<br />88-
<br />
<br />103064
<br />
<br />rlpll and beneflll acerulng to the Borrower under any and all 011 and
<br />pi loua on said premises, with the ript to ..-Ive and recelpl for
<br />the same acad apply them In said Indeblednms u well before u after
<br />default iJI the condItlpna of this inIIruI1Ieat, and the LeluIer may de-
<br />mand. .u. for and __ any RJcll payments when due and payable.
<br />but Ihall. DOt be required 10 to do. Thll UIIlPlInent II to terminate aDd
<br />become nll1l ~ wid upon ~ of thlIlllltNDIeat.
<br />
<br />10. Ttiat the Ilonower will keep the bulldlnp upon JlI!d premises In
<br />good repair. and neither commll nor penult waste upon said land. nor
<br />sufr.... the JlI!d p~ to be used for aDY unlawful purpooe.
<br />
<br />II. That if th.. pre.ru-. or any part thereof. be cond"mned under
<br />the power of eminent domain. or acquired for . public we. the
<br />damaps awarded. I'" prvc:eeds for the taldna of. or the consideration
<br />for such acqulllllon. to the extent of the full amount of indebtedness
<br />upon thlIllIStnlJMnt aod the note whkh it Is given to """,re remain.
<br />ilia unpaid, are hereby wgned by the Borrower to the Lendcr. and
<br />shall be paid forthwith to said Lender to be .pplied b)' the latter on
<br />~U()t of the nest maturiog Inslallments of such lndebtooness,
<br />
<br />Ill. The Barrower further agras that .hould this instrument and the
<br />note JeCUred h....,by not he dlpble for Insuran"" under the National
<br />Hooslng Ad within eight months from the date hereof (written state.
<br />ment of aD)' officer of the Department of Hawing .nd Urban
<br />OeoIeIDplllellt or authorized .pt of the SecmafJ' of Housing .nd Ur-
<br />...... DewIopmeat dated subsequent to the elpt months' time from the
<br />cIate of thlllllStnlJMnt, decllniDI to) Insure said note and this mort-
<br />pp, beiII& deemed modwi"" proof of sudI lodlglhilll)'). the Lender
<br />or holder of the lIOte may, at Its option. declare all sums secured
<br />hereby immediately due and payable. NoIwitbst.ndlnlthe foregoing.
<br />this option may not be ellercised by the Lender or the holder of the
<br />note when the iIIeIigibUlty for insunulCe under the Natlon.1 Housing
<br />Act Is due to the Leilller', raUure to remit the mnrtgage insurancr
<br />premium to the Dep.rtment of H0ll51ng and Urb.on De,'ellll'm,"'1
<br />
<br />JJ. That if Iht' Borrower fails to make an)' parmenlJ of monf'~ u.llru
<br />the Ulme become dU1:. Of fails to conform to and rompl~' with an\ III
<br />lhl:' t'Onditions or at.tr~menb root.toed tn thh IrntruOIrnl. m thr Tluh'
<br />which it securt"1. then the entire principal 'lium and aCl,.tutod UlIl'u':t.l
<br />.ball at Doer ~me d.... aDd parab\oo. at the doclinn "I the I.endcr
<br />
<br />l.nlder JohaJl J(t,,:e not~ to Borru.'er priur to ~lrr.t1un fnllnwtl11Z
<br />Dorm"'"'s bR!.ch of 1Il0)' co,"'.:nant or illreemt"nl jn thu 1U.\1rUllwnt
<br />(but not prior t" acceIeraU"n under paugra..h 12 IInl.", al'l'lie.ble
<br />I..... provide. otherwtJe). The notice .ball,peclfy: (., th. <lda..ll: (hi
<br />the adlon required to cure the default, (c) a date, nnt I... th.n 30
<br />days frorn the date the noticr Is clwrn tn Barra,.,,,, hy which the
<br />deI.clt must be cured: and (d) that failure to cure tbe deE.ull IIn u,
<br />bef..... the date 'podfled in the nolice ma~' rDult in ac""l.raUon u/ the
<br />sums oecured by this Instrument and sale of the Property. The noli....
<br />mall rurther Inform Borrower olth. ri~ht to relnstal. .It.r ace ",I.,..
<br />lion and the rip. to brinK a court acti"" to assert the non-""bl.n"" nf
<br />a default or any other deksue IIf Borro,,'.r to aced.raUon and sale, If
<br />the default Is not cured nn or before the date specified in the nntlco,
<br />Lender at III optilln ma)' require immediate p.yment In full of all
<br />IUmI ......red by this Instrument wlthoul further demand and m.y in,
<br />.'Oke the power of sale and an)' other remedies permitted b)' ap-
<br />plleable law. Lender .hall be entUlod to collect all ..pense Incurred
<br />In punuina tb. remediel prD\'1ded In thls paragr.ph 13. including. but
<br />not limited to, reuon.bl" .ttorDe)'" r_ and COlts nf litl. I"\'iden....
<br />
<br />If the power of sale Is Invoked, Trustee dlaIl record a IlOtlct' of
<br />default in ...ach county In which any part of the Pmperty lllacatW
<br />and IlhaIIlllaU 'lOpl.. of sudI IIlIIlce ill the lIIannerJ,.-rlbed by lAp-
<br />pUcabIe law to Bonower and to tIle.oIIIer penDIII ~ by lAp-
<br />pUcllblti law. After tile time requlnd by app\klabl8 Jaw. TJ1IIlDe IIWl
<br />at.. public notlce of Ale to tile penlIIII and fa tIle_..-ribed
<br />by appliCeble law. Tzuatee. without demand on Bonoww. IIWlIell
<br />the Property at public audloD to the bJ&Iust bidder at the time aDd
<br />place and under the terms dadgnated fa the notlcil of ale fa ODe or
<br />more para:b .nd In any order Tnutee determlDeI. Tru:tee may
<br />postpone sale of all or any paroel of the l'm1-tY by puhllc -
<br />ment .t tbe time and place of any previouIIy scbedu1ecl sale. Lender
<br />or iu design... m.y pun:hue the l'm1-tY at any Ale.
