<br />f 8&':":' Li". {; J
<br />103057
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is mldetbis . , . , , , , . , , .~~~ , . , . . , , . , . . . , . day of ." ..JV~~, . . , . . . . .1.. .. , . . . ,
<br />~~ :~:: ~~~.::~~.'.'.'.',':.~~~~,'~',',~~,~::;~;,~=:.:~s.~~~.~~.'~,~'.~.~:7~,'.
<br />, , , , , , , . , . . , , . , , , ,~M4LA.. .B,~~g~~. :rKM&qlr~~,;,~~AGM . .., . u (herein ''TflII_;:), and the ~diciary.
<br />. . . . . .. . . . .,. , .', , , , , . J...~~';~I?~M... PMQJ;T . W~DN, , . . . , . .. ,. ...,. . . , . ,.coq)Orat....QlJaniuid aDd
<br />e.lstinIUndliihel\Wlof, :rJI.f:,.~1;4n,9f. rI,OR'I,'IJ ,1)4\<0'J'/\.. . . " , . . . , . . .. , , . .... ,.~, ... '~... .. ., · .. ,
<br />wholuddreuil. . ..2,2. .q...~~~; ~:r.., ,F;I\~GQ .l'1,P. .sAl,Q~, . . . , . , . , . . .. . . .. , , . .. 'H ,..., ".. ,.... ....
<br />
<br />. .... , .,. ;--':'. ..;;,..,... ...... ,.. , " . , " , , ., " ,.' "...".."..... ..,... (berein "Leader");
<br />
<br />
<br />,':..'..,
<br />"
<br />
<br />8oRROWER~in consideration of the Indebtednlll herein recited and the trust herein created. irrevoe~ly grants
<br />and conveys to Trustee, intrust, with power of.aaIe, the followinl d~:ibed property loc:ated In the County of
<br />, . , , , , , , .. . . . .. .\IJ~~.. , . .. , , . .. . .. . , .. , . .. . State of NebrJika:
<br />
<br />
<br />whlc:h hlllhuddress of . . . .. . .. . . .. , ,lA~Q .~o~num.. .. .. .. . . .. . . , , ' . . . .. GRAND .ISLMlD. . .. . .. . . ,
<br />Ia.tJ IQIrI
<br />Nebrllb. . . .~~Q~ . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . (herein "ProperlJ Addnlll");
<br />,z.,c.l
<br />TooETHER with all the ImpnMil\ellts now or hanafter .ncted on the property. and all easements, ri&bu,
<br />appurteaaftCt!l and rents (subject bowem- to the rllhtl and alltborltlel pea htftln to Lender to c:oIlKt and apply sUch
<br />rents), all of whlchsblll be deemed to be and remaift a part of the propaty covered by this Deed of Trust; and all of
<br />the foregoins, ',topther with said property (or the Jeuehold lltate if I'" DIed of Trust u on a JelleholcU are
<br />herei1lafter ~ IOU the "Property":
<br />1'0 SIlctJaE to Lendetthe repayment of the indebleclneu tMdlllced by Borrower'uote dated. . , , . . . . . . , . . . . . .
<br />. . . . . . . . , . . . .9:-7;-!JfJ. , . . . . . . . . , . . . and elltemlOlll and renewals thcnof(herein "Noee"), in the prindpahum of
<br />U,S. S . . . ,6.,JH~ ,00, . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . ,with Inlereat Ibereoa, pnwldln,formontbJy InslallmentlOf.principalud
<br />mterest', with lhe balanc:eofthe lndebtedneu, ihot lOOIIer paid. due and pay.ble on, . . , , , . .JJl~J;: .l99t. . . . . . . . . :
<br />the paymenl of aUoeller sums, with interest thereoa. advanced in aceordance herewith to protKt lhe IIc:Urity of this
<br />Deed of Trust: 'and the performance oflhe COYeDanu' and apeements of Borrower herein contained,
<br />Borrower COYeIWlII that Borrower is lawfUUyseised of the estate hereby conveyed and hll the riahl to ar..nt and
<br />c:ODWf:1 the Property, and th.. the Pmperty II UIleftCUlDbered, ezc:ept for enc:umbrancea of record, Borrower OOftI1ants
<br />that Borrower WarTanls and wiJldefend aeneraUytbc tide to the Property apinst all claims and demands, subject to
<br />encumbrances of n:cord,
<br />UI'UPORM COVEHAN'J'$, 80ft0wer and Lender COYenant and agree u follOW'l:
<br />I. ......".. ........... ....... Borrower shill promplly pay when due the princ:ipal and interat
<br />Indebtedn.. eYIdtnc:ed by the Notnlld I.tiebaraa u provided In tbe NOIe,
<br />2, ,...... T__ ~, Subjec:t to appllc:able law or a written waiYer by l.ender. Borrower $han pay 10
<br />Lender' on lhe ~'JlIlOIllhly paymenll of pdncipal and Intereal are payable under the Note, until the NOle i~ paid
<br />lit ruu, a awn <hefeift "Putidli") equal to one-tweH'th "'Ihe ,early I.... and useumenls (includlna condominium and
<br />pIuatd unit ~t UlelSmentl. If any) which niay attain priority om- this Deed of Trust. and IJl'OUnd ~nt~ on
<br />~M f'ropmJ. It .y'l'llil one.tMJfth of ,early prtmlWlt ImtlllmenlJ for bautd IlIlllrance, plul one-twelfth of yearl~
<br />pNMlum h.tallmeall for mutt.... Insurance. If an)', III u reasonably estim.teet Initially and frum time III time by
<br />........ Oft 1M huh or auenmentl and bills and nasonable ..Iimallll thereof. Borrower shall not be obU.atlld to ",.te
<br />such pllYMftlts or Fundi to Lender tn the eltent thll Borrower makes such payn....tl to the holder of a prior mort.. or
<br />dt<<S ortNlt ihlKh hokkr II an hutltulionallcnder.
<br />
<br />'..up ItlMt l_tllllr.I/IO-............ .....]
<br />