<br />I i
<br />~"1~-t-~*--~~UE' OF N~R~AG~doD -u::'--io311s HU~~:~~~::llon ~-~~;~, ~.;:-~~:~-
<br />
<br />-,. '1'-1--' ' , '-Norwes-f--Bank Nebraska. Natio
<br />j ", INCONSiDERATION of lire poym,,,,, of ,the deb, t ftGme,d, therei~, the Association. ,fonneriY,', Norw,C!,8t
<br />rand Island. National Association. formerly The First Nation~~.",,~9''''''''''''''
<br />1 Bank of Gra~d Island hereby ,releasee the mortgage made to~;, '
<br />e:'irst National Bank of Grand Island b)' 'Timothy J. Casey and Ramona K. Casity.
<br />, , husband and wife \ ','
<br />J" 'ihi ioUo,wing d~scribed real estate, 10.:w;1:
<br />. i~~ '~:: ,~ ~ ~"~ .~.. .-..:
<br />" "'.,1~;;Southerly Ninety One Peet (91 ,) of LOt Six (6). in Bloc.k Twenty:Pive (25'):.
<br />'i {.:;,,~: charle~ Wasmer's Addition to the Ci,tyofGra,nd Island,Hall County. Nebraska,
<br />: :'~,.. ~J
<br />
<br />oj ,s:!"tu?" ,I" Townshl~ , Range of the . P. M., Hall
<br />C'O~,,/$IGl;; of Nebraska which is reco.rded.~ as, of Real Estate Mortgages, ~oge
<br />I 01 th,. "pcortb of said County. Doc. No. 84~00147O' ,.. 85;';;002086 ,:';' ;
<br />I' "IN:(TESTIMONY WHER~9ft.c.'b.e said ~orwest Bank Nebraska, Nationa~ ~sClciation Juu ctJtISed
<br />, these prISm,s to be executed by tls/prement and Jts Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto thu fifteenth
<br />dd, of June , 19 88
<br />I WiI-.ess:, ",Il" j 111/11/.
<br />
<br />I 0, ~:~;:~:~~~f.,0~f$:\:::.:..:......:'..::::.:,~;;;:.
<br />sT~E, ',61ti~..di~b.l':ft"1s4. .................................}
<br />~~- ~ :.: .':: -,. \) '!: , "',. : t.n ::: ss.
<br />" (:Cl.. "" 'Hall' v. .. C
<br />..;~,.......:..::..................,.....,;.i..::.................... ounty before me. the undersigned. a Notary Public in and for
<br />'--;.. tfJ..... ~ ~ ~'::. .:;:: .
<br />~~ ~y, ,peJ:'llO~~ ,~me,.:,..... .....g.~r.Y. ..1.~...Q~.t...,................... ......... ........ ...__....m..____........y.:t~~"'President of the
<br />
<br />~:1~~~~~;;;~r:;m;d:~~!:;.~.~~:~::~::~!::h~~~.~~~.i~.~m;~d.~.th;.;~:~ ~=:no:
<br />
<br />B~~~~~;,~tlCUtion thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer. and the voluntary act and
<br />deed obw "90i'Poration. and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by its authority.
<br />-'::'J..
<br />Witness my nan4:;,,~d Notarial Seal aL........Gt1J.Xld...b.bn!J......................... in said County the day and year
<br />
<br />::-1W ..Ci2..:qJ. 191:7~. .I!. :-:'. -. Public
<br />
<br />, ~ - "'::":::_::::.:7"::'::'-::-::'-_-.:'':':-_:::';:'::~'.-_'.:-',_:'':'" 7.-"'::"-:::' .::... _~: -=. .~::-'_ .-. .._~ :.::..::..:.=.:.. :,--.-...' - -". -....-- ".-. ' _ -
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<br />-:." :."'. ': . \ .: ~
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<br />
<br />Norwest Bank Nebraska, National Associat
<br />
<br />~~~-.~~~,=:~=
<br />
<br />On thiL..J?~~....day of.....:!.':'.~~.........................., 19.~~...
<br />
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