<br />
<br />Upon .......,Jpt of pa~l of the prke bid, TIIISI<e IIWl deI1ver to
<br />the purchaser Trustee., ~ mnveylna the PJopesty. 1'bc ndtals ill
<br />the Tnut....' deed .hall be prima fade evidence of the tndh of the
<br />,talements m.de therein. TIIISI<e dlaIl apply the prvc:eeds of the ale
<br />ill the following order: (aj to all ell~ of the sale. indudlag but
<br />not limited ~o. Tnut....s f.... as permitted by appIloable Jaw and
<br />reasonable .ttorneys' f....: (bj to aIllllDlS -=ured by thU Security III- .
<br />,.trument: and (c) .ny....,.,.. to the penon Dr penoos lepIly entitled
<br />10 it.
<br />
<br />14. Upon accderatilln under paragraph 13 or ~ of the
<br />Properry. Lender (In penoD, by .lIl!III or by judkl.r r appoiDted
<br />.......,J"er) shall be entitled to eoter upon, take ~ of aDd
<br />manage Ihe Property and to coIltet the rents of the Property iDdndlssc
<br />those past due, Any rents colIectIld by Lender CI!!' tile JIIDI!iwlr IIWlIle
<br />applied flnt to payment of the 0IlIII of ....n.m- of tile l'Iapeaty
<br />and collection of rents, IndueJina, but not limited to, 1IlllO:iw!r) -.
<br />premiums on recel.."., bondI and reaonabIe attornl!yS' he. and dsea
<br />tn the sums "",,ured b)' this IDltrumeDI.
<br />
<br />15 Upon paYlllent of all,um, secured by thU inItrumeat, Lender
<br />.1,.11 r"'lu""t Trust.., to rcronvey the I'ropert). and maU -.eader tlsk
<br />,".trllmen' and .11 nut.. evidencing deIlt """,red bl' this inItrumeat to
<br />Tru,lt't' T,u.'ee ,hall rcron.'en)' Ibe Property without warruIIy and
<br />",II,,,,,, c1,a'~. ,n the pe""" or penons legally entitled to it. Suds
<br />pt'UIJIl pf persorn dlall p.)' an~' recont.tiQD eosts.
<br />
<br />III Lender, atlU nptlon. lII.y from time to time n:mow T..-
<br />and apllfllnl a ............. tnut... to an)' Tl'1IIUle appointed 1aeJeuDdcr b,'
<br />." ,mtrument """.rded In the count}. In wblch this; inItrumeat is
<br />rL'CUrdod. Wuhout con"')'.Dn! of the Property, the _ b'uItec
<br />.h.1I .uce'ft'd to all the litle. power and dutlel a>nfftnd upon Tl'1IIUle
<br />herem .nd by applicable I.,."
<br />
<br />17. Borro,,'er r"'luosts that copies of the notlcles of default and Ale
<br />b.. ..nt tn Borrower'. addreu which Is the Property AdtIns.
<br />
<br />IR. If one or more riders .re esecuted bl' Ilonowcr and R!llDr'ded
<br />togL'lher witl. thlli Instrument. the ""'........ts and agreemessb of each
<br />.";'h rider ,hall be jDCiOrporated Into and shaIJ &mCJlCl and 1Uwa-
<br />the ""'......nts and aa--t> of thU imtrument .. If the rider(1) .........
<br />a (>art of this; Instrument.
<br />
<br />Ill, The coven.nts hen:iII contained maU bind. and the benefits aDd
<br />advantaaOl shall inure to. the respodJve heirs. .......torr;. ad.
<br />mlnistrators. 5IICl'llUDn. .nd assIgru of tbe parties beretD. \\'benew!r
<br />...ed. the .Ingular number ,hall include the plural. the plural the
<br />singular. and the ,... nf any pder .haIl include all ..,..den.
<br />
<br />By uKuing ht"iuw. [\orru,,"'cl 1tl.'\."'Vl~ ..od _"Ira. lu till' t~J1n:l {:o\cnanu (:ontMolncd in thb SC'Curtt"). Instrument and in An~' rider~~' c.:t":"..:~ed by
<br />Barr .er.nd recorded with It,
<br />
<br />sc.ta of Nebrub.
<br />
<br />ColuIlyul
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />~ ct ~~ I~'I
<br />ry Wiese a /" ~ _..
<br />~ ' -I ).1._--." (Seal)
<br />M1che e . muth ~
<br />
<br />} D:
<br />
<br />n. f.......n. ~ .u aduaowledted bef_ me this 13t h da)' of June
<br />1188 . by Gary L. Wiese and Michelle H. Demuth, both single persons
<br />
<br />My <<NIImlMk.n -,I' _.. ~ __1'l'1 v::t... J.
<br />.O"'..NnlOIW' ~.,.~rNobr..,.. ';"'.n' I'"hlic
<br />MyC_I&lI-o..,13.1!!!
<br />
<br />Wlt_ my haOO .nd notnrlal - ..
<br />
<br />Grand hland
<br />
<br />~; cnu~~~the d.,e aI~m
<br />
<br />~JIIQe 3 {If '.
<br />
<br />'~tll' lolI~~'.~lCT
<br />