2) AND THE EASTERLY TWENTY- <br />SIX (26) FEET OF LOT THREE (3) Dl BLOCK FORTY FOUR (44) IN CHARLES WASHER'S <br />SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND. HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />totether witll the bond or oblitation ducribed in said morttate, and the moruys <br />due and to trow due tltereon with the intered, <br />itll Bar ad.. JlD1II the /lame unto the auilnee ,and to the SUCCCSlJorlJ, <br />letal represlmtativelJ and a,silns of the allJitnee forever. <br />Ad the auilnor covenant thot there i, now owint upon .aid morttate, <br />without offset or defem,e of any A'ind, the principal ,um 01 <br />SIXTY THOUSAND AND 'OO/lon------------------------------------Dollar.s, <br />(I 60.000.00 ), with i1u~ere't ihereon at 11.5 per centum per annum <br />from the 6TH day 0/ JUNE Ai"iruteen Hundred and EIGIi'lY-TUREE <br /> <br />In "'iIDeu Whereof, the <br />"arty of the flrl/t part has cau,ed its corporat.e <br />seal to be hereunto a/flzed, and thelle prul}nts <br />to be ,il!f1ed by it, duly authorize,l o8tcer <br />Olis 15th day 01 January <br />.'"i"eleell HIUldred alld Eighty-six. _: :~', <br /> <br />..... of R.. 1m } .., <br />,Goals .r BRIE <br /> <br />~' roNDING CDRP. <br /> <br />- By 'VV~"-~. <br />PAUL W. XOCINSKl, sonOR VICE PRESItENl' <br />0". I IIi. 15th day 01 JanuaJ:Y <br />.\In-etee" Hum/red alld Eighty-six. <br /> <br />belol'e me perlJ01lo11y came <br /> <br />ilJWL W. KtcINSKI <br /> <br />In me per80nally known, who, blJi,,~ by me duly sworn, did depose and "ay thot <br />he re.idN in t1'E 'l\:lWn of west seneca, New Yom Owl he is <br />the SI!HI<M VIa: PRBSItIlNl' 0/ BANKERS' F'{H)ING CDRP. , <br />the corporation de,oribed ilL, and which execl4,ted, the withi" /"slruIIJen.t,' tlrat he <br />:':,w/(" the ,eal of .aid corporation,' that the ,eal a/!l..xed to said blstrument is slte'l <br />cOI1,r~/ate .em; thGt it '001'0 alll.Jted by order of OUJ Board of Dirf!~tors ol.aid ('0"/101'0- <br />ti'l/l IIJd that he ,lIned his nome the~,.,to by li"'e,ofl~e1'. <br />DIANA L GANzrNMlJLtt1U4793301 .// " ,.:..",,1 t i, , 'A" <br />HcU~ I'''~,"' S!.t,. ,,! r;",. York (L, Cd. <-d...Y'/ J l,..//J- l'!llA /.Z. ({ L d ') <br />Quall,..!., f''''-",,,'''y , I Pub <br />"y Cc.!'1'\.."'T\>t~l;fIl" It.,1t'"t"'J ~lI.t'l't~'; ,~o 19 7 NOtAry lie <br />