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<br />) <br /> <br />State of Nebrlaka <br /> <br />Mortgage <br />SB- t.O.3.O..4.1 <br /> <br /> <br />321 124439~ 203{b) <br /> <br />...... Mor1p&e, made and executed this <br />19 88. by and between DaJ;' ien L. <br />spouse of each otheJ;', <br />of tbCCourity of HaU: <br />.lbe MOI'tJIIIOr. IDd The Equitable <br /> <br />10th day of June <br />Cox and Karen M. Cox, each in his 2nd her own right~ and as <br /> <br />, ad State of Nebraska, party of tile I"IIIt ]JIlt. IIenitIIffC: caDIld <br />Building and Loan Association, Grand Island, . <br /> <br />. corporadoa 'JI'IIDbed IDd aiItiDI YDder the laWl of the State of Nebraska <br />party of the IlCCMMlpart, hereiDafter ciUecI the MOrtppe, <br /> <br />wrtll d: That lbe Mid MOI1IIIor. for ud in coDlideration of the IWIl of Forty Six Thousand One ~r,ed and <br />no/100 -----------------------------------------------DoUan ($46,100.00 ), PIid by_ Mort- <br />...-.die R(lIipC of whldl is hereby dDowIedIed, hili Graated and Sold ... by u.e JIftlIClIIII does GnM, &rpia, W. eo..e, <br />ad Coaftrm unto the MartIIPt, its IUCCIeIIOI'I ud ....., forever, the followiDa-deecribecl -1Itate. ~ iIII die CoIIItIy of <br />Ha! 1 . aDd Stale of Nebrata, !O wit: <br /> <br />Lot Eight (8) and the East Ten (10) Feet of Lot Seven (7), of Block Tventy Three (23), <br />Baker's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraske. <br /> <br />of the Sinh ~ MericUu, CODWniaI in aU <br /> <br />acns -...-,.. 10 <3.__ wei ~ <br /> <br />Te ..... ... Te ..... the"J... . II above, deIcribed, with aU tM appurt.eIIUCeI therewIIo ~ .. .ttu.a. ........ ~, <br />...._ .ad HI;IrotiDI ~ .... ..._ DOW or benItter attacbed to or UIId iD 0011111 cdoa IIid ftlllltIIIIt _ ..Won- <br />...... ... to ill ~~ ud ....... lomer. TIle MortaaIor ,.....u to, ... ~. willa. die u..... pt. ... .. 1iIDtI- <br />JIIlX .... JOOd riIk to .... Uti CiOIl\'CJ' IIid .........: tIW lbey 1ft free r~ ~ ... .... die 1M will ..,... ..s <br />clef_ tile ... .... the IawtW c:Wau of aD penoDI wboInIoever; .. the IIid ~ JMnbJ ... 1 . ... T .. riI1tII or <br />lIa_... 1M II --.. riIIaU. ddHli' iIl"w or ill equity. IDd aD ocber CONI I t iDtenIIa of 1M Nor"I In..... to dIt ~ <br />dIIl:ribed 1M...... tbeiaU:adaa.... to COlI"" hereby .. abIoIure title. iJI, r. 1iIDpIe. iDc:IudiIta aD riPb (;f .amnur. .. otMr <br />ri&tIb .. iDtenIII . aforesaid. <br />........~ AIwIII, cad ,m.e prtiIIIItIlrt aec::uted aad deliwred lIpaIl die foUowiD& coeditioM. to wa: <br />11M: MortaIIor..... to PQ' the Mon.aaIee. or order. the pri.DcipU IUIIl of Forty Six Thousand One Hundred and <br /> <br />no/I 00 ------'----------------------------------------DoIIarI (146. 100.00 <br /> <br />with ialCnIt frona ,eWe It tIIc nIe of Nine and One-Hal f p<< centum ( 9. S <br />UIIIlMI