<br />
<br />18-1:03135
<br />
<br />RIClIABD J. ~Clt and LINDA J. HERRICK, Husband and Wife, herein called
<br />
<br />th8/Grantor~ in conaic1eration of
<br />
<br />One Dollar ($1.00)
<br />
<br />. receipt of which is
<br />
<br />henby acknot!ledged. hereby grants and conveys unto the
<br />
<br />
<br />a, municipal corporation in Hall County. Nebraska, herein called the Grantee. a
<br />
<br />permanent and perpetual ~t and right-of-way to survey, construct.
<br />
<br />
<br />ituJpect. maintain, repair. replace. extend. remove. and operate thereon.
<br />
<br />underground electrical utility lines, cables, terminals, transformers. surface
<br />
<br />marters, and other appurtenances connected therewith, in. upon, above. along,
<br />
<br />across. underneath. and through part of Lot Twelve (12), Block Three (3),
<br />
<br />Replat of Riverside Acres, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Grand
<br />
<br />Island, Nebraska~ being ..re particularly described as follows:
<br />
<br />The Basterly eight (8.0) feet of the Westerly sixteen
<br />(16.0) feet of the Northerly seventy (70.0) feet of the
<br />Southerly two hundred eighty three (283.0) feet of said Lot
<br />Tvelve (12).
<br />
<br />The above described ea.-nt containlns 0.013 acres ..re or
<br />leaa. as shown on the plat dated 5/23/88. marked Exhibit
<br />"A", attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference.
<br />
<br />toaether with the following rights:
<br />
<br />Unrestricted inaA.s and egress to the above described easement for the
<br />
<br />installation. maintenance. operation, and removal of such underground
<br />.
<br />
<br />electrical utility lines and appurtenances.
<br />
<br />Such rights of ingress and egress shall include all rights necessary for
<br />
<br />the full and caqJlet~ use, occupation. and enjoyment of the eas8lll8llt herein
<br />
<br />granted; including the right to remove. clesr, and keep clesr trees. bushes,
<br />
<br />hadses, undergrowth. and other obstructions interfering with the surveying.
<br />
<br />conatruction. irulpection. maintenance. repair, rep1ac~t. extension, removal,
<br />
<br />or operation of such underground electrical utility lines and appurtenances.
<br />
<br />No ~ro9BDSnt., structures, buildings, fences, or other obstructions of any
<br />
<br />, "
<br />
<br />kind vhataOeger, sball be allowed in, upon. above, along, acroaa, underneath.
<br />
<br />or throuah the ~t herein Branted, except for the hard-sudaced driveway
<br />
<br />and fence which currently are in place. Provided. if the Grantee needs to
<br />
<br />conatruct, inapect, maintain. repair, replace, extend, remove. or operate
<br />
<br />anyt.hina within such eaa_nt, the cost of removal and repair of such hard-
<br />
<br />
<br />surfacod drl~ay and fence over such eaaement shall be paid by the Grantor,
<br />
<br />- I -
<br />