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<br /> <br />~ <br />, <br />.... <br />~ <br />~ ~ <br />iii~1 <br />ji;~~ <br />1.1 1~ <br />!,~!~q <br /> <br />'~ a N Po <br /> <br />B <br />I <br /> <br />i1 <br />1 <br />J <br /> <br />Po <br /> <br />l! <br />]g <br /> ~ <br />.~ <br />...:l\D <br />!~ <br />L ~ <br />..... <br />...... <br />j. <br />1 <br /> <br /> <br />FORM 47IX N. y, AJIIIIONMENT OF MORTOAGE-IF_ A Ccluaa;muJr) <br /> <br /> <br />~t"t <br /> <br />TUTBLM;JIl ..ItGISTJ;ftD U"~T_CW"-=. <br />Tuttfeld., """" Pub/;sMn,R-JlItmd,1/I. <br /> <br />Superior~. Inc. <br /> <br />88- 103148 <br /> <br />tJI.itrwr <br /> <br />in c01Ulideratio", 01 <br />Dollar.. <br /> <br />mE" AIDKEE <br />LOO and ~)p~id by <br /> <br />Bankers' F\mding Cmp. <br /> <br />(Usitnee , hereby fUl.itn <br /> <br />unto the as.itnee , a certain morttate made by <br /> <br />RONALD W. BECK AND BETTY L. BECK, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br /> <br />, tiven to .ecure payment 01 the .um 01 <br />TWENTY THOUSAND AND OO/100------------------------------Dollan <br />arid interut, dated the 16TH day~" AUGU T 1~3 <br />recorded on the '"""l..L.h day 01 19 P 3 <br />in the of1l,ce f!/ the '~ 01 the county HALL <br />in Liber <l' :i-Dbt.(: 37101 m.orttate., at pate covennt premiau <br /> <br />LOT TWO (2), BLOCK ONE 'HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR (124) IN UNION '. <br />PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY'S SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />./ <br /> <br />todether with. the bond or oblitlltion de,cribed in ,tJid morttate, and the mo1Ull' <br />due IInd to trow due thereon with the interut, <br />~ 1Iai ... ...... the 8ame unto the ,and to tM .lI,.Ccu,or.. <br />lelal repruentativu and tJ8,itn8 01 the tJ8,itnee. lorever. <br />Aaii the tJ8,itrwT cov-,nant that there u now owint upon ,aid mortttJte, <br />without ofTset or def6'1U1e of a,nll,d,the priJu'.inal sum nf <br />TWENTY THOUSAND AND 00/100----- --- --------- ----------- -------------~n <br />(I 20.000..00 ), with interut thereon at 1J. ~u. per centum per; <br />from the 16th day 01 August Jlineteen Hundred and Eighty-three <br /> <br />In WilDae Whereof, the <br />party of the ji,r.t part has caused its corporate <br />seal to be hereunto a~ed. and thue prufnta <br />to be sitned by its duly authorized of/Leer <br />tm. day of <br />NinetulI Hundred and <br /> <br /> <br />etm af NebaIska <br />mamdg IIf Hall <br /> <br />Jaines S. Reed, President <br />On .' 15th day of January <br />."ineteen Hundred and Eighty-Six <br /> <br />}- <br /> <br />"efm'fJ me personally came <br /> <br />James S. Reed <br /> <br />tn me peTlo,l411y /UUJwn, who, beinl! by me duly sworn, did depose alld say that <br />he re,idell in The city of Grand Island, Nebraska t/lat he is <br />the President of superior Mortgage, Inc. <br />the corporation described in, and which executed. the within Instrument,' that he <br />"'nUll'S the leal of .aid corpomtion; that the seal alfLx.ed to Raid Instru,rnent ;,~ Imeh <br />em /.r,/ate 'MI; tIWt it was.O afll,;r;ed by order of the Board of Dire,.tors of said ror/1oro- <br />tjtJ/l md tJl~t !.~e.~!lned his lIomlJ thereto blllike order, <br /> <br />"J""AI. iIII01".1 il'f. "t ,,~~'. to. <br />, Y.MIrN G BEllJ([ . <br /> <br />... c:.-. ~ 11111, 1. 196~,J <br /> <br />Xi l, i\.~';"_..2;. '" / '" A <br />l'4Oun-y PUl>J,~ <br />