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<br />6. I!",lnenl Domain. Lender il hereby a..'gned all compenaaUon, awards, damages Jnd other paymente or rellel (hereinafter "Proceeds") in connection With <br />condemn.Uon or other laking 01 Ihe Properly or p..t thereof, or lorconyeyance In lieu 01 condemnellon Lender shall be entitled et its optIOn 10 commence, appeer In and <br />prosecute in its own nam~ any acllon or proceedings. Bnd shall also b(t entitled 10 make any compromise or settlement in connection with such taking or damage. In 1he <br />c:o eYltnt any pOll Ion ot Ihe P.opelly I. so laken or d.maged, Lander .hell heve lhe option, In its sole and absolule dl.c.ellon, 10 apply all suCh Proceeds, alter deducllng <br />_ Ihemrom IlIcol,lunde.penseslncurred by It In connecllonwlth luch p.oceeds, upon any Indeblednes..ecured hereby and In such order es Lender may delermlne, orlO <br />....,. IPPty all luch Proceeds, alter luch deducllons, to Ihe restorallon 01 the Prope.ty upon such condlllons as Lender may determine, Any appllcallon 01 Proceeds to <br />...-I Indebtedn,," shallnol, e.,end or poatponaIho due dlle ollny peyments under Ihe NOle, or cure .ny deteulllhereunder or hereunder. <br /> <br />M 7, PlIIform8tInll1r U""" tn Ih, Borrower', lailure to perlo.m any 01 the covenents herein or make any payments requl.ed he.eby, or II any acl Is taken 0' <br />_ legal p.oceedlngcommencedwhlch m.lerlllly 11I.,;tHender'alnte.e., in the Property, Lender may In It,' own dls,crelion, but without obllgellon lodo so,and .,lIhoul notice <br />_ to or demand, upon BO,r,rower.nd wllnout r.le..lng Borro.,.r Irom .ny obligation, do .ny .ctwhlch the Borrower has egraed but fallalo do and rnayalsodo anyolheraclil <br />" deem. nec:es..ry to protectlne security hareot, Boorowe. shill, Immedletely upon demand Iherelor by Le,nder, pay to Lender sll costs and expenses incurred andsuma <br />e.pended by L.nder In COnnKllon with Ih. e..rcllO by L.nder of Ihe loregolng rlghls, logether wllh Interest lhereon at the .ale proYlded In the Note. which 'hall beadded 10 <br />Ihe Indebledn8l$lOcurllllhereby, Linder Ih.1I not Incur .ny penlonatllabillly because 01 enylhing II m.y do or omit 10 do her~under, <br /> <br />, 8' 1_.'01 ciIleith.The lollowlng Ih.1I con,mute an eYltnt ot delault under thl.s Ceed 01 Trust: <br /> <br />II) Borro:~ t::~:~:~~PDY .ny instlUment of prineipal or interest or any other lumaecured hereby when due, or 'allure to pay when due any otherindebtednessof <br /> <br /> <br />00 (bl A breach 01 or detaull under any provision conlalned Inlhe Note, Ihls Ceed 01 Trust, any documenl which secures lhe Nole, and any other <br />encumbr.nce upon lhe Propelly; <br /> <br />(e) A writ of ..ecut.on or aUachmen1 or any similar proceslshall be entered again It Borrower which shall become a lien on Ihe Property or any portion <br />thereol or Inleretl th.rein; <br /> <br />{dl There lhe,; ~ flied by or agslnll Borrower an action under allY presenl or future lederel, st.te or other stalute, Isw or reguletion .elatlng 10 <br />bankruptCy,lnlOlY8/lcy or "t~e' re'let for dabtors: or Ihere shall be appolnled any Iruslee, .ecelveror IIquld.lor 01 Borrowerorol .11 or any part ot lhe P.operly, or <br />the ron's. IlIu,," or