<br />88- 103050
<br />
<br />i. .old, tr~.f.Fr~ or fu~t~r encuaber.d without tl~ .xpr..e or written coneent of Benefici.ry,
<br />8en.ficJ~r~..y,\~t\ite ~l. option, declar. .11 .uae .ecured by this Deed of Tru.t to be i...di.t.ly
<br />due .nd p.yabl. and proceed to the remediee avail.ble to it unddr the def.ult provieione cont.ined
<br />her.in.
<br />
<br />11. Iv....t. of Def.ult. Any of the foU_ina .v.nt. .hall b. d.eaed lUI event of d.f.ult \>ereunclar:
<br />
<br />(.) Trustor .h.ll have f.il.d to .... p.,.ent of .ny ia8t.l1.-ot of tnt.r.et.
<br />principal or prtncipal and int.re.t or any other .~ a.cured hereby when due;.
<br />
<br />(b) Thera h.. occurred. bre.ch of or def.u1t under .ay te~, covenant,
<br />..r..-.nt, condition, provieion, repr...ntation or w.rranty cont.ined in thie De.d
<br />of Truet. the not. or any other loan inetruaent ..cur.d her.by;
<br />
<br />(c) There h.e be_ . defeult by the Trustor in the p.yaent of any prior or
<br />sub.equent lien or encu.br.nc. in re.pect to all or any part of the properry;
<br />
<br />(d) TJ:uatOI' .hall fUe . voluntary p.ition 10 bankn1ptcy or ehall b. .dJudi-
<br />c.ted baakrupt or tn.olv.nt. or .h.ll ..k. .n ...i~ot for the b~fit of cr.ditor.
<br />10 re.pact to the property; or .n .ction to .nforce .ny lien or encuahraace or Juds-
<br />..nt. ...tn.t the property i. co..-nced,
<br />
<br />12. Accel.ration Upon Def.ult. In the .vent of any def.ult, lleoeficiary _'I dec1ue all 1ndebt......
<br />.eeured hereby to b. due eud p.yable, aad the ._ .hall th.reupon b.coae due and p.y.ble withouc -y
<br />pr..ent.-nt, d...ad, prot..t or notice of .ny kind. Th.r..ft.r, BeneficLary ..y:
<br />
<br />(.) eith.r io p.non or 'by .Ient, with or witbout brtnltna any .ction or pro-
<br />c..dina, or by r.c.iv.r .ppointed by . court and w~tbout re..rd to the .claquaey of
<br />any ..curity. &Qt.r UpoD &Ad taka po.....loA of the property. or lUll' pert thereof,
<br />in it. ova _ or in tb. n_ of the Trust... and do any act. whicb it d._ 0_..&1'7
<br />and d~.irAble to pre..rve the valu., ..rket.bi1ity or r.nt.b~ity of the pro~ty, or
<br />p.rt thereof or ~,tere.t ther.tn. incr..e~ the income therefro. or protect the .ecurity
<br />hareof .ud, without takina pos....im, of the property. sue for or otherwi.e coll.ct the
<br />rent.. i..uea lUId profit. ther.of, includins thoee p..t due .nd unp.id, and .pply thn
<br />..... 1... coat. and ........ of oper.tion and coll.ction. includins attorney f.... upon
<br />..y lA4abteoln... ..e\l1'ed hft'.by, .U tn .ueh order .lA Benefici.ry ..y dac.ndae. Th.
<br />Ilt'lt.rin, IIpClll &Ad takina po.....ion of th. tru.t .atat., the coll.ction o~ .uch ra:at..
<br />ie.ue. ead profit. &Ad applic.tioo th.r.of a. .fore..id shall not cur. 01' waive any d.-
<br />f.ult or notice of d.f.ult bar.und.r or il\v.11c1ate any .ct and in r..ponse to "uch d.-
<br />f"ult or pur.uant to .uch notic. of def.ule and. notwith.tandinl the cont1ouanc. 10
<br />po.....ton of the prop.rty or the collection, receipt and .pplic.tion of renee, i..ue.
