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<br />,.u~ L.V.l.P~ <br />~I~: <br />2K <br />),. .. <br />C:", \~ / ~ <br /> <br />;: "-',"" ~" <br />~ ~ :'0. <br />~ ;" ,:( <br />t-- r., (:, ".j <br />, ". . '" <br /> <br />~.~. II <br />~~ "i <br />f'''' II <br /> <br /> <br />Excerptl From' R.ytnu. Codt <br />Sec. 6321, Lien For Taxes, <br /> <br />It ln~ Plrlon /llbl. to plV any tu ~ltclS ar ,.fUII. to <br />par the 11m. ,11'r demand. the Imounl (inCluding Iny,nttr- <br />nt. .dcJl!lOn,llmour.I, .ddltlon 10 tll.. or "'HRUbl, penallY, <br />logelhtt wllh "'I C,..lIlhl1 m~ lCe'UI In Iddillon '''''''0) <br />.hall be a II", In la"'" Olllll Unllld SIJII, upon all p",peny <br />Ind rlgnts 10 oroptf'ty, wf\ttMr rll' Of p,rlOnll, btlongmO <br />to .uch Plrson. <br /> <br />See, 6322 Period Of Lien, <br /> <br />Unltl. Inath., dati II IptCdlcllIy Itlad uy I,., Ihf Il,n <br />Impend by uellon 6321 shill Inll., IhI lime tht aslwmlnt <br />I, m~. Inll ahall contlnu' unllllht lilhillty for lht Imourll sa <br />IUtllId 101 I Judgment IgJlR1l tl'le lUPIYIH Irrl1tlO out 01 <br />ILtCh llltUlltyJ IS 1.l1sfied Of btcomtt unenfotc.lable by rUIOO <br />of Ilose 01 Ilmt <br /> <br />Sec. 6323, Validity and Priority Against <br /> <br />Certain Persons, <br />III PurehIHr'I, Hold'rJ 01 Securtty In- <br />tll'Utl, MKhIllIc'. I.IenorJ, And Judgment <br />Lien Credllorl. - Tn. Iltn ImpOlotl Of ..cllon U?1 ,nlil <br />not be italiC II JQlln!1 .ny purChaser, holder of I 'KUlI!., <br />Inter,sl. mechlnlc'slienOf, Of J\ldgm'nllren cr'dUOt until nollCl <br />thereof wh:ch melt!! ~tle ttQulF1:m"'ntJ 01 sulJsecllon ff1 nil <br />bttl1 rHla [ly th, SltCfetlry <br /> <br />ill Place For Filing Notice; Form,- <br /> <br />11' Platt For FIling rr:e ~lIce r'!llerrro 10 .n lluD <br />nc;bon tlJ .sll111 be hIed. <br />IA) Untie' S13t~ La..! <br />0) Real PrDOlltty In the u.s,. 01 r(,oIl propert)' I~ one <br />~tlCf W'lltlln the Statf lO' lfa COIJf1ly 01 orrl.~ gDvemmen~J <br />Subd'tyltlonl. i! dt.~:~nale<3 br the '.U,S 01 suet! Slate 'n <br />.IlICh 1M protlltrTy suO,w tc lhl! h~n 'S SJlu.ted .and <br />Jill Pe'~o-n.a:l Pt'OD(ln.,. In t1'\t t/JU 01 Ptrson~1f <br />pra".r1y *htltl'tfr !.nOlbl~ 6r tr;:anOlble ,n Ohl OUIl:, <br />Witt,," tht Stilll! .lJI Ihe ':C'IJ."II', 0' 0!'\(I-' ~CYlltnmlenl.l! <br />SUbdf"'S1(ln, on OttSlgNllea t:y ll\e ".5 0' \uCh SUle <br />m Whlc.1'1 In., ;:;~"p'i!rti' ~l.ibl~(l :(- :~ :ltfl rS 5i1utleo <br />0' <br />ISl WI:n Clerk 01 D'5lnd CO\lr1 111 I~e Jlflt~ or 1f\1l cler' 01 <br />Tn." Unut<1 Stares dlslrlcl CO~t1 ~or ttte ;1)iJlI::l1 (llslflc! ,n *'Ilch <br />thl ptCPttrfy :i,JDlecllo f'~" '1 ~ll.allr-d "'~':ntI\illr me Stall! ""! <br />101 by !a.llt'S!~f'-.JI'd Dtw: oft'~e at',f,:' "'t"!!h l"'f! ,\!'tJ.: 't'~l''':5 ,)1 <br />JlJr:>para'JrlPr. ,A, Of <br />Ie) W!tfl Ae~Q'et' ,y Del!05 L'f ~h! ~l'l ,r.,:! Of -~ ,."-c"; ~ a m <br />'TIll "'nCllo1 ll'tt RltQrlj!