profilsthe.eo', 0' Borrower sh." mike eny general ..slgnmentlor lhe benellt 01 creditors. <br /> <br />(e) The lI'e, trln.fer, a..ignment. conveyance or 'un her encumbrance of all or Iny part of or any Interelt in the Property, either "oIuntarily or <br />IrwoIunlllll)i, wilnoul thee,pteSs written conlent or Lender <br /> <br />(t) It Bor,ower IS not an IndiVidual. the saiD. transter. aSI!gnment. conveyance or encumbrance ot more than _ percent at (if a corporation) il. <br /> <br />lsIue<I .nd oublandlng llock o. Iii a p.nnerlhIP) __ pe.cen' 01 parlnerlhip ,"le.ests, <br /> <br />g. ~ ~lIDIl Upon o.lallll.ln Ih. allllnl 01 .ny Event 01 Dat.ull Lender m.y indebtednesllocured hereby 10 be due .nd payable ana the <br />urM snail theI1tupon bKome du. and pay.ble withouI Iny prelentment. demand. protelt or notice of any kind. Thereafter lender may: <br /> <br />(II Demlnd thlll rus'" eaeretMthe POWER OF SALE grlnted herein. and Trus,ee shall thereafter cause Borrower'slnteresl in'Ihe PrDpertytobesold <br />and t~ proceed. to be distributed. alii" the mlnne. p.ovlded In the Nebrltlka TrUll Deeda Act; <br /> <br />(b) Either In person or by _OInt. with Dr wlthoUI bunging any Ictlon or proceeding. or by 8 receiver appointed by a court and wlthoU! regard 10 the <br />Idequacyot "Iaecunty. enler upon InCl .ake pO.H.llon ot the Plopertv, 0' any part thereot. In III own name or in the name oUhe Trultee. and do anyactlwtUCn <br />II deems necnury or dolt.ble 10 preur... 'he Vllut. mark.llhtllly or renlablhlv of the Property. or parl.hereot or mterest therein, Increase the.~ <br />ther.from 0' protect the eec:unty hereot Ind, WI I" or WIthout 'akmg pOIlBIIIO" ot the Property.lue 'or or at",rwi.. collect the rentl.llaueaandpro'rtsthereof. <br />including thoop..t due Ind unpaid. and apply the Mme, lel& co&11lnd ..pen~e5 of operation and collection including aUorne"f'l' 'ees. upon any Indebtednea <br />Meum hereby,.n In luch orde, II lender mlY d.lermlne The enterIng upon and taking poneSllon ollhe Property. t"e collecllon of such rents.. inuesand <br />profit.anet1". appliCltion thereot.1 Iloresald, shall no' cure or Wit". .ny derlull or notice of dellult hereunder or lOvahtUlte any act done in relponsetolUCh <br />d.'lult OJ pursuanl to'luch nottce of detlull Ind. notwlthltandlng Ihe conllnuanco In po.-ealion of Ihe Properly or the colleclion. receipl and appf&c:ation of <br />tlnll, i..... or prOfitt. frUlt88 Of Lender "half be tntltted to ...,eIM every fig hi prmlldNt for 1M Iny ot the loan Instrumenls or by law upon occurenceot any <br />.went of default. includtng the rJghl to ...rClle the PO'" at ule. .nd <br /> <br />{c~ Com~nce an achon to 'OleclaN nUl 0tNKI ot TrUll al a IIppoml II recetYel. 01 Sp&Clhcally enfo'ce .n~ IPle c:overqnl. hereOt. <br /> <br />NO ,emody h.,..lnconflffed upon or r...,ved to TrUll.. 0' Lender II Intended to be ..eluslve 0' any 01he' lamerJy neremOt by law prOVided Qr permitted, bu1 each IhaIIbI <br />cumu..ttw.1haI1 "in addition to ewery oth.' remedy Qlven'crr 0' now or here.l1e, 811'ISllOQ al law or tn eqUlly or by statute .lnd mlY be eaerclaed concurrentty. <br />Independently 0< auc_lIlIl" <br /> <br />10. ,.,...... Tn. Trult.. may .ntOn It any '1m. ,*Ithoul elUM ...nd Lendet may at any lime IInd Without CIUse appoint a luccesaor or subl"'u1e Trualee. Tf~ <br />thin nOl be ...