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<br />88- <br /> <br />103058 <br /> <br />l.:"ICE~SI;__~GB~EMENT <br /> <br />This License Agreement is made by and between the CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, a Municipal Corporation, herein referred <br />to as the "City" and ROBERT D. MOLLE and BONNIE L. MOLLE, <br />husband wife, hereinafter referred to as t.he "Licensees". <br /> <br />1. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE. The purpose of t.his License <br />Agreement is to set forth t.he t.erms and condit.ions under which <br />the Licensees may const.ruct., maint.ain, repair, and ut.ilize t.he <br />fallowing described improvement which will infringe upon real <br />estat.e owned or cont.rolled by the City: <br /> <br />A fifty foot (50') wide driveway to be located a~ <br />504 East Fifth Street, Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />2. DESCRIPTION OF LICENSEES' REAL ESTATE. The Licensees <br />awn or cont.rol the fallowing described real est.ate udiacent. t.o <br />the City's real ..tate to which this License AgrEe.Bn~ shall apply. <br /> <br />Lot. Five (5), Black Twenty-three (23), Nagy's <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br /> <br />3. LICENSEES' DUTIES AND RISKS. It is understood and <br />agr..d that the Lic.n.... may construct, maintain, repair and <br />utilIze the above described improvement at. t.he Licensees' sol. <br />risk. The Licen.... hereby waive any claim for daaages against <br />the City, its officers, employees, agents and independ.nt <br />contract.ors for any damage or injury that may result. t.o said <br />i.prov..-nt. If the City, in its sole discret.ion, deter.ioes <br />t.hat any part. or all of t.he improvement. must be r.-oved or is <br />da..ged by t.he City, its, agents, ~- indep8Rd~t <br />cont.r.ctors working for t.he City during t.h. course of t.heir <br />1Mp10yM&nt or duti.. with the City, the Licensees Agr_ to ........ <br />and pay all costs relating to the replac..ent. or repair of tha <br />improv~t. <br /> <br />4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This licens. afjlree.-nt shall t.ake <br />effect on the date it is eKecuted by the Mayor of the City of <br />Grand Island as dat.ed below. It. .hall continue for an indefinite <br />term until such ti.. as it is terminated as provid8d her.Af~er. <br /> <br />5. TERMINATION. Thi s Licen_ AQretNMH1t shall t.......inAta <br />upon one or .ore of the fallowing occurrenceSI <br /> <br />a. The .ervice of sixty dAY. writ.ten notic. of <br />intention to terminate by any p.rty upon the other party. <br /> <br />b. The Lic.n....' application for . to <br />alter lmprov.ment or Anv pArt t.hereof, .aid <br /> <br />u <br />