<br />88-
<br />
<br />103081
<br />
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO, L 25,060
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BYTHESEPRESENTS'That Richard M. Ortwein and Roberta A. Ortwein, each in his
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other,
<br />
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more. ill consideration of the sum of
<br />~ i ve Thousand Five Hund red_ and QQ.[ 100. -:-:---.-::-:--------------------------------OOlLARS
<br />
<br />ioaned to ..id mortgagor by The Equitablc Building and Luan A=ciatiun of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 555 sIwes of sto<X of
<br />oaid ASSOCIATION, C.rtif"",le No. L 25.060 , do hereby grant. convey and mortgage unto thc said ASSOCIATION the foDowing
<br />described ,tal estate, siluated in lIall Counly, Ncbraslta:
<br />
<br />Lot Twenty Three (23), Block ODe (I). Brentwood Subdivision, to the City of Grand Island.
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />tOFU"" "',Ih .11 .he tenements, herronamenls and al'l'u,ten.n,-.:s lhcfeunlo hclongJIII\. JIIduding allached nDOr cowerinp. all wmdow screens.
<br />windo... shades. b1J11ds. "01m wmdllw>, a'.'llIn!t', heallOl\, a" clIndlllonlOg. and plumbmg and wa.er eqwpmenl and accem>ncs thereto. pumps.. 5l0YeS.
<br />rcfnzcralurl. :md other r."'tUIe5 and ('q'..upmcnt now 0' hereafter III ladled lu ur used tn connecllon With satd real e5Ule"
<br />
<br />And whcreu Ih. g,d mo'lgagol h.. Igreed Jnd dnes hereby a!\f"" Ih"l .he mu,lpllo, shall :sod ...ill pay all taxcJ and aaearnr:nts Ieritd or
<br />;we...d upon saHl plcm'><:s and upon Ih" murtl!Jllle and the hund ,,"cljtSd IllHeh)c hetore Ihe "'''''' slWJ heCODd: delinquenl; to rutnWJ appnned
<br />insurance upun .he bUildings on sa,d preml'" ....Iu".cd III ,hc .1Im III $ )), )UU. uO pay.ble to saId ASSOCIATION and 10 delna to DJd
<br />ASSOCIATION the pohcit:! for uid insurance and nol 10 commil or pernlll any wasle un or about SiilJd prCrTl1JeS;
<br />
<br />In cue of default m Ihe perfonn&nCt' of .ny ot li.e t<rou aod cundllKlDs ot th.. morlgage or Ih. bond ""cured hereby, the IIIOTtP!l'" sh&Il.
<br />on dcmand, be cntitled to immediate po_iSllln ot lhe mmlp~ed premlSCll and Ih" munpgor hereby USlgJl>. transfcn ISId ..ts over to the
<br />mortpgi'e all the rents, ..""n.... and mco_ to be de"""d from I he 1001 19aged prcm=s dunng such ti_ u Ihe mortpF indebtodJlal WlI tnII&III
<br />unpaid; .od the mortgagee mall hne Ihe p.....er tu IppOiD' .ny al\<'nl <I, alien" II may de.... 1m Ih. purpme 01 repairinj: aid premiIn and reolinl
<br />lhe u.tne and colleclmg the rents, revenues and income, And II may p.a'r' (Iut uf ~:lId meumr all C'xpente5 of repairinl said premiRI and ncc:eaar)'
<br />com.missions aDd C'x-pt'nSJ:1. Incurred m renlmg and marultlfl.R (he:' s.Dn~ ant! I)f (,"tlllcctlll~ '~ntals thc:rcfrom~ the balana: relJll..ini.n&. if any. to be
<br />aprpIjed toward t.he discharge or said mortgage mdebtedness. IhC'Sl" . llthl' (,I (he" mClfIRa~l:'(, Olav hr exercised I. any time dllrinl the existencz of such
<br />defaull, irrespective of any temporary waiver of the safJlE"
<br />
<br />The"" I"rc5enls, h""",.., , al' upon Ibe Condlllon. nl3l ,lth. ...,d MlIItgag..r ,hall repay saId loan IIn UI belor. Ihe malurity of aid shara b)
<br />paymenl; ply monlhly 10 ""d ASSOCIATION ot lhe .um <""clfled In Ihe Ilnnd "'<lI:ed helehy AI IOlerest lIDd pnnapal on aid loan. OD 01 befon:
<br />lhe T...ent;.,th ....y ot .ach and ""ery monlh, unlll ..,d luan .. tully p.,d, pay 111101<> IlId ..",un",nll le"",d agam.. u.id prerruses and on this MOItpF