-.Of an)' foal, or damlge un"" due '0 actionable ntrgllQenee Of wll11ul mIsconduct, and shall not be requlred'o lake Iny .c'lon.n conReCI.on..".UW <br />",'orteminf 01 tlnl DRd of Trult unl.., md.mnl'ted. In WIIrlhno. tor III ~Qltl, CQ'l'!Pf!I'!,@'IQn Of .:lpenIeS which may be .loSoclIllH1lnerewtth In add.'ton. Trustee may <br />bKomel putchUlr .t.ny aal.ot'M Properl)' (jUdICII'Of under the powe' at 'ale 9r.ntml h~l(!lInt. p01tponelhttsa1e olall or any porttOf'l of the propefty.alptOWtdedbW ...; <br />0. Mil the Properly a. . _, 0' in ..par.,. parc"" 0' loti <br /> <br />t 1. ........ ~ upon requn' at Borrower. Lender maV. It II' o"IIon. make lf1dlhonlland future.dvance. Ind readvantea. 10 Borrower Such acIYa~ and <br />..-d"lncea, .U" in...... thereon. ahIIlt bII wcurtMI by 11'\11 Deed 0' TrUll AI no '1m. shllllhe punCtplll.moUfll ot 'helnGeb'edneu secured by thl' Deed at Trus.. not: ift. <br /> <br />c'udl~ sum. advanced tapra'eellhe lKurtlll' of thiS Deed a' TrUll. e.eeed tne oUQtna' pnnClpel.mount ,Iated herein. 0' ,_5....812..4Q- -"ttChfter'.. <br />g".Ia' <br /> <br />12 .r.;".....--- ProRIIofts. <br /> <br />II) ..,~............... E.t."llon 01 the lime tor plymenl or modlhe.hon 01 .monilatlon 01 the sums secured bY' thiS Deed 01 Tru" g,anted by <br />Lander lO.ny IUCcnaor in InlerHI ot Borrower .nall not operate to r.'..... tn any manner. the liabilIty 0' the Original BOffO.... 'M Botrower'. !lUCceaonin <br />Intere.t. Lender thall nol bit required to eommenc. p.oceedln9slOllnlllucn ,uceello, or refuM.oeatend lune 'or payment or olh....iM modtfy ImortiDttOn <br />of lhe IUlM-lIICurecs by Ihl. Deed ot Trult by ,e..on Cot Iny demand. made by the Oflglnal Borrower and Borrower', t.UCCesaGB 10 Inleresl. <br /> <br />(b) ............ Powen. wnnoul .Uec:tlng the liab4tttY' 01 Iny other perlGn Illble lor the parment 01 any obligation herein mentioned. and WltnoutatfOCbng <br />lhe ...n or char91 of thi. 0Md o' Trult upon Iny portKHl at 1M Properly not Ihen or II1.r.lolor. ,elelHd a' security 'or II\e fullamounl o,..lIunpa",Obl~ <br />lender may. trom time to tlm. and wlt"out notle. (l) r...... .ny per.on 10 h.ble, (u,eatend t". mltunly or .lIte' any of the term. 01 any sUCh Obtiga.....(.iI) <br />gf.,.I other Indulgence" Ilvl r.I.... or reconw-ey. or Clute to be rel.aNd or ,econveyed at any time.. Lende,.. optlonl Iny parcel. pothon or an Of ,,...Pfopertr. <br />(,} .....or rei.... In'foth.' or Iddltlonll MCUrltV tor Iny obligltlon herem mentioned, 0' I'll) mill.. composttlona or othe, arrangerr.entswlth debtOt'SIA....bOn <br />meNto <br /> <br />" <br />f~ <br /> <br />I <br />.. <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />i <br />1 <br />I <br />j <br />! <br />1 <br />I <br />I <br />! <br />\ <br />1 <br /> <br />1 <br />\ <br />i <br />i <br /> <br />ecl ,.-........,....., Nota W...r. Any torbelrance by Lender In c:lerclslng Iny rlOhl or ,emed., hereunde" or otherwlM ."orcIed ~y applICable <br />.... SI'\III nol bel .alwe, of or preclude the eaerclIeot any luch right or,. The procurement of lnlurance Dr the payment att.teHor-other "enloOfcharget <br />~ Lender lhall not be. .aiM' or lender'. nohl to Iceel.r.t. the malurlty D. the tndebtlKtnel. ucured by Ihls Deed 0' Trult <br /> <br />(dl __............ 