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<br />14 tipon a,,'l'ler;Jtioll llIlder p,u;lgr;tph I' ,II aba IlLhl 11 , .l'1H ,If <br />the Property. t,>nder (Ill pe"lll1, b\ .lgl'n1 ,lI 1'\ Judi.:ia!'}' ap- <br />poinled receivC'r) shall hc C'lHilk'd 10 enler upon. lake possC'ssion \}f <br />and manage the Property and 10 .:0 I ic:.:( Ihe rems of (he PHlrerty <br />including tnose past due. Any rellls ,'olle..:ted by l.ender llr the <br />receiver shall be applied firsl 10 pay men! of lhe L'osls of manage. <br />menloI' Ihe Properly and collel'lion of fl.'11rs. including, but nOI <br />IImi!l~d to, receiver's fees, premiums on rL"\:ei\cr's bonds and <br />reasonable ;!uorneys' fees. and rhen to the sums secun:d by lhlS <br />Instrument, <br /> <br />15, Upon paymt:l1! of all slllllS se.:un:d l1\ lilis \l1struI11CIll. <br />Lender shall request -:-rUSlce to rCCOll\ ey Ihe Propt>rty and shall <br />surrender this instrument and all no[(.'s nidenc\l1g debt se.:ured by <br />rhis instrument to Trustce. Truslee shall re.:onvey the Properly <br />without warranty and witholll .:hargc 10 the (1<'rson m pel.,ons <br />legally enlilled to it, Su,'h p~'fSon or pcrsom shall pay any re.:orda. <br />lion costs. <br /> <br />hi. lender. al liS opl1on, may from rime to Hme remove <br />Trustee and appoint a sUL'ce~,5or lruslt."\: to ilny frus'l:e arpoll1le-d <br /> <br />88- 103083 <br /> <br />1ll'Il'Ulldl"1 b\ ,\11 IllSlllIllll'111 "."",,kel III I Ill' ,'''UIU\ l!l "lIi.:1I thIS <br />IlIslrument is Il','llllk'd \\'111111111 ,""lll"\<Ull'L' "I Ih,' 1'I<'pl"rl\, Ihl" <br />SIll"':t'SWr Irustee shall sUL'.:.:.:d 1'1 alllhl" lilk, Pl)\\l'l illld dUIll's <br />,-onferred upon J"rUMee hel':lI1 and b\ applil'ahk la". <br /> <br />17. Borrower I equesls I hal ':llpies of t hl' uollces of dclault and <br />sale be sent 10 Borrower's ..ddress whkh is the I'rnperty Address, <br /> <br />Ill, I f one or more riders are- execule-d by' Borrower and rL'.:ord- <br />ed IOge-ther with this instrum.:nt, the l"ovenants and agre-cmcnts of <br />L'ac:h such rider shall bc incorporated into anu shall amend and <br />supplement the .:ovellanlS mld agreements of this instrument as if <br />I he rider(!;) were a parr of 1 his JIlstrumenl. <br /> <br />19, The covenants herein l"ontainC'd shall bind, and the benefits <br />ilnd advantages shall inure to. [he respective hcir~. executors. ad. <br />ministrators, successors, and assigns of the panics herelll_ <br />Whenever use-d, the singular number shall indude Ihe plural, the <br />plural the singtllar. and the use of any gender shall indude all <br />gl.'nders. <br /> <br />By signmg below. Borrower a,-ceplc and agll'eS ILl the terms ,:o\l:nan[s contained in this Securily Instrument and in any rider(s) ex- <br />ecu[ed \.Jy Borrower and recorded "lIh it. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br /> <br />(Seal) <br />Borro\llocr <br /> <br />ISeall <br />BorrO\~iC'f <br /> <br />Page 4 of 5 <br /> <br />HUD-l2143DT <br />
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