<br />or prof in. Truet.. or len.Udary ..y be entitled to elUtrd.e every ript provided for
<br />In any of the loea in.trwaant. or by l.w upon occurrence of .ny event of d.fault, in-
<br />cludh.. the riaht to .Ulrci.. the powr of ..1.;
<br />
<br />(b) C_CII aD er.tioo to foraclo.. this Ilead of Truet .. . IIOn..s., .ppoint
<br />. r.c.iv.r, or .pecifically enforce any of the coveneats h.r.of;
<br />
<br />(e) d.liver to Truseo. a written decl.~.tiClll of default and d8aBDd for ..1.,
<br />_d a witt_ noUc. of claf.ult &Ad electioo to c_.. Tru.tur'. ioter.at 10 the property
<br />to be .old. whtcb Dottce Truet.. .hell c.uee to b. duly fil.d for record io the official
<br />r.cord. of the county ta which the property i. loc.ted,
<br />
<br />13. Foreclo.ur. by Pover of Sale. Should I.oefici.ry el.ct to for.clo.. by ...rci.. of t~ power
<br />of a.l. h.r.ia cont.io... a.neficiary .hall notify Truse.e and .hall depo.it with Truet.e thl. Deed of
<br />Truat .... the not. end .uch r"ce1pte and ..videnc. of .xpenditure. _de ead ..cure. h.reby .. Truet..
<br />..y I'Qquir.. and upon req....t of ehe lIeoeUdary. the Truet.. .hell fU. for record. 10 the ..,lat.r
<br />of Dead. office ta the County where the property i. loc.t.d, . notic. of d.f.ult, .ettina fortb tb.
<br />_ of the Tr"ator, tbe look Rd P... or Doc_t No, of this lIo.d of Truet .. rec:orclad io ..Id
<br />"siater of De.d. ofUce, the 1...1 cIa.cription of the ebove-4e.cdbed 1.'..1 ..tate and that.. br..cb
<br />of an obli,.eion, for which .eid r.el estet. va. conveyed .e ..curity. haa occurred, end eetti.. fort~
<br />the n.tur. of .uch breach and the Trust..'. .lection to ..11 the 1'..1 e.t.te to ...tl.fr the o~la..t.oa.
<br />and aft.r the l.pn of oot Ie.. than one (1) _th, the Truste. .hall 11v. witten notice of the t'"
<br />ead pl.c. of .ele which ..y b. b.tween 9:00 .... and 5 p... at the preat.... or .t eh. Courthous. iQ
<br />the Count, "".r.in .ucb propert, i. locat.d. claacr tbina the propeny to be .old by it. 1...1 cIa.crip-
<br />tlon. ..id notice to be publl.h.d in a now.p.per of leaer.l ctrculation in the County wh.rean .uch
<br />prop.rlY i. located. onc. a week for five (5) con..cutlve we.ks, the l..t public.tlon to b. .t l...t
<br />tea (10) day., but aot BOre thaD thirty (3D) d.y.. prior to the aale; and the Tru.ree .hall then ..il
<br />..id property .1' the ti.. and pl.c. d..isoat.d tn the notice. in the aanoer provided by law ta effect
<br />at the ti.. of ftlln. ..id ootic.. .t public .uction to the hiahe.t bidder for c..h and eh.11 de11..r
<br />to .uch purch...r . de.d to the prop.rty .old, cone1atent with the 1_ tn .ff.ct at tbe ct..,
<br />
<br />Upon r.celpt of the pric. btd. Truet.. .hall d.liver to the purch.se, Truete.'. deed conveyta, the
<br />property .old. Reclt.ls in the Truste.'. deed shall be prlma f.cle evidence of the truth of tbe at..t.-
<br />8BAt. ..d. th.r.la. Truetee shall .pply the proc..d. of the ..le ift the followins o~d.~: ea) to .11
<br />r..~~bl. coat. and .xpen... of the ..1.. lneludina but not li.lted to, Truete.'. f... of not IIOre
<br />thaD ~,O Z of tb. arosa aele prie., r...onabl. .ttorn.y fe.. .nd co.t. of title ..id.nc.; (b) to ..11
<br />.w.a~d b, this Deed of Trust; and (c) tba .ac..., if any, to tb. p.rean or paraoa. l...il, ..-
<br />titled ther.to. Any p.reon, iacludlna IIanafici.ry, .., purcl... ..id property .t ..id ..1..