~ 1)1 P-!ecs :1f IN! DIIllne1 :)~ Ct.:," "'!."il ,f <br />In" OIOtH.,r'\I h!~lforj !t,) ."t' ',er , \llu:Ul!:': ~ ".. .~ "',' ,1 <br />G(H~tlIiJ-, <br /> <br />... <br />I <br />g. <br />iii' <br /> <br />En <br /> <br />as Documen. No. <br />88- 1 I~) J 1 0 5 <br />1:J <br /> <br />I <br />J <br />I ~O:;> <br /> <br />Cranlor <br /> <br />Grent&e /YJ <br /> <br />Numerfcal /V ..r.>~ <br />'I 1 . ,'r' 1'1 C ,,' \ (" )<:.,) , <br />~. t. .. L.~,\~...d He's <br /> <br />.~I;' i I )F Hid!. ) " <br /> <br />.. <br />.. <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />- <br />C;' <br />CD <br />o <br />- <br />~ <br />>c <br />r- <br />ei' <br />~ <br /> <br />, a JU/I I 5 <br /> <br />z <br />p <br /> <br />AI1 9 <br /> <br />;1 <br />48 <br /> <br />C <br />:I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />!I. <br /> <br />(.,-,;.1" ,./., / <br />. ''''''-~::::-<.f...-..t...c::<J <br />~/" <br />"cr:. ()F prt"n" <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />11 <br /> <br />f <br />So <br /> <br />121 SlIuo Of Properly SubllC1 T. L1ln . For PU'IlOI11 ., <br />p..I;raplllll, llId 14). ..opony .11011 be dHmocl'o be .llIlalld. <br />IAl """I "oporty . In Itw .... of 'nl "oPOrly. II ,It <br />pIlYllcaJ '_an: ., <br />(0) ""raonoJ P,opony . In lilt .... 01 _noJ propony. <br />.."'lIltr 1Jn;lble 0' InlJlI9I~. II tIlO Inldonc:l cf lllt <br />\&lillYI' alllll bme lllt nalJClollltn 1IIIIId, <br />Flll pur_. ., PIfICI. (2) (81. lllt raldl... .'1 corporation <br />.r par1ll1..nlp .hlll be dHmocl 10 be lllI pllCll I' whlc:ll lilt <br />princiPii lIocutlvI olflct allllt bull_ I. 1ocI1Id. IJ1d Iho <br />'HldlnCl of I 'upay., """II ...ldl/lCl II wllhout fill Unlttd <br />51.... IllIII be _Ill 10 be In lilt D1.Iric:t.f Col....blo. <br />(.1) Form - Tilt f."" lno! ",ntonl of '''' nblJcl <br />rollrrld 10 In .ulluctl.n ,") .11011 be pracrlbod by lllI <br />StcrtlJry Such nallco ,hili be valid IlOtwllhIIIndlllll any <br />Othl' provlllon Of la. flQlrdlng lht form or canllnt of I <br />naUct of /ltn <br /> <br />Hott: See section 6323(b) for protection lor <br />certain Interests even though notice 01 lien <br />Imposed by section 6321 is lIIed with respect <br />10 <br /> <br />Stcunuu <br />Motor vdlltl.s <br />Plraanll property Putchlltd .t rltall <br />Plrtonal proOMfY PlWcI\ut(I In c.ault .11, <br />Plltonll prOPln)' IUbjtcttO 10 pcIllft-lOry Illn <br />Rill proptny tu aM spetlal "Ihlment lI,nl <br />R"idlntlll p'operty lubtIC110 I mechanic', <br />11111 '0' tlrulO rlPIJI' and lmprOvtmtnts <br />a AnameY'1 htns <br />9 Certain InlUllnCI tonlflcfs <br />to Paslbook lOin, <br /> <br />Igl R.flllng 01 Hotlce, - Fo, pu'po,", 01 Ihl, <br />\ecllon <br />/1 \ Gtn<<aJ Rule. - UnJasa notice 01 lien 11 ,.filed in <br />Inll manne-r prucnbed In pilagrlph (2) dUring the required <br />'ellhr\9 PfrlO<!. Sue" nabce af 11111 "'.11 III tlutttl u ItIed on thl <br />(!.al. on .'uen If 1111/,., fin ac.c:oraVlce '$ut!stcllon lOt atter <br />t~ GIl;lIf.tion of Juett rtflllog peno{l <br />!2J PIK. For Filing. - . 