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<br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />88-~ <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO, L 25067 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ThaI Jerry 1. Speer and Catherine L, Speer, each in his and <br />her own right, and as spous~ of each other, <br /> <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, i!!~J!!i~,!~~_01 the IU/II of <br />Twenty Nine Thousand Six Hundred and no/lOa ---------------------------- DOLLARS <br /> <br />loaned to said morlgagor by The Equilable Building and Loan A ISOclatlon of G rand Island. Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 296 shares of stock (if <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certil1eale No, L 25067 , do grant, conv.y and mortgage unto Ihe said ASSOCIA nON the foUowms <br />describ.d eSlate, situat.d m Halll'ounty, Nebraska' <br /> <br />Lot Seven (7), i:. Block Two (2), Koehler Place. in the City of Grand Island. Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br /> <br />log.lh.r ",.Ih all lhe ten.mcnl', her.dllamenl' dnd appurtenances IhereunlO belungmg, mcludmg allr,ched 1100r .:ove'mp. ill ,,"'mdo,", screens. <br />wmdow ",ad.s. bhnds, storm ...mduw" awnm~s, healing, all ,'ondlllonmg, and plumbmg and waler .qul;>menl and acccssones th.reto, pumps. 51",,". <br />refngcUllurs. and oth~r fixtures and cqUlpmf..'nl IHI\\ ~)f hrreafter itHachtd to Of UKt" In (l,)nncclllln With laid real est.atr. <br /> <br />And whcre", the >aId mortgagor h" apeed and doe, hereby agrce Ihal the mort~gor "'all and will pay all tues and auesuncntli I...i.d OJ <br />assclSed upon &aId ami upon thIS mOll~ge and Ihe hond s.cur~d th.reby hefor. Ih. urn. shaU become d.lmquenl: 10 fllllUSb appro''lld <br />m.urance upon Ihe bwldings on "lid prenllSe' "r ualed m the '"111 uf S 2. 9,600.00 payable to said ASSOCIA nos and 10 deli..., to s:a1d <br />ASSOCI A nON Ihe pulicic, 1'0' ..Id m,urance, a',d nnt lu wmmll III pcrmll any wasle on ur abouI s;lId pr.mises; <br /> <br />In case..f default III the pellllllllllnce llf ani< oIr lh. lelm. al.d ,'.mdll"'DS ul th.s morlgage or the bond secured, Ih. mortPlC" shall. <br />on demand. he' enutlcd 10 Immcdl3lC' pc.lsSC'5Slon ,tf lht" murlpg~d pfl:"lnlSCS and the mung.gur helch)' assign'_ lransfen and xU ower to the <br />murtgag.. ,lIlh. renu. revenues and mcome III be de"..d frum Ihe mllllgag.d prermses .luTIng .uch 11m. a. Ihe mortgage md.bledness shall remam <br />unpaid; and the mollgagec "'all h.... ,he power lu appOlnl any agenl 01' "gents It may d..lle for Ih. purpoie of repauing wd premuoc:s and r.nlmg <br />th. same and cullecting lh. ,ent" le,..nucs and lOcum., and II may' pay ou, or ':lId IlIcumc all ...pense. of r.pairing saId pr.miie1c and ne<:eGlI) <br />,0mnUSl.on. and e..pen..s IDcull.d III I.nlmg and managm~ Ihe .."'< and "1 coll.clms ,cnlals lherefrom: lhe balance remall1inl. If an)'. to be <br />applied lll"'.rd the discharg. oil' >aId molrtll'1g. mdcbledneu, Ihe.. IIglll' llf lh. morlgagee may be ....rCtJed It any time dunng the .lUllencr of such <br />default. lrrrspe'{'llYe uf an)' tC'mpolan ......alv1"r uf I hr same' <br /> <br />Th... Pre..nt" hllwe,..", ale upon Ih. rondlll..n Th., II lhe >aId M..rtgagor ,hall '.I'a; >;aId loan on 01 before Ihe maluTlly of...d shun b) <br />pay menl. pay mllnlhly 101 \aId ASSOCI A n ON .. I I he \11111 ,pec.ftcd III the Blind secured hereb) .. ml.resl and principal on u,d loan. on or b.fore <br />Ihe,.'h d.y llf ead, and e""l) l11o,llh IInlll ,a.d Illan .. fully pa,d, pay .lIlax.s and Isse",m.nlll.V1.d agams! said premiie. and on thu Mo"~. <br /> <br />.nd Ih. Bond secured lhereby , belore d.hn4I1en" , u, n.." applllved 'Dlunnc. upun Ih, buJldmg. Ih.,.,m m Ih. ,urn of S 29.600.00 pa)'able <br />10 ","d ASSOCIATION, rel'., I.. \<lId ASSIKIAlIo... uptln dem'lIld.1I mon.y by II palll fur .uch lue.. and 1ll5unnce \\','h ml.r..1.1 <br />the maXllnum legill ralr thcrcun 1111111 ,toile lIt (101\ mt'nl ,11101 wluch Mung.