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<br />r <br /> <br />If Lender reqUIred mortgage insurance as a condillon of making the loan secur!';-;his S!~~ ~s~~enl' <br />Borrower shall pay the premIUms required to maintain the insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for the <br />IIIsurance temllnales III accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law. <br />8, Inspection. Lender or ilS agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, Lender <br />shall giv~ Borrower nOlice at the time of or pnor to an inspeclion specifymg reasonable cause for lhe inspection, <br />9. Condemnation, The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with <br />any condemnation or olher taking of any parl of the Property, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby <br />assigned and shall be paid 10 Lender. <br />In the evelll of a IOIal takmg of the ProperlY, the proceeds shall be applied III the sums secured by this Security <br />Instrument, whelher or nor then dUe, with any excess paid to Borrower, In the event of a panial taking of the Property, <br />unless Borrower and Lender orherwise agree in wnting. the sums secured by lhls Security Inslrument shall be reduced by <br />the amount of the proceeds multiphed by the following fraction: (a) the total amOUn1 of the sums secured immediately <br />before Ihe takmg, diVided by (b) lhe fair market value of the Property Immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Properly IS abandoned by Borrower, or if, after nOllce by Lender to Borrower that Ihe condemnor offers to <br />make an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower falls 10 respond to Lender WithIn .10 days :lfter Ihe date the nOlice is <br />gIven, Lender IS authorized ro collect and apply the proceeds, at Its optIOn, either 10 restorallon or repair of the Property or <br />to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, whether or nOllhen due <br />Unl~s Lender and Borrower otherwise agree In wntlllg, any applicatllln of proceeds!O prinCipal shall not extend or <br />postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to III paragraphs I and 2 llr change the amoulll of such payments, <br />10. Borrower :-.iot Released; Forbearance By Lender :-.iot a Waiver, Extension of the time for payment or <br />modificatIOn of amortization of the sums secured hy tillS Se,'unty Instrument grallled hy Lender !O any successor m <br />IIIter~t of Borrower shallllot Operate to release Ihe lIahlllty of the llngllla! Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. <br />Lender shall nOI be reqUired to commen,'e proceedlllgs agalllsl an} SUccessor In lIlteresl or refuse 10 extend time for <br />paymenl or othen\'lse modify <:mortlzatlon of the sums '""Cured h} IhlS Se,'urll} Instrument hy reason of any demand made <br />by the ongmal Borrower or Borrower's successors III Interesl, Any forhearance hy Lender 1Il exercISIng any nght or remedy <br />shaJJ not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any nghll>r remedy <br />11. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers. The cmenanls and agreements of <br />this Security Instrumenl shall bmd and benefil the successors and assIgns of Lender and Borrower. subject to the pf(l\'lSlOnS <br />of paragraph 17 Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be JOllll and several An} Borro"er who cO"Slgns Ihis Secunty <br />Inslrument bUl does not execute Ihe NOI~ (a) "co""'gning thIS Securlly Imlrumenl l>nly to mortgage, grant and convey <br />that Borrower's InlerCSlm Ihe Proper!} under the terms of this SecurIty Inslrumenl. (h) IS not persnnally nbllgated to pay <br />the sums secured by this Secunly Instrument; and (c) agrees thai I.ender and an} other Borrower ma} agree to extend, <br />modify. forbear or make any accommodatIons wllh regard III the terms of II", Secunty InstrumcDl or Ihe Note Without <br />thaI Borrower's consent. <br />12. Loan Chargn, If Ihe loan secured by this Securlly Instrument 's subJecl to ala" "h,ch sets maximum loan <br />charges, and that law". finally Inlerpreted S(1 Ihal Ihe lIlterest or nlher Inan charg<"o ,"ollecled or to he collected In <br />connection wllh Ihe loan exceed Ihe permllled limns. Ihen: (a) ~ny such loan charge shall he reduced by the amount <br />neccs.sary to reduce the charge tn the r",rmllled I101It; and (b) any sums already collecled from Borrower which exceeded <br />permilled hmns w1l1 be refunded 10 Borrower Lender may choose to make IhlS refund h} redUCing Ihe principal owed <br />under the Note