001>" ,I ".n "llIell <br />aUrllllJ Iht reQUited r.flllng periOd .hall IKl f1tf!CIl\/1 0tI1~ <br />tAi II, <br />ld ~ucll noUct of hen 15 ,eflled In the oft~CII In .~.,.., Ihe <br />Drlor notice or lien ..~~ f1l&t1 ana <br />ill) 1M n'l' ca~ ot flllll pro pert., Ihe tilet 01 'ellhng II <br />tnlered .;and ,eca,dfd ". an .ndu 10 Ihe utenl 'eQUl(!1t b~ <br />ti:JOleC110n Ifl /-41 iM - <br />.8) ,n ,Iii" CISI '" .fl,c/,! W d,~Ort )I.I'QL '(I the dil'- <br />of I rehlm~ at notlCl ot r~..ittl,r'utnJa'lliritPf1 IAI U'Ie <br />.<...... r- . <br /> <br />SIOIIII.., '1CIIYId wrinln In'otmltlon (In 1111 mallllll <br />prtlCllbod In rlllulabont IMUICl by 1111 61cflllry) <br />c..-mlllll' mlngo In tI1ll1lp1J1r'a mid,"", II allQtlw <br />0' .uch III' ,. 1110 mid In ICCOrdanwwllh lubHCtlon to In <br />lllI 81111 In wtIIc:ll1llc:!l raldlllClII 10CI1Id. <br /> <br />(3) Requlfld Rltlng Period. - In l1li l:1li <br />01 Iny nollOl ., lien. IlIIlIrm "flQUllId ralllln; l)Iriacl" mur.a. <br />fA) Ihl .n.yur plrlod andln; II daYI IlIt, till up/rallon <br />01 e YOI.. Inor 1111 dllt .1l1li a_Imant ollhl IJx, Illll <br />181 tha ona'Ylar IIIrlod Ind/no wllh thl upllaU.n olB YIIII <br />anor lilt clo.. .1 lilt Pllcedlno 'IQul'ed rl'IIII1ll period lor <br />luch nOIIcl.' IItn, <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />'"I RtIt.. Of LItn. - SUb/oct '0 luell <br />fIllulluonl Ilthl S1crlllry may prtlC'illl. thl SlCrtllrv 111111 <br />IIIUI I car1lf1call.llIlllIl 01 IOY IIln Imp."d wllh rlllllcllo <br />Iny lnllrnal flytnutlll not lalt( lh.1n:K) day. Ifter Ih. dav on <br />Whith. <br />If) UIOlllly 5111111111 or Unlnlo,..abll . Thl S.cretarv <br />fInds that Ih'liablllty 'or with III <br />Inl'resl In "'PlCI !tlll,of, hil bI.n tully IItlsfied or hi. <br />bleDlftllegally unenlorctlblt; or <br />I2J eond ACClpled. Th...,nl."'d lolhl Slcllll"" Ind <br />leclptld by him I band thlll. condllionod up.n Ihl plymlnlol <br />I'" amount l'II,Itd. rog.thtt with III Intlrelt In rllpecl <br />1111'101, within th, IIml PlIlC,lbod by Ilw Ilncludln; ony <br />....nllon of luch Ilmt), and thlt II In accordlnCI with luch <br />rlQui"""'nlllllali~ rOlllm.. CDndhlonl, and lorm .ltho band <br />llId .Ullllt. lh....n, II mlY be ,peclflld by .uch rlllullllonl, <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />forma1ion. <br />. (~I DIIcIOIUl't of Certlln R.luml Ind <br />R.lum Inlo,,".lIon For To Admlnl.lntllon <br />Purpclltl, - <br /> <br />12l DIsclosure Of amounl of oullltandrng Iten - If ;Ii notice ot <br />lIen has !)IWl frIed purstJant 10 sectIon 632J/fI the amounl of the <br />DulStl.m;hng obhglStlon secureC b~ luch Illn mi~ be dlICIOJta (0 <br />tiny person who furnlshn utlsfaclory wrlltan Ivldentl that he <br />Ila!l a flghl HI Ihe propenV lJubject 10 such Hen or tntends to <br />obtam il fIght In !l:uch property <br /> <br />l <br />