<br />FIRE, CASUALTY, AND OTHER INSURANCE T u keep such property Insured a~alnstloss Dr damage by fire and other
<br />risk Dr risks ",,"ICI1, in thtl sole opinion ot Beneflclllry should be Insured against, under policies of insurance with loss
<br />payable to Beneficiary in form, amount ann companies acc' ,ptable 10 Beneficiary. Said policies shall be delivered to and
<br />remain In possession of Beneficiary as further security for It' d faithful performance of these obligations, which delivery shall
<br />constitute an assignment by Truslor 10 Benehclary 01 all rights thereunder, including all return premiums; to deliver to
<br />Beneliciary a policy or poliCies renewing or extending any expiring insurance with a receipl showing premiums paid at
<br />least thirty (30 I days belore explrallon, II Trustor falls 10 so dbllver any renewal policies. Beneficiary may procure such
<br />insurance as It may elecl and may make payment of premiums thereon, which payment is repayable on demand, Neither
<br />Trustee nor Beneliciary shall be responsible lor obtaining or maintaining such insurance, Beneficiary. Irom time to time.
<br />may furnish 10 any Insurance agency or company, or any other person, any Inlormation contained in or extracted from any
<br />Insurance pOlicy therelofore delivered to Benehclary pursuant hereto, and any Information concerning the loan secured
<br />hereby. In no event and whether or not delault hereunder has c;;curred shall BenefiCiary. by the lact of approving.
<br />accepting or obtaining such Insurance, Incur any Ilabll:ty for the amount of such Insurance, the form or legal sufficiency of
<br />Irlsurance contracls, sol\ency of Insurers, or payment of losses by Insurers, and Trustor hereby expressly assumes full
<br />responSibility therelore and liability, If any, thereunder In the eve,.t 01 loss, Trustor shall give immediale written notice to
<br />Benehclary, and Benehclary may, but IS not obligated to, make proof olloss If not made promptly by Trustor, In case of any
<br />loss the amount collected under any poliCY 01 I nsurance on !'IJch property may at the option of the Beneficiary, be applied
<br />by BenefiCiary upon any Indebtedness and I or obligation secured hereby and in such order and amount as Beneficiary may
<br />determine; or said amc\Jnt or any portion Ihereof may, at the option of the BenefiCiary, either be used in replacing or
<br />restonng the Improvements partially or totally destroY<3d to a condition satisfactory to saId BenefiCiary. or said amount or
<br />any portion thereol may be released to the Trustor In any such event neither the Trustee nor the BenefiCiary shall be
<br />obligated to see to the proper application thvreof, nor sl'all the amount so released or used be deemed a payment on any
<br />Indebtedness secured hereby Such application, use and I or release Shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default
<br />hereunder or Invalidate any act done uursuantto suct, nvllCt: Any unexpired Insurance and all returnablEl Insurance
<br />premiums shall Insure to Ihe benefit 01, and pass to, the purchaser of the property covered thereby at any Trustee's sale held
<br />hereunder II said property IS sold pursuant to Ihe power 01 sale contaIned herem or pursuant to any decree offoreclosure.
<br />all nght.lIUe and Interest of Trustor In and to tt,e proceeds of fire and other ;nsurance poliCies lor damage priorto the sale.
<br />NhlCh proceeds are not received pnor to the dale of said sale, Shall belong to Benehclary Trustor will comply with such
<br />other reqUlremenlf; and pro,,'de such olher type of IOsurance as Benefle,ary may reqUire Irom lime to lime for the protection
<br />by Insurance of the mlerest 01 the respectIve parties herelo
<br />
<br />TAXES AND OTHER SUMS DUE To pay satisfy and discharge, at least to ten (10 I days belore delinquency all general
<br />and speCial taxes and assessments and other public charges, and ,n no event later than the date such amounts become
<br />due and to further pay when due or requested 11 ) all encumbrances. charges and liens. with Interest on such propeM')o. or
<br />any part thereof, which are, or appear to benehclary. 10 ItS sole dIscretion, to be pnor to or supenorhereto, (21 all costs. fees
<br />and expenses of thiS trust. whether or not descnbed herem, ( 3) fees or cl.arges for any statement regardmg tt:e obllgabon
<br />secured hereby In any amount demanded by BenefiCiary, not to e"ceed the maximum amount allowed by law therefore at
<br />the time when such request IS made.14 I Such other charges as the Benellclary may deem reasonable for services rendered
<br />by Benellclary and lurnlshed at the requesl of frustor or any successor In mterest 10 Trustor, (5) II such property IOcludesa
<br />leasehold estale, all pa"ments and oblogatlCins reoul/ed 01 the Trustor or hiS successor In Interest under the1erms of the
