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<br />19, Allllpment or Rentll Appolnlment or Reecher; Lender In P_lon. As addilional spcurilY hereuncfer, <br />Borrower hereby llssigns 10 Lender Ihe rents of Ihe Property, provided thai Borrower shall. prior to aeceleralion undcr <br />paragraph 17 hereol'or abandonmenl ol'the Propeny, have Ihe right to collect and retain such renls as Ihey become due <br />and IluYllhle. <br />Upon accelcralion undcr pllragruph 17 hen:ol' or abandonment of the Properly, Lender, in person. by agenl or by <br />judiciallyappointl.'(l receivcr shall be entitled to enler upon. lake poS!iessi~m of and manage the Property and to'colll:<:. <br />Ihe n:ots ol'the Property including'lhose past due, All rents collecled by Lender or Ihe ~iver shall be applied tir.1 tu <br />payment of the costs of manllllementofthe Property andcollcclion 01' rents, including, bUI notlimited to, receiver's lees, <br />premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees, and then to the sums secund by thi~ Deed 01' Trust. <br />Lender IInd ihe receiver shall be liable to accOunt only lorlhose rents actually received. <br />20. Upon payment 01' all sums secured by Ihis [ked 01' Trust, Lender shall requesl Trusll.'C 10 <br />rl.'l.'onvl.'Y the Properly and shall surrender Ihis Deed 01' Trusl and all notes evidencing indeb"'-dnl.'Ss secured hy Ihis <br />L>t.'t.'(1 01' Trusl III Truslec. Trustee shall rcconvey Ihe Property wilhout warranly and wilhoul charge to Ihe per.on ur <br />IlCfSllllS le!:lllIy elllitled .hereln. Such pefSOIl or persons shull pay alll.'llsts of recorda linn. if any. <br />11, Subs"'uteTl'Ulltee, Lemler. al Lender's option. may from lime 10 lime remove Trustee and allpoim II succc""r <br />lrusll.'C 10 any Truslee apllllintl.'tl hereunder by an instrumenl recorded in the cllunty in which Ihis DL'Cd of Trust is <br />n:~:ordl.-d. Wilhout L'tlDvcyance 01' Ihc I'mperly, Ihe succes.~or trustce shall succeed 10 nlllhe lille,'power and dUlics <br />L'Onli:rrl.-d upon the Truslee herein and by applicable law. <br />22. Req..esl for NullCft. Uorrower requests thaI copies 01' IiiI.' notice of default and nolice 01' sale be ~ent to <br />Borrower's addn.'Ss which is lhe l'roperlY Address. <br /> <br />REQUEST FOR NOTICE OF DEFAULT <br />AND FORECLOSURE UNDER SUPERIOR <br />MORTGAGES OR DEEDS OF TRUST <br /> <br />Oofft)Wl:r and Lender requestlhc holder of any mortgage. tkt.-d uJ' Irusl or III her encumbrance wilh If lien whk-h h;" <br />Ilriorily over Ihis IJctxi "I'Tru~llo !:ivc Notice 10 Lender. atl.ender's address ~el I'orth on page one oJ'lhis Ueed ofTru~1. <br />of allY default under the superior encumbrance and 01' any ~ale or olher loreclll~urc aclion. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Borrower ha~ executed ~; . <br /> <br /> <br />/d::R. <br /> <br />ANNE RIG <br />/If It II ,t:-A,II/ ..... <br />SHTF Of NUlII LIt",..........,..........,... ~ ~K~ (1: -:V:.f? . County 55: <br /> <br />On Ihis , . , , . . , . . . . .~, ~. . . dllY 01'. . St. -:'I':'.~. . . , 19. iff. betore me, lhe undenigned. a Notllry Public <br />duly commissioncd and qUlllilk'tllor ~aid county, penonally came. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . ' , , . <br />. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. ,IU 1111: known to be Ihe identical pcrson(s)....hOM: naml."sl arc subscril....c1I" Ihe <br />loregoing instrument and acknowledlled the cllcculion thereol'lo be. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . voIUnlaf)' acl and d<<.d., <br />WI "NESS my hand and notarialliClll al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . , . .. in said count',I.; It!(:. \.,:' <br />dlltcali.lfCllOaid. ';',-:' ""':~.'ilj':Ji <br /> <br /> <br />M'C~=;~= cj(~j.~......... ..E:.'c ""5l, <br />....,.NIIt:.~eaa.,.~ '""I..,~u"'" "'..,:',.,: '-' . <br />.... () . laD &pna NcIIfl:mIIcf 4. IlIN ',' " . i ' .:) : ',;/f <br /> <br />", <br /> <br /> <br />REQUEST FOI~ RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />To TlcUSTEE, <br /> <br />t.w"J_ <br /> <br />boun. ..' <br /> <br />".;..:~::~;~~~,:, " <br /> <br />. ., ~, . <br /> <br />Tbe undersillnl.-d is the holder ol'lhe nole or noles secured by this DL'Cd of TrU5i. Said note or notn. 10000lher v..ith <br />all other indebtedness !>CCured by Ihis Deed ol'Trust, have been paid in full. You are herebydirectcd to cancel said nute <br />Ilr nutes and Ihis L>t.'L'tlnI'Trust, which are delivered hereby. and 10 reconV\:I', withoul warranly, all the e\tllle nnw held <br />by you under Ihis L>t.'ed ol'TruM 10 Ihe per.on IIr pcrsons legillly enlilled therelo. <br /> <br />()ate:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , , <br /> <br />(Spa. Ileluw Ih" liB. R...,..., IOf tend.. IINI R"'Ofderl <br /> <br />~-- <br />'-"~ <br />~ <br /> <br />~" 9 <br /><p \-.( <br />\- ~ <br />{ ~.~ ,. <br /> ~/'\ o:::J <br />~ ~ -' CXI <br /> " \ Co.. <br />l-" ~. -0 ;.~'''' ~ <br />" :' <br />C' ~ ;;') <br />~, (~..... ::> <.A,) <br />· X k ~ ." <br />,>-. , ::- (,., " \:l <br />''1 <br />~ <;:. "I i' " ::J; <br />::;J <br />/) t ~ <br />.~~ ...., <br />n <br />,-.. <br />" <br />~ <br /> <br />"' <br /> <br />g ::: 00 III <br />':: ~ CO <br />:~ ~~a= ~ ~ I I <br />o ~li I ~ <br />~fJ1~~SI!f ~ r <br />I . ;~ r\ w <br />". 0 <br /> <br />~,_ U1 ., <br />(" -.J <br />\ : <br />