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<br /> <br />J, ~,',.,".,',,'..,:..,'.:,;, <br />,~. <br />J ..,',.,.,'".". <br />, .-l',," <br />~~. <br />~J <br />i g' <br /> <br />. <br />6 ~ <br />~i ~ <br />h: <br />J II <br />d~ <br /> <br />B <br />I <br />1 <br />1 <br />i <br /> <br />IJ <br />..;~ <br />.... '" <br /> <br />!~ <br /> <br />.. <br />A- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />FORM 673X N, Y. A88/GNlIIENT OF MORTGAGE-IF..... . CO......T'O.) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />3iuowt~, <br /> <br />TUTBLANX ftCO'.TCRID U,S,PAT,O'Jr'C. <br />Tuffle law Print. Publishen.TrJf/ilnd.Yf. <br /> <br />;', <br /> <br /><H:' AND, ~RE., <br />(I !~ 00 arid ;~:,; <br /> <br />BANI<ERS' FUNDING .,CDRP. <br /> <br />asstinar in' consideration 01 <br />'. D~llars, <br />) paid by . ", " ' ,,< <br />.' OOIIXH: 'REAI1l'Y CREDIT CX>RP. <br />205 Paxk Club lane <br />P.O. Box 9000 <br />Buffalo, NY l4221";9000 <br /> <br />88- 103151 <br /> <br /> <br />aSBilnee , hereby assiln <br /> <br />unto the a8sttnes , a certain morttats made by <br /> <br />RICHARD J. WEBB AND SHERYL L. WEBB, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br /> <br />Cl <br />o <br />Cl <br />en <br />..!. <br />N <br />N <br />:=!i <br /> <br />, tiven to Becure payment 01 the Bum 01 <br />FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY AND 00/100-------------DoUan <br />6TH day of MAY 1983 <br />9TH day 01 MAY 1983 <br />Clerks of the county of HALL . <br />of morttates, at pate coverint premises <br /> <br />THIRTY THOUSAND <br />and interest, dated the <br />recorded on the <br />ill tJw o/pee,of the <br />i,. " , DOCUMENT # <br />83-002298 <br />FRACTIONAL LOT THREE (3), IN FRACTIONAL BLOCK ONE HUNDRED <br />TWENTY TWO (122), OF UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S SECOND <br />ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA AND ITS COMPLEMEN <br />TO WIT: FRACTIONAL LOT THREE (3), IN FRACTIONAL BLOCK SEVENTEEN <br />~7)~ OF H.G. CLARK'S ADDITICN TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALl, COUNTY, NEBRASKA. , ... <br />tolethsr WIth the bond or oblitatlO1l desc1'lbed In saId morttaee, and the moneys <br />due and to trow due thereon with the interest, <br />(tp B." ."10 Jlpl~ the same ,mto the auitnee ,and to the SUOCC880r8, <br />le~al representative, and auitns of the assitnes forever, <br />Auti the Qssitllor covenant that tllere i, now owint upon Baid morttats, <br />Witholl,t ","'..ot. nr d,dflnse of anll l-ind. the vri"cipal ,um of <br />" THIRTY UIOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY ANn 1l01100-------_________Do1la7.8, <br />(I ,30 450.00 ), with interest tI&ereOll at '1.2".00'li per centum per anllum <br />from the · 6TH day of MAY Nineteen Hundred and EIGHTY"'THREE <br /> <br />In Wilneu Whereof, the <br />party of the first part has caused its corporate <br />,~eal to be a/ftxed, and these p,.e8~nts <br />to be sj.~ned by its duly authorized oJli.cer..., <br />-----utis 15th day of ~,..~ " <br />,\7"eleell Hlwdred and Ei~.' <br /> <br />6bdt of !rrtll lork <br />'........ of ERIE <br /> <br />BANKERS I FUNDING <DRP. . F, <br /> <br />By P~~~~~~':P~mNr <br /> <br />} 0" t llis 15th daJl of Jcinuaty <br />.., .\'j"steell Hum/reel [/1/(/ Eight.y-six. <br /> <br />"efol'e ", e perB01U.lly came <br /> <br />PAUL W. KOCINSIa <br /> <br />tn II"! pe1'lolUllly "~now1t, who, fUliul by me dIlly sworn, did depose, alCd Bay that <br />he relide. in the 'l'cIwn of West Seneca, New Yorlc. : .t,hot he j,~ <br />the SENIOR VICE PRESIIENl' 0/ BANI<ERS' FUmING CDRP. . <br />the corporation ducribfJd iu, and which executed, the within lllslru"ui".t, that he <br />""null" the 'elJl of .aid corporattoll; UHfl the seal alJl.xed to saM "td7.u"n~lI.t, i:t /lite" <br />cOI/",uJle .eal; nUll It wa, ,(}o/Jl.xed by order of the Board of Di rectoriof ,aid ('u'pora. <br />U')'I ,,/(I tha, t he .ltlfed hili name tlter-:/o by lik~ {.)rcjcr, <br />DIA.tOJl L. GANlCNMUltrlt 11419:1307 /:,,"..l / /. ' " <br />r'OlAry Vu!Jl.~, '" I~... y""; Y1iu/t{iT ^{4j~. ,.1 J!;(:,4;'/[" C~"' i <br />{la4l,!fr.." ti': (t\4t (:OUt,til' *1 ' "" , , " ,.' ~ {" r" .2:.. -, ... <br />. .... , '., I~! Notary c1C . <br />