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<br />&2-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(Wlth Tall CI.ulIll) Rev, 78
<br />
<br />Huffman and Felton & Wolf, Wallon, Ne, 68461
<br />
<br />of
<br />
<br />Kenneth D. Leetch and }Iary J, Leetch.
<br />Husband and Wife.
<br />Hall County, and State of Nebraska ,in consideration of the sum of
<br />Ten thousand and No/100------------------------------------------------- DOLLARS
<br />in hand paid,do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto Grand Island Investment Co. (A Nebraska Corp)
<br />, 204 North Walnut. Grand Island, Nebraska 68801
<br />Hall County, State of Nebraska
<br />Hall County, and Stllte of Nebraska
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<br />in
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<br />Lot Seven (7).' Block Twenty Eight (28), in Russel Wheeler's Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall Gounty, Nebrsska.
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<br />i The intention helng to convey hereby an absolute title in ree si mple, including all the rights of hamlllltelld and dower,
<br />j TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premi...s above described. with all the appurtenanCl!9 thereunto belonKing, unto the uid
<br />I mORgllllee(s) and to his, her, or their heirs and a88igns forever, provided always. and these praenla a.... upon the up..-
<br />,j condition th.t if the said nwrl<<agor(s), his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or _igns ahaIl payor CBII88 to be
<br />~ paid to the IIBid nwrtpgee(s), his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators or uaigns, the principahum oU 10,000. 00
<br />payable u folloM, to wit:
<br />Payable in Thirty Five (35) installments of $96.75 including interest.
<br />with the firot payment being due July 15, 1988, and like payments due
<br />the fifteenth day of each month thereafter untIl June 15. 1991, when the
<br />remaining principal balance becomes due and payable unless mutually
<br />agreed by both parties otherwise.
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<br />with interst .cmrding to the tenor and effect of the nwrtllBlon written promiaeory note bearing even dlltAl with th_ ~..
<br />UId ahaU pay all taXll. and ....._nla IllYiod upon said real elItate. and all other tallllll, levis and _Ia levied lIJ10D thia
<br />mortcace or the nole 'Which thill morltl.ge is liven to aec!ure. hefo.... the IIIlIDe beromelI delinquen&. 8IIlI keep the buildinp on
<br />said prem;.. inaured for the IIUm of $ 10.000, 00 , I..... if any. payable to the uid IIIOItlllll", then U- p~
<br />to be void. otherwile to be and remain in full force.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (I) Th.t if the uid morltlalor ahall fail to pay IIUch toe. or proc:ure suc:h inauranee, the
<br />aaId mo......ee mIIY pay such .....s and proc:ure IUc:h insurance; BDd the lIUJ1l 80 lIdvuu:ed. with intele8t at 18.00 per
<br />ClI!IIt, ahall he npUd by aaId mor......r. .ad this mortg.ge ahall lland .. lIO!aIrily for the........ (2) That a falIu.... to pay ~
<br />of uJd money, .Ither principal or intereat. when the same beeom.... due, or a failure to COIIIply with any or the fOlllllliq
<br />.._la, ahall atII88 the whole IIUID 01 money heR'in It'alred to become due and collectible at once at the option or the
<br />nwrtgagee.
<br />Bill'od thi. 14 t h clay 01 June
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<br />Signature of PerBOn Takiq Acknowledgment
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<br />Rill, of Deeda
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