or hy maklllg a direct payment to Borrower If a refund reCJCes pnnClpal, I he reductIon WIll be treated as a <br />partial prepayment wllhout an) prepaymeDl charge under Ihe Nore. <br />13. Legislation AffectinR Lender's Rights. If enactmen1 or exp:ratlon of apphcable laws has the effect nf <br />rendenng any prov"lOn oflhe Nnle nr thIS Secunty Instrument unenfnrceahle ",cordlllg III lis terms, Lender, al its optIOn, <br />may require Immediate paymelll In full of all sums secured hy thiS Secunt} Instrumenl and may lIlvoke any remedies <br />pennllled by paragraph IQ If Lender exercIses IhlS optIOn. Lender shalltak<' Ihe steps spcnfied lIlthe second paragraph of <br />paragraph 17 <br />14. :-.iutices. An} nOllce hI Borrower proVided for In II", SeCunl\ Inslrumelll shall he gl\en hy dellvenng n or by <br />matling 11 b} firs I mall unless applicable law requires use "' anolher method The nollce shall be dlrecled 10 the <br />Property Addr""s nr an} other address Borrower deslgnat'" h} nOtl,'e 10 Lender Any nllllee 10 Lender shall be given by <br />firsl class mall In Lender's address stated herean or any olher address Lender deSignates b) nOllce 10 Borrower Any notice <br />proVided for III thIS SecUnl} Instrument shall be deemed 10 ha'e heen gl\en 10 Borro,,'" or Lender when given as prm'lded <br />an thiS paragraph <br />15. Governing Law; Severability. ThIS SeCUnl} Instrumenl shaJI h" p-o'erned hy federal law and the law of th,' <br />Juri..ctlcllon III which the Property is located, In the event Ihal an} proVISion or clause IIf IhlS Secunty Inslrumenl IIr th" <br />Nore conflicts Wllh applicable law, such confl,cl shall not affect 1I1ha prm "'ons of IhlS SeCUnl} Instrument ,Ir the Nlll" <br />whIch can be gl\en effect wllhout the confhctmg pH"'''lon To thIS end the pH"'ISIl>nS of IhlS Seeunty Instrumenl and Ihe <br />Note are declared 10 be se\'erable <br />16. Borrower', Copy, Borrower shall be given one CllJlfnrmed COP} of the Note and of IhlS Secunl} Inslrumenl <br />17. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower, If all or any part of the Property or an) <br />anterest an It IS sold or transferred (or If a benefiCial IIIteresllll Borrower" sold or Iransferred and Born"'er " nol a nalural <br />person) wuhoul Lender's pnor wnllen consent, Lender may. allls optIon, reqUIre 'mmedlalC paymenl an full of all sums <br />secured by thIS Secunty lostrumen!. However, Ihls optll)n shall nnl he exelclscd b} I..c,nder ,f "'cruse" rrnhlhllt:d hy <br />fellerallaw as of the date of thIS Secunty Instrument <br />If Lender exercises th.. opllon, Lender shall gl\'c nOllce of acceIerallon The IHltlee shall prm Ide a period <br />of nOlless Ihan 30 days from the date the notice IS delivered or anaaled wlthan .-hKh Bnrw"er mu\l pay all sums secureJ h} <br />thIS Sccunty Instrumen!. If Borrower falls tn pay these sums pnor lOlhe "'pm>!hlll of this penod, I ender may Ill,okc an} <br />remedlcs permlllcd b} lhlS Secunty Instrument w'lthout further nollce or demand on Borro""r <br />18.', Right to Reinstate, If Borrower meels certam cOlldllJOns. Borrower shall h.lle Ih" nghl '0 II",,, <br />enforcem"n1 of IhlS Secunry Inslrument dlsconllnued at any lime pr..Of IOlhe earlier of (a) 5 da}s <or such IIlhe, pall.J ," <br />apphcable law mal' speCify for rClllsllllement) before sale of Ihe Property pur.uanl III an} po"", IIf saleonlanH....t 11\ 1111' <br />Secunry Instrumenl, '" (b) entf) of a Judgmenl cnforclIIg thIS SCl:unty Instrument Tho.... ,'ondll,olls are Ihat HlIrrll\"'" <br />(al pays L.endcr all ',um' which then would be due under thIS Secunry InSlrument and ,h" >o,;lIle had no aCL"l'klat"'" <br />OC"':UfTl-d. (b~ cur~ an) default of any other co'\-cnants. or agrttmenl~. (c) ra}'~ JII e\pt."n't"'- HKurrC'd Jf1 enfl1rl-I11f! ,hI" <br />SC\:urn~ In\!rumenl. mcludlng.. but not hmlled 10, rr=.a.~.(lnabJe aIlOrne)',' fee\. and (d' la.k.C'oo ..,u(h al-Upl1 a\ L l"1Idn fIId~ <br />rea",.onabJ)' require." 10 R!I.'aUfC that Ihc hen of thl!\ s.c,;unty In!l.lrumenl. Lend(,f'~ fight, In the Prorer!\ and BI\fr.,I....("f .. <br />nbhg.lltlon 10 pa) the:: 'um~ ~"'"'L'ured b} Ihn, Secunl; In!t.trumenl "hall f..:onllnur un" hjlng~J \ f\t1n ICIII"'I.Jll'nll'II' ,"" <br />B.:..,rro\trcr. thl' X\:uru) lo\rrumcol and [he obhgatlon' \.C'Curr:d h~reh~ \h.all r~m.a!ll full~ dfC"-'l fl\ l" .t' If r1<' .;s". l t'ln.IIII'1l hdJ <br />lll('lurrt!!d 1,4t.~","('\'er. !hn, nghl '0 re1fJ'-latc ~hal! no! appl) In the l.:a"C of a(.:4.:deraIH__," undC-f, 1'111 1- <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />>- <br />