<br />
<br />and lhe Bond ..cured lhclcby. bctme d.hnq""ncy. turm.h approved IIlSUI_nCe up..n Ihe hUlldllll\' Ihelcun III the sum 01 S 55,500.00 JRyablc
<br />to said ASSOCIATION, ,epay '0 wd ASSOCIATION upun dem.n~.1I rnullt'y ht n I'",d lor luch tuc" ....wncnl. and rnsurance with interel:l at
<br />lhe maJumum legal rite thereon from dat~ uf p3)'ment all.lf whldt M(lrlltJ1~or herr,",y IlJOrr' III POlY. prlmil nu walle on u.id prell1J5C1,~keep and comply
<br />
<br />wilh all the agreemcnls and cund.loons ut Ihe Bond 101 S 5 5. 500.00 ,h" Jay ~I"'" hy rhe WIld Mllr'gago, .U saul ASSOCIATION. and c:omply
<br />wilh mil tb. ,equllemcnlS of the ('oostllulton and lly.L,.w,"t ..,d ASSOl'lATION, ,hell .he.. I'lescnts &hall lI<<olf1<' nuD and ""id,otherwilc they
<br />"""II lemain ID tuu tllllX and Inay be torccloscd at ,he opllon uf thc saId ASSOl'lA TlON Arter lailur. tor th= months ro make any of Rid
<br />payments or be tlut(' monlhs In arre:us to maklllg saId mllnlhly paymenl., or '0 t.ecp .nd comply WIth tbe .greemcnls and conditiom of said Bond.
<br />and MortgIBor a~ees 10 han: 3 receiver appaintC'.d fUrlhwuh In such forecluswC' pJoceedmp.
<br />
<br />If lhen: is any chanp;e to ownership or the leal cstIl' morlgagc~ herem. by salt or othe"".... then the entire remaining indebteclneoo hereby
<br />IItCIIrtd "',,11," tbe ol'tion otlbc Equitable Building and Loan AssocLltlon 01 Gland IslanJ.Nebraslc.a.become immediatcly due and payable witbou.
<br />furthet nOI'l:<'. and thc amounl ..mainmg duc lInde! wd bo..d. and any other bond for any additional advanCt'J made thereunder. shall. from the
<br />date or ncrcISC 1l1..ld optlOO, hemr illtele.t at the liUlXunum legal flIte. and this mortgage may then be ron:c1osed 10 satisfy the amount due on said
<br />bond.and Iny other bond for addillOnal advaol%s. rogether w,lh aU SUffill pa.d by ,,"d Th. Equitablc Building and Loan ASSOCJ&lion of Grand Island.
<br />Nebraska for insurance. taxes and uz!.smc:1I1s, and abstractmg extensilm charge!. with Interest thereon. from date of payment II the maxunum
<br />IepI rll.,
<br />
<br />As provided in th. Bond ..cured hereby, whllc .hi. morl!tl't;C ,emaID' In cITed the morlgage. may herearter advance additional sums 10 the
<br />maen of said Bond. theu assigns 0' wcceuUf1 III "'ler..t, whu:h .urm shall be ","Inn the ,"eunly "t thIS mortg,agc lhe same IS the funds ol~nalIy
<br />IeCUred thereby. the lotalamounl of pOnC1pal d~bl not tn l'xcecd al any tUIlt' the' unr.malllmount uf thIS mortgage
<br />
<br />day ot June A [), 19 A8
<br />
<br />
<br />~~,r:, ~4./~L J:t.e:t
<br />Ortwein, Altorney-i~Fact.
<br />June
<br />
<br />9th
<br />
<br />dlY ot
<br />
<br />1988
<br />
<br />, hefon: me.
<br />
<br />Roberta A, Ortwein
<br />IS,
<br />
<br />On IhlS
<br />
<br />Richard M. Ortwein and Roberta A. Ortwein.
<br />right. and as spouse of each other
<br />me- tn br th!!' <<1eolicmJ penon s whow n~me s are .IIlliJlicd 10 tht' ilbt1~ In:::tr).1o morlpgmf;
<br />ackllowk-dp:'(j the aid lnltrUfn!:lIt (CJ h.r the 1 r ..nIWIla.:'~ al"1 lOll dC':{'..cJ ..'
<br />WlTNI!.....C; mr hand ,lid iIl"laria' Sc.1 the dale .(m.und
<br />My ('Qfnn'''''''''' C1Ipi...ff....7:::- ,F/
<br />
<br />Ihe under~ltJled. II Nul.JU1' Puhlic m and lur s:ud ('ounly. per.malty came'
<br />each in his and her own
<br />
<br />whll
<br />
<br />ar('
<br />
<br />~y kno...n 10
<br />
<br />.lId I hey
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<br />(,j &\..:~
<br />Nola", l'uhhc
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<br />