&ltor hrreh)' agJeeslo p3)'; pe'rmn no waste on s.:ud premi5its;kffP and romp!)' <br /> <br />wltb .lIlhe .veemen" and con,l!"o". oil ,he IloI"d '0' \ 29,600,00 11m day gl\'lln by Ih. so,d MOrlgagQr 10 SI,d ASSOCIAnOS, and oomply' <br />with all ,h. requllemcntl..1 Ihe romll'UII"" a"d By-L.w. "I..,d ASSOCIATION. Ih~n pr.scnu sh.1I become null and void.olherwue tbll) <br />sh.all ..mam 10 lull I""e and m.y he 'oredo",.! at lhe opllon 01 Ih. sa,d ASSOCI A TlON afl.r fallur. for Ihre. months 10 nuke an)' of SBld <br />payment. '" be Ihre. mo",h. '" dlle." III n1l!klfl~ ..lid m"nlhly paymenu. or 10 k..p and comply wllh Ih. agr.ement. .nd condil.ons of saId Bond. <br />and MllrtLt&8ur igrn:-) lu h""t' O:t rel".Cl\'(."1 i1ppulllled furthwlth In 5uc:h fnredllSurr pro':eedang!l. <br /> <br />If th.r. 's any challll. IfI uwnerslup of the real lfIurlgagcd h~rem, by ..Ie 0' olh.rwise, then the enure remaining indebledness hereby <br />secu,.d Ylall, al Ihe "pilon of Th. I:qwlable BUlldmg .Ill! Lllan ft,sStJC13llOn of r;,and Island, N.braska, become immediately dlle and payable ..'ithout <br />furlh.r nOl'ce, and lh. amoulH r.nlllmmg due under \llld hond, and any olh.r bond for an)' addilional advance. made thereunder, shall. from the <br />dale of ell.rellC nf saId oplUm, bcar mlcr." alth. maxImum leltal rale, and th.. morlgage may then b. foredoied 10 Sllilfy lhe amount due on saKI <br />bond, and any lIlh.r hund for additional advanCM, tugcth.r wllh all sum. paId by saId The Equillble Building and Loan Auodation of Grand Island. <br />Nebraska for insurance, IIllCS and, and abslraclln~ exl.nslon chargcs wilh intereSI th.r.on, from dale of paymenl It the muutlum <br />lepl IIle, <br /> <br />A. rrond.d 10 lhe Bond secured hcreby, whilc Ih.. morlgage remalD> 10 eflect thc mortgag.. mal' hereafler advance additional sum. lO Ut. <br />makers l) said Bond, Ih." aSlign' 0' .uec.....'.. III, wfllch ""DI ,hall be wilhin ,h. security of Ihi. mongage Ihe same as Ih. funds o"jtinaUy <br />,"cur.d Ih.,eby, lh. Inial .mounl uf principal nor 10 ellceed al any lime lhe \lngmll amounl of Ihis morlglllc <br /> <br />l>al.d Ih.. 14 t h day uf June <br /> <br />(~(:j~ <br /> <br />Catherine L, Speer <br />STATE 01' NEBRASKA, t <br />g, <br />COUNTY Of: IIALL <br /> <br />A. I), I'j 88 <br /> <br />On 1111> <br /> <br />II, t h <br /> <br />d.yof <br /> <br />June <br /> <br />1<1 <br /> <br />88 ,befnlt' me. <br /> <br />Ihe undeut!lll.d. a NOlal) 1'lIbll, 10 and 'm ""d t"'unl), penonaUY'CiIme <br /> <br />~~,'i-,~: <br />I:.. -.: ".~A", ~ <br />! <br /> <br />Jerry L. Speer and Cathcrinc 1.. Speer, each in his and her own 'Ahu <br />r,' "ht and llS SDOUIlC of each at he r I <br />mr 61le I'" ,de,,"cal pert6n 0 who", n.rne s are affllled loth. Ih"ve rn'I"'~morl(lJlgm s <br />.<.krllJwled~d th. ..,d 1O'1IIImenl III b. the i r voluntl'y leI alld deed / <br />WITNESS flI~ hind Iml '-101,,"1 ~..llhe dlle afl1le",.d / ,.- <br />./J'I' I...".,. .../; ? ,J 1 J/~ . ~ ' . <br />, ;x'...Y-...q",..,.r h~:: ~e,..~("~- <br />~.., ' --"-., 'oI"l.It;,.ruMIe <br />, nv t <br />'!II <br /> <br />art> <br /> <br />personllly kno\\'n 10 <br /> <br />.n.! they <br />., <br /> <br />.."erally <br />