<br />
<br />Tb. par.on conductina the a.l. ..y. for all, c.us. h. or .he de_. exp.dient. po.tpon. tba ..1. fr_
<br />t~ to tias until it .ha11 b. eoeplata. 164. In eYer, aueh e.... nottc. of po.tp~nt .ball be a1wen
<br />by public deel.r.tion th.r.of by .uch p.r.on .t the ti.. end pl..e l..t appointed for the ..1.; pro-
<br />vl,de4. if the ..1. 1. poatpon.d lor loopr than one (1) d.y b.yond the d.t.. d.a1gnat.d In the notic. of
<br />..1e. notlc. th.r.of .hatl b. alven in the .... aaaner .. the orisinel notice of ..le,
<br />
<br />14. ....di.. Not Exclusiv., Truate. and Iea.flctary, and .ach of the., .hall b. entitled to an-
<br />forc. p.,.ant and p.rfor.-.ce of an, lndebtedoe.. or obUI.t Ion ...cured h.reby .nd to .xarch. .U ,lahU
<br />Bad power. UDd.r this be.d of Trust or und.r .ny loan In.trueent or other ..r....ot or .ny l.va DOV or
<br />h.r.aftar enforc.d, notwith.tandin, eo.. or .11 of the ind.btedne.. and obll..tion. ..cur.d h.r.by
<br />""leh"y nov or It....ft.r b. t1thuwb. .ecured, vI,.th.r by IIUrtR.S", d".d of truMI. pled.e, a..n, ...lp-
<br />...t or oth.rvl.., ..ith.r the .cc.ptance of this De.d of Tru.t nor lte .nfore...nt. wh.th.r by court
<br />acU. or pur.l6AIIt to the pow.r of ..1. or other powers h.rein cootalned, .h.ll prejudice or ill lUIy
<br />eann., atf.ct Truet..'. or I.,.tlci.ry'. rlaht to re.lile upon or enforce .ny oth.r ..curtty now or b.r.-
<br />.ft., beld by tr~.t.. or lanericl.ry, It batha a"..d that Tru.t.. .Ild I.neflcl.ry, end ..ch of th...
<br />ahall II. .ntltled to .nrore. thla Deed of Trll8t and .ny oth.r ..curit y no.. or h"reefur held by the ......-
<br />fleta" or True'.. In .ueh ord.r and aann.r .. they, or aither of the., ..y In th.lr .blOlute 1I1lcr.tlon
<br />deter.l... No reaa4y hareln eunr.rr.d upon or r..arvwd to Truet..e Dr Ileneftcl.r, I. lnt.nded to ba .x-
<br />el..l.e 0' .fl' ot"'r r_d, !wrath or by 1... provi"'d Dr p....tU.d, but ..ch eh.ll ba c_l.Uve .1Id
<br />.".11 ... lit .ddU lUll to ever, alher r_lI, IIh'," h.reullder or now or he..aft.r e.hllDll at 1... or In
<br />....lty or b, ....Cul.. Evert !',..,war 0' nMd, Ilv.n by any of Ih" loan In.tr_.....18 10 Tnt.t". or Ien.-
<br />tlelu, or 10 ..hleh elll,e' ul II... ..y b. ul herwha "nlllle,1 ."V be .~er< "a,., <UI,,'urr..nt 1v or lnd.....n-
<br />.se"U" Irva 11_ to 11_ .nd .. "ft." .. ..y b. d...... a......dl"nl by Tr...tee u, lIelll.!lcl.ry, and .lIh.,'
<br />". 11_ .., 'u..... ane'IO"I.lent r.....a... Nulhlnll hareln oh.lI be cllnet,..~d II. I't"hI1>1IIIII1 nen"ftclaty
<br />"... .....1'1. a d."C't.n..., JullalWt",t .....tn.t lru8tor to th. "'atttnt Queh art ion t. ",..I..llltlll' by lav.
<br />-2-
<br />