<br />. ,",<"~<;",,..; /1:''''
<br />
<br />Deed of Trust
<br />88- 103064
<br />
<br />,orn~~O}D
<br />I ~l't12489l7703 l
<br />
<br />I St_Of Neb_lea
<br />
<br />,"
<br />, ~.~ oI,TNIt, ("SIlluJItylllltrWllent") II m.... OD June 13th
<br />,.',88;:,:;'-" trIIIloI'lI Gary L.. Wiese and Michelle H. Demuth, both single person&
<br />~i. The trwlee II
<br />, COlllllerdal Federal Savings and Loan Association ("1'nutee"), The beoef\cIary II
<br />" ," Commerc.ial Federal Mortgage CorpQratlon , wbleb ill orplllud aod ellltlDg
<br />uDder tholawa af, Nebraska , and whDllll Idd..-II
<br />2120 South]2nd Street Omaha Nebraska 68124 (-1eoderi.
<br />
<br />w,......'i...Thatt!ae. ~lD CQD&Ideratkm of tho debt and trwt hel'lrinafm described and created, Ind the 5IIIlI of One Dollar ($1), 10
<br />him IDhUdpald bytbe1'~ the.-tpt ofwbich II hen!lty aclmowledged,doeo by tbee ~ts grant, bargain and sell, convey and eon-
<br />fina, IUlIO tbil Trwtee, I'orever, .n of tbel'o\lowlDg dacrlbed realllIllte, 1Illulted lying and beJngln the County of
<br />Hall . and State of Nebraska, 10 wit:
<br />
<br />Lot Five (5), in Block Seven (7). in Claussen Country View
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />which ha: the adcIrea of 919 S Vine
<br />
<br />Grand Island
<br />
<br />'-I
<br />
<br />(at,..
<br />
<br />Nebrub.
<br />
<br />6880 1
<br />
<br />("Property Addres);
<br />
<br />,... """"
<br />
<br />To Have and To Hold the premises above dmcribed. with aU the appurtenanas thereunlo belonging and Including aU beating, plumbin& and
<br />Iightlllll flatu.... and equipment now or h_fter attaehed to or used iJI connection with said real estate unto the Trwtee, and to Its JWXe5IOn
<br />...0 usignr, iorever. The Bono..er repre5ClIlll to, and 00..""....,15 with, th. Tl'\I5tU, that tl... Burrower h.. good right to sell and COIMl)' said
<br />vrembea; that they are free from encumbrance; and thl! the Borrower will warrant and defend the same 19a1nst the lawM clalml of aU per-
<br />IOIIlI w~; and the said Borrower hereby reIInqutsbes aU rlghll of homestead, IUId aU mlrital righu, either In Ilw or In equity, and aU
<br />other contlnpnt lD_ of the Borrower in and to the lbove-d...".lbed premises, the inlenlion being to con..ey hereby an Ibsolute tide, in fer
<br />simple, tnc\Udlng aU rI&IIu of bomestead, and other rights Ind ln~erests as aforesaid.
<br />
<br />Provided Alway&, and these prsenII are es.ecuted IlJId delivered unto the Trustee, In trwt, however for the foUowlng purposes:
<br />
<br />Whiaeu, the Bomrwer on the l3t h , day of June ,19 88, borrowed from the Lender
<br />tile_of FOR.TY EIGHT THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED and 00/100
<br />,',., ",' " DoUan (f 48,700.00 ), ror which
<br />_ tile ~ has _tell ~ delivered 10 tile Lender Borrowu's promissory note of lMIJ\ diY, bearing interest It the rite or
<br />N:lNEand ' 500/1 oOlf' per oamun ( 9. 500 ~) per annum on the unpaid baJanee unlll paill.
<br />TbeulclprlDclpll aIid kttiereot sbaJl be payable at the offloe or COlllDercial Federal M'ortgage Corporation
<br />
<br />lD Omaha, Nebraska . or at au:h other plaee ~ the bolder of the _
<br />may cIIoIpabIlD wrItIIIg,1o lIioathIy lnstaU_" of FOUR HUNDRED NINE and 50/100
<br />Dollan (. 409.50 ), commenelng on the fIm day of August
<br />18 88, and 011 theflrlt day of eadI month thereafter unlllthe principal and ~ ... ruUy paid, aeepl that the final payment of prin.
<br />olJIe.! ud iaterllIl, If not __ psId, shaU be dlle and payabb on the ant day of July
<br />10 18.
<br />
<br />ThIt fcltmll .. In conniiotloi1 wiltIlIMIngIiga IllIIirwd under the ~ to 1oI/r.1am1ly program. 01 the Natlonll Hauling ACI which provtde lot
<br />periodICl Morlgllge ~ Pnomium paYft*llL
<br />
<br />"1Qe 1 III ~
<br />
<br />1'0"" hUD 021~ Of (l~1 EditIOn'
<br />~4C"R 203 t :'18)
<br />TMC-229 (qc)
<br />NEW 4/88
<br />