<br />.nstrument or Instruments creallng such leasehold. ( 6 ) all payments and monetary obhgatlons reqUired of the owner of
<br />such property under any declaralion of covenants, condltlon~ and restrictions pertamlng to such property or any
<br />modlflcallon Ihereof. I 7 I all mortgage Insurance or guaranty fees, premiUms, or charges 01 any nature pertaining 10 such
<br />property frusto. agrees to notify Benef1c.ary Immedlalely upon rece.p1 by Truslor 01 notice of any IOcrease In the assessed
<br />"alue ot such property and agrees that BenefiCiary, In Ihe narr,<! ot Trustor, may contest by appropflate proceedings SUCh
<br />,ncrease In assessment
<br />
<br />In the event ollhe passage 0' any IflW deduchng 'rom the value 01 real property for the purpoS€s of taxation any hen
<br />thereon or chClngmg In any way the laws lor the taxallon 01 deeds oftruSI or debts secured by deeds 01 trust lor state or locaJ
<br />purpose!> or the manner of the collection 01 any Such laxes, so as to aHect th.s Deed 01 Trust the holder of thiS Deeo of Trust
<br />and oltha obligatIons which ,t secures shall ha"e the rlghlto declare all sums secured hereby due as of a date to be
<br />speCified by not less Ihan 30 days wrrnen nOllce to be given to Trustor by Benellc.ary; prOVided, however, thaI such
<br />electoon shall be IOeHectlve 11 Trustor IS permitted by law to pay the whole of SuCh ta. 10 addition to all other payments
<br />requlroo hereunde' and 11 pltor to suct, spec'"ed date, does pay such ta. and agrees to pay any such tax when hereafter
<br />levloo or aSSessed aga,,,st such property and ~uch agreement shall constitute a modlllcatlon of thiS Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />FUNDS FOR TAxES AND INSURANCE II BenefiCIary shall so request Trustor agrees that there shall be added 10 the
<br />periodical payment reqUired 10 be made hereunder an amount esllmaled by Trusted 10 be sulllclent to enable Trustor to
<br />pay, al leasl thIrty I 30 I days belore delinquency, all general and speCial taxes, assessments. or other public charges
<br />agaInst such property the Promissory Nole, or upon or on accounl 01 the debt or the lien ollhls Deed of Trust log ether With
<br />premiums for Insurance reQUired to be p,o,,'ded under thiS Deed ot Trust and all mortgage Insurance or guaranty fees.
<br />premiums or SImIlar charges and no ,nlerest shall be payable '0 Trust0r '" respect thereol Upon demand by Trustee,
<br />Trustor shall deliver to T, uSlae such aodltlonal sums olmoney 'lS are necessary to make up any defiCiency In the amounts
<br />necessary to enable fruste.. to pay IIny 01 the foregOlOg Items
<br />
<br />SUMS ADVANCED TO BlAR INTEREST fo pay Immediately upon demand any sums advances Dr paid by BenefiCiary
<br />or Trustee under any clause Dr prO"'S1on olllllS Deed 01 Trust Any such sums, u,,1I1 so repaid, shall be secured hereby and
<br />bear IOterest trom the date advanced 01 paid al the same rate as setlorth In such Promissory Note and shall be sll(:ured by
<br />thIS Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />ASSIGNMENT Of DEPOSITS fhal as additional security II thiS be II constrUCllon loan, Trustor hereby translers and
<br />assIgns to Benehclary during conhnuance 01 these TrUSlS, all nght. tltlEl and IOtereslto any and all momes depOSited by
<br />Truslor or depoSited on behallol Truslor With any City, county, publiC bC'dy or ag~ncy, saOllary dlstnct, gas and/or electnc
<br />company, telephone company and any other body or agency for tho Inslallallon or 10 secure the ,nstallallon 01 any utility by
<br />Trustor pertaln,"g to Ihls property
<br />
<br />FAILURE Of TRUSTOR TO COMPL Y WITH DEED Of TRUST I" the event Truslor shoUld fall 10 make any payment or to
<br />do Imy act as prOVided In thlll Deed 01 T'ust, or fall to perlorm any obhgatlon secured by Ih.s Deed 01 Trust 0.00 any Act
<br />T ruDto' ngrqed not 10 dO, Benehclary, but Without obllgallon SO 10 do and wlthoul notice to or demand upon T, ustor And
<br />wllhoul releaSIng Trustor Irom Any obltgetlor. hereol Bnd Without contesting Ihe "fIltd.ty or amounl olthe SlIm~ m,lV 1111 pRy
<br />'nalle or do the lIame ,n such manner Dnd to lIuch exlent OB It mol' deem neCeSSRf)! 10 plotE'el 'h(> St" ,,"1\' he.(>ol
<br />f\!JflehcI8/y bell"O RulhO"tod 10 efl1~r upon lIUCh property 10/ such purposes And I b I pay p""hnst' l "nl/>s' nl
<br />co"'prrJ;nuf}(J Any .~nc umh'''Ilco. chargo {)f lien which trl lis ludgornont IS or nPP(HUR to hp pi lor Clr SUpt')f II H "fll (lh 1 Ilndll. 1
<br />n oa6fUft,lng rlf1'f luc.h power PBy n...,co&s.nry t;osts fnos nnd fuplf'n~on omplo'W' ' ouI''<.,11 ,}r1(1 pJt~' ll'U""'PI " 'tl,lspnahl(J
<br />''It.~ T ,ug,!Of lJg.rflIJ" tr) 'opay I)ny hr'lOlJnt '90 ,u.pl-~ndod on oJomnn(j f)f HnnH'll II" 'Y
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