8auncI; JoInl ..... ....r.. LIaIIIItJ; CapIIonI. Th<l coven.n,s .nd agr"""'entl hOfa.n conl.inecl shell blnd..nd lhe ngIoII <br />;..'........r, the reapectlYlt IlICe"so.l.nd all'llnl 01 Lende. .nd Borro.e.. lubloct 10 th. prov'ltonl ot paragraph 8 'e) hereol "'11 c_nts ene! <br />ag,.."."taof 80frow~r lhallbejolnfand .ver.' The clpllon. and heading. or the pa,aor.phlot thil Deed ot Trult .re10r convenience not lobe <br />u.... to In\lrplet or ",Ine the prOVlSlOnI h....!. <br /> <br />(el lIeIIuoIIl.NoIlceI. The p.lllel hOfelly raQua" Ih.lo copy ol.ny nollca of del.ull hereunderlnd acopy 0' .nynol,ceo' Hie hereunaerlMlmelled to <br />each PlIllyto .hil OMeIol TruII.llhe .dd....101 lorth .1>0" '" the m.nnar preocrobad by opplic.ble 1.. e_cepl lor .n, olh.r notice requtrecl underapplte_ <br />law to bl9wen.n 'nothlr manner, any noUel prowtded '0' an lhll Deed of T,ust Ihall be Qlven by malhnQ luch nollce bY' cettl'lttd mlUlddreslld to the other <br />paI\,", at lhe .dd...1 liII 1000h ._ <br /> <br />Any notice provtded tor in thll Deed of TrUlt Shall be deemed to hive been given to Borrower or Lender when g.ven In the manner -..gnat., Mtein <br /> <br />(t) ....,....... t..ndermay m.... orc.uN to be midi rel.onlble entries upon and lnlpectlonso' the Property. prowided thlt lende, Ih.UOlve8orrowar <br />notICe prior to any sucn Inlpaction opecltylng C.UIII Ih...lo, r.'.leclIO Lende,'a Inter.stln Ih. Property <br /> <br />cen 1IIk-..._,.."c"~Upon pIIymenl of.1t luml securttd by thll De.d 0' TrUll. Lender 'hili reque.t Trult.. 10 reconvey the Property Ind ShIUIUrN"", <br />thieDwd 0' T'ust and aU not,,''''id.nel~ Indeb1ednel. aecuntd bY' Ihll Oeed at Trultlo Trustee Trulltttt Ihlll reconwey Ihe Propt!'f1y .Ithout ..nanty an" <br />...hOUI ct\algl to the pI.,.on Of perton. I.llr enUlled thereto Such petlon or perlWnl Ihall ply all Calls of record,'lon, If any <br /> <br />Ihl ,.,..............,. tecurl" "...._L A..ddlllon.loecurlty lor Ihe p.yment 01 Ihe Nole .1I11_turel. equipment. .nd olhe. person.' p.ope.ty u_ <br />In connocllon *1I1t lhe .eal HI.1a or Improv.....n'"loc.ted Ihoreon,.nd nol o'herw'". doel.rod or deemecllo be. p.rlol the ,oal eSI.I. leeU"'" f>el.b"lhalllMl <br />eubjKllO. _urlly In..r"I In I.vor oIlhe Und.r und.r tha Neb'.lka Unllo,m Comme,ctll Cocl., Thl.ln.I'um~nl In.U becon.true<l." Secu,1ty "._1 <br />undar MIcl Coda, anclllle L.ncltrll1ll1 have .UI... rlghll .nd r."""'I.. 0' .lOcurod party under uld Cocle In .ddlllon 10 lhe ,Iohn.nd .......,lnc_ under <br />ancIaccorded IM\#1dI' pu..uanllo Ihll Deed 01 TrUll. <br /> <br />(II ......" In lho _nllhal."y prOYlIllon ollhll Deed 01 TrUll conlllcl with .pollc.ble l.w or ..e oecl..ed In..lldo. Dlh...,.. u"""lo,, .uch <br />CbClftlcl or I"v.lldlty *lIall no.lfflel lhe olhll provlllonl 01 Ihll Deed 01 T,ult or the Nola h can be glYltn ell.ct .,thoul tha canllicMg plOvlI,on. Ind 10 "". <br />end me provlaHln. of Ihe o..ct 01 Trim ..... the Not. ... decl..ed to be ....r.b'a ," <br /> <br />BOrr_l1lIIa_utad lhll 0MeI 01 Trutt me"'la ..1I1.n .bo.., <br /> <br /> <br />~--V'-- <br />------.'"Ma-;-rl. ecj'-Pe r son) <br /> <br />80rro.'" <br /> <br />'. <br />