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<br />... - <br /> <br />State of Nebraska <br /> <br />Deed of Trust <br />88- 103083 <br /> <br />FhA CaN No, <br /> <br />321 1248969 748 <br /> <br />nb Deed of T,.It, ("Securily InSlrumenl") is made on June 14, <br />1988 . The lTUslor is Marietta M. Hofferber and Cyndie L. Larson, <br />("Borrower"). The lrustee is Norwest <br /> <br />both single people <br /> <br />Bank Nebraska, National <br />("Truslee"), The beneficiary is <br />, which is organized and existing <br />West Third Street, <br /> <br />Association <br />Norwest Bank Nebraska. National Association <br />under the laws of The United States of America , and who~e address is 202 <br /> <br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 <br /> <br />("Lender"), <br /> <br />Willltsletll: ThaI Ihe Borrower in I:ollsidcration of Ihe debl and trusl hereinafter described and crealed. and the sum of One Dollar <br />(51),10 him in hand paid by lhe Truslee, the receipl of whki. j. hereby acknowledged, does by Ihese presents grant, bargain and sell, <br />convey and confirm, unto the Trustee, forever, all of Ihe following described real estale. siluated lying and being in the County of <br />Hall ' and Stale of Nebraska, 10 wil: <br /> <br />Lot Eight (8). in Block Two (2). in Stewart Place Subdivision, being a part of the <br />Northeast Quarter (NE1/~) of Section Twenty Nine (29), Township Eleven (11) North. <br />Range Nine (9) West of the 6th 2.M., in Hall County. Nebraska. <br /> <br />"THIS IS A PURCHASE HONEY DEED OF TRUST" <br /> <br />The Rider to the Deed of Trust attached hereto and executed of even date herewith is <br />incorporated herein and the covenants and agreements to the Rider shall amend and <br />supplement the covenants and agreements of this Deed of Trust. <br /> <br />\lohlCh ha~ the addre\~ uf <br /> <br />2811 Circle Drive <br /> <br />Grand Island <br /> <br />t~tn"l') <br /> <br />(..It)1 <br /> <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />68801 <br /> <br />('" Proper! y Addl~s"); <br /> <br />"If' (.....kl <br /> <br />To HI't' ..d To HoIdlhe preml~e<. abO\'e de~ribed, with all Ihe appurtenance<. Ihereunto belonging and including all healing, <br />plumbmg arid hgluing fi~ture~ and ~Ulpmenl now or hereafter alla,hed ro or used in conneclion with said real estale unlo Ihe <br />Truslee. and to ils SUCl'eS\Or>. and assigm, foreler The ONIO\H"r rlJlre5e'nr~ to. and cOllenanls with, Ihe Trustee. thaI the Borrower <br />has good right to sell and ,-,<,"\ey '-aid premises: Ihal thn ale frC'... from encumbrance; and Ihal the Borrower will warrant and defend <br />the same agalll~t Ihe lawful dalnl' of all f'er\om .....ho01'oC'\"(...r, and lrr laid Borrower hereby relinquishC'o all righls o~ homC'olead.. and <br />all manlal nghh, either In law 01 III <'qUI!). and all "Iher l'onllll{lenl ,"Ierests of Ihe Borrower in and to Ihe above-d~cnbed premises, <br />Ihe Inlt'tlnon belIl~ 10 ronH"Y an ab<olule Ilrle, In fe-e limp"', Induding all f1l:lhl~ of homeslC~ad, and olher rig.hl' and inrerC'its <br />a, afm~id. <br /> <br />Pro"i4Ird ,~I_.,s. and these pH-,enll art' necllt..d and dcli\""lcd unt... Ihe frll\lee, In tru,t. howe\'cr for Ihe followmg purposes; <br /> <br />"1k-rn~, Ihe Borrower un Ill.... 14th . d,,, ..>I June . 19 88 . borrowed from the lender <br />Il1e\um01 Forty Six Thousand Six Hundred Fifty and 00/100-------------------------------___ <br />------------------------------------Dullar' 1$ 46,650.00 l. for ..h.,'h <br />,urn the Borrow...r MOl' l'\t".UleJ and ,kli,t'It'J 1,1 Ih... I...nder H":fl,', pronll"ory I1Ule' uf "'cn dale, hearing <br />,"ler~1 al the ralt: of Ten pt'r .:enlum i 10.000 Oto) rer annum on the unrald balan.:... unlll raId <br />The ,aId pnnClpal and Inter!:"1 ,hall be ra,able al ttlt' off"e ..)1 Norwest Bank Nebraska. National Association. <br /> <br />202 West Third Street. <br />In Grand Is and. Nebraska 68801 , ()r a1 'u.:h o.he, r1a.:t' ", Ihe h"lder ,'1 Ihe n()(c <br />O1Ol\' de~gnaie In "f1Ul1g. l!1 111"l1lhh ""Ialimt'nh ,.,.t Four Hundred Nine and 39/100------------------------ <br />--------- D"lIar, (s 409.39 I, .:om01enong ('<1 ,he fll\1 da\ 01 Au~ust <br />19 88, and Oil th~ Ill,' dill ui ("ad. O1unlh Ih...r...allel unulthe rnn':lpal and ,"ll.'re\1 are tulh r,,,d, e\,.,"p' Ihal the '111"11 ra\'mC'11l ,'1 <br />rmK1pal and Intele,1. If n,l! ,uoner paid, ,hell 0..' due ..nd pa\ablt IH' the 1'11'1 da\ uf July <br />~o 18 <br /> <br />Trus 10r~ 15 usee tn conneC1lcn ~\I.,tl'"l rnortgag~s InSLlfeO under the one <br /> for penochc MOr1gage Insurance Prem'um paymenls <br /> <br />10 four.famlly programs 01 the Nallonat HOUSing ACI wtHcl1 JJIO <br />i ,\ '\ <br /> <br />I Of"" HUO-92113-0' 110-87 1'-e1'I."" I <br />24CFR 203 , lial <br /> <br />Page' 01 5 <br />