<br />88-
<br />
<br />1.03073
<br />
<br />II Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition uf making the loan secured by this Security In.
<br />strument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the insurance in eHeer umil such rime as a requirement for
<br />the insurance rerminates in accordance with Burrower's and Lender's wrillen agreemem ur applicable law.
<br />8. Inspeaion. Lender or its agem may make reasunable entries upon and inspeerions of rhe Propeny. Lender shall
<br />give Borrower nOlice al the' time of or priur 10 an inspeerion specifying reasonable cause for Ihe inspection,
<br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any a"ard or dairn fur damages, direct ur consequential. in connection '~ith any
<br />cnndemoalion or mher laking uf any part t.f ,he Property. or for wny")'ance in lieu of eundemnatiun, are hereby assigned and
<br />shall be paid 10 Lender.
<br />In Ihe event of a rmal ,akmg of Ihe Properry. ,he pwn't'd. .hall be applied I" Ihe ,urns secured by Ihis Sc:t'Uriry
<br />Instrumem. whelheror nOl then due, with any excess paid lU nurrower In rheevenr 01 a partial taking of the Properry, unless
<br />Burwwer and Lenderotherwtse agree in wriling,the SUI"' s",'un...! bl' lills St'n/ri,y Insllumem shall be reduct:d by the amount
<br />o( the procl.'t'd. multiplied by Ihe following fractilln I a) Ihe tlllal amuunr uj Ihe sums secured immediately befor" laking.
<br />di\'ided by lbllhe fair markel ,'alue of ,he Proper!)' muned.alel)' before Ihe raking. Any balance shall be paid In Borrower
<br />If Ihe Properry is ab-anduned by Borrower...r If. alter nul ore by I.t'n.ier to BlIrruwer ;halrhe condemnor offers 10 make
<br />an .ward or serrle a cl.um for damages, Burrower Ialb ,.. rt'spond I.. l.t'ndellJ.'ilhll1 ',(I .hys after rhe dale the om;~e is given.
<br />l..ender 1'\ Juchurized (u (ullc(;r and apply tht:' procl"l"t.h..H H!i- oprllln. ('!flu.'r to res[oratum or repair of the Properry or (t.) [he
<br />sums securt.J by Ihis Securily Insrrumenr. whether or nul ,hen due
<br />Unless lender .and BurrU\\.t'f uthcr\\'i~l. aJ;rtt 10 writing. .InY .lpplu:.ItIlJO ui pructtds ,1\ prinnpal shall nor exrendur
<br />posrpune Ihe due dale uf rhe monrhly paymem. referred ro In par.}.:! aphs I and 2 or change rhe amoum of such pa:,menrs.
<br />10. Borrower NOI Released; Forbearanc<' B)' Lend"r NO! a Waiver, Extl'nsion ul the lime for paymem ur
<br />mo..IrIICallon of amorrizatiunof Ihe sum. .ecured by tl", St"Curlll' Insrrumenr gramed bl' Lender ru any suC(eS5or in Il1Iert'St of
<br />Burrov..'er s.hall not uper;&re tu rC'l<<::'ase the habil.t), nf the (lfll4,nJllil,rntwer t~r Burntwt'r's su((e~S(Jrs In Interest. Lender shall
<br />nol be requued tu !.."ollunencc pn)(c..c:dings J~J.insr J.n)' ~Uc.LC~S~()r In IIH(~fl-st Of rdust: 10 ~xlend time fur pj)'mt'nr urorherwise
<br />mudify amorllzaClun uf Ihe sums set'Ured by rhis St"Curny Insllumenl by reasun uf anI' demand made by Ihe"ri~inal Borrower
<br />or 8(Jrruv..'er'~ ~UCCl'S~Ur!i.ln lIuere-:!il- Any 'nrbearann: by I.c:ndc:r In C'1c.'rnSlnp; any f1,ght or reined)' !\tl.ll1 nut be J \\'.ii\-'erof ur
<br />pr.-e1ude the exeruse uf any ri~hl ur remedy
<br />I J. Successor. and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co.sij{ners, The (<I,'enan15 and a!:reementsuf rhis
<br />Se,'uri,)' Insllument shaJl bind and beneflllhe su,ce,,"rs and a"'~r" lIt Lender and Ilurrower, sublt"Crlo Ihe provisions ul
<br />piuagraph 17 Borruwer"s, (U\'(."nanu and agrec-ments ~haJllx' IUlnt dnd ~c'-\'c.'rdl ^ny Bl)rrUWer who (o-sign~ thj~ Security
<br />I nstrumc"nl but dot,S nut C'xecute (he Nutt": (a) I'S (u-s.i~nlO~ 111I~ St.-runt)' lnSlrumt"l1r only Ie ,nllrr~dge. grant and l()n\'c-y [hal
<br />IlorrolJ.'er'. mlereSl in ,he Properr)' under the lerms nllhi. St"Curlt)' Insllumel1l, .01 .. n," personally obli/o:aled 10 pay ,he
<br />sums s!:Cured by th" Securny Instrument. and,,) a~rt't's thar Lender and anlulher UlIrww.-r may agrt-e '" extend, ml.Jif)',
<br />furbear ur m~k.e any i!ccummudJ:uuns with rt'~.lfd tu du' f["rm~ of (tl1~ St.'lUfH)-' In~rrumC'nf IIf the." Nute:' \\'uhuul Ih3t
<br />Bc.,rnn..'t'r"s Oln~:-nt
<br />11. Loan Charges. It rhe III,ln Sec."Ufl.d hy IiU"l. St.'lUTHy In~ltumc.'n( IS ~ublc-c..'t Iu i.I Jaw whu.:h s,er~ nlaXlmUm 10.10
<br />char/:",. and thaI law js fin.lly intc:rprelt.J ".Ihar Ihe IllIert"S' mOlher IlIan ,har!:e. wllt'Cted ono be colleeted in ",nneerion
<br />W IIh the Joan exceed Ihe permilled limits, Ihen, I a' any such loan charllt. shall be reduced by Ihl' amount nece...r)' to reduce
<br />rhe charlie 1U Ihe pel milled Ii mil, and I b) any sums already wllt...""l from Borrower whICh eXl-..eded permitlt-d limit; wi;; ""
<br />rt.tundr:d to Burrower Lc"ndc:r mi.l)' chuusc fu In.ilkc- rlu~ rdunJ b~' rt......lulln~ Iht:' pnnt:lpal owed under Ihe Nutf"ur b}' making a
<br />dIre" payment 10 Ilurrowe! If a refund redue"" prll'L1pal. ,he rt-duu"", w&ll be Ilea,,,,! as a parllal prepaymelll wllhoul any
<br />prepa)'menl ,harge under the Nute
<br />1:\, Legislation Affecting Lender's Rights, It enaCllne'" or explfa.,Lln IIf applICable laws has rhe efft....l of rendering
<br />.In)> pru\'iSltln of Ihr Note ur [hiS Set."uriq-' Jn~uurnt:nl ulu-nfun..t"'Jblt:' .ll:(ordln~!u U~ [c,-rms, Ll-ndc.~r, Jt It~ upuun, m3)' require
<br />Immedi~le pa)'menl in full of all sums snured b)' rh.. St'tUflll' Insrrumelll and may Invuke an)' remedies permined by
<br />paragraph I <) If Lender exercises IhlS upllon, Lrndec shall rake rhe sreps speClht"d 111 till' secund par ,!:caph of paragraph \7
<br />14, Notices. AnI' nollce III Burro..'er prU\',ded Iur In dus Set:urrry InSlrumelll shall be glv"n by deli\'ering il or by
<br />mallll1g" by IIf~1 rlass mail unless applicable law r"'luort's use ui .nulher merhud The nullce shall be d,rected 1U the Propertl'
<br />^ddress ot any urher addre.. Burrov.'er deSIgn ales by notlee ru Lrnder. Any nul ree 1U Lender shall be ).ilven b)' forst dass ma.1
<br />1U U.'lldet'. address su,ed herein ur any other address Lender deslgnales bl' nulIee ru Burrower. An)' nUllle provIded for m
<br />Ih.. Seruttty Imllument shall be deemed lU ha\'e been gIven In Borruwerur Lender when gIven as proVIded II1lhos paragraph
<br />15. Governing Law; Se\!erabilit}., This Serur;t)' Instrument shall be gtJ\'ernt-d by federal law and Ihe law uf the
<br />Jun~dl(."ttun in "..htch the Pruperty is locared. In rhr-e\'enl [h.u any pro\'i~ion ordauseof thi!\ Secunty In~r rumelll or the Note'
<br />conflicIs lJ.'nh ~pplicable law. such wnflicrshaII nOI aHecl olher provlSll.n; uf Ihis Serun,y I",rru,nelll or till' NUl<' wh"h ,an
<br />be gi"en eHecl v.'ithoul Ihe cunflicting prOVISion To Ihis end ,he pro\'IS,un; of thIS Securll)' Insrrumt'lll and Ihe NUle ale
<br />dedared ru be severablt..
<br />16, Borrowers Copy. Burrower ~hall be 8"'t'n one wnformt-d wPI' uf ,he Nu'e and uf Ih.. Se,urlljlnsrruml'l1l
<br />17, Transfer of the Propeny or a Beneficiallmerest in Borrower, If all or anl' p.orr ur rht. Pruperty tll an)
<br />interest in il is sold or transferred (tll if a beneficial il1lerest in Burrower is suld Olllansfelled and Borrower IS nul a nalUral
<br />penon) ..ithout lendcr's prlor ",ritlen (OnSl'n[, Lender may. <:It H!o optitm. rl"quirc.' .mOll-dIJ1CO r~rnlC"nr In tun ot all ...urn,
<br />M."tLJrt-d by rtu~ Securit), IOMfumenr HtJwt."\'c:r, thl!ll)ptllH1 sh4lJI nOI be: C:Xl'fl I~t'd b)' l..l'l1lkr If l");,l.n ,"'e.' I'" pruhtbl!c.-d b} Ic..dt"r.ll
<br />I..., as of tbe dale nf thIS 5e<:uril)' loslrument
<br />If Lender exerCises thIS op"on. Lender shall gIve Ilorruwer lIull,e of a"ekrallon The IIUIIU' .hall plo\ld,.." penod "I
<br />nOlleu Ihan ,0 days I rom rhed31e the notice is delivered or mailed wlthm wh...h Borrower must p.l)' all SIll'" sc'cured hy Ih..
<br />Securily Inslrumt"nt, If Borruwer fails to pay these sums prior w tbe exp"a!j"n ur Ihis pen"d, 1.t'lldel mal' 1O\'"kt, an)'
<br />remedies permltled by IhlS Seruriry Instrument wirhoUl further nOlit'" or demalld "n Borrowel
<br />18, Borro..-er's RiJtht to Reinsutt"_ If Ilorru....er meelS cerlall1 ",nclltlons. BOHu""t'r shall han' rhe Clllhl 10 ha,'e
<br />(:'nfuftt~nt (itf thi'S Sc(urn-y In!ilru1TK''nt dlMuntinuc-d af an)' riml& prior to rhe- ('arltr:r of 131" dJ~'__ l Ilr ~l:fh 4ltlu'r Pl&flO('~ .1"
<br />appheablt: Ia.., mal" 5pecify for reinitatemelll) berme .ale uf the Pruper.y pursuanllu 01111' f'<IWt'r "I sale <.lInlalllt'Ll III tl", Se
<br /><or.!y 1tt'S!tunlCnr; or Cblt'ntry of a Judgment enlornnE: Ihi. Sc.'Glnry In'trurnel1f 1'h"'l' wndlllU'" art. lhat nUllll\H"r t.'
<br />pays Lender aU !Ioums ...hu:h then wuuld bcduc under this Se(-\uit)' Jns.rrumcn1 Jnd the NOll' had ntl .Ut.'l"It"r,lr ItUl "ll \ltft,t. \ h.
<br />C:Uft' ..nl defauh uf any Olht., c.:un\.C'nanl\ ur al:rC"Clnl"n~!i.. fl. pJ}"!1 all (.'xpen'!.("~ Inl.,urrc.J In (-n'{'T,- In~ rh,... ~C.'l \Jrll~ In!lofruUU"1l1
<br />Int.ludullit. but nul lifnlc<"ti In. rc,o-d9tulublt' ~ntt.rnt:'Y!l. ft't""'!t, dnJ Ill) Idlr.:(''jo ...u...h dltUIn J!o. I.l'n,kr rH.l\ rt...t~\ln.,hl} n'\.fuITl. t~. "'"
<br />'Uft' rhll ,he- hC'n {11 rh" Sc.-<urJt~ IWHtunu'nr. Lcndct._1i rl~tll\ In rhe- ProJ--.crt'" .Ind [l-Illfl,,,,,t., "\lhllJ>:.IIH'11 f\l 1',1\ I he: 'tIm,
<br />\t'l;utl",1 by rh1'\ ~:ufltr In,uurn&.-f11 5.h.111 (ontlnuc- lHl(han~f"(t Upnn r{'ln~r,H('ln{'m h\ Hlff 'I ''''TT. I 1l1'''- ~.. \H IT, 111''(' Il11U"11I
<br />.Ul\J rhe- uhlt~",'uun \.t.'t:uft'd hrfcby ..h..1I n'nl..nl ju1J}' rtfC{II"l' .t\' .f nu :Inri. r .111<ln h.ld ,.... t \11' l'\ t i..t,.\ l"\ c't I hi, Ilj,.:lll t\'
<br />U'tO,',Jt(' !l<h.lll 0'''. "ri,l, III the C.iI'U' IIf .i1Hdt'"ratlUfl undt"' fl;;Ha,::,r.tph... I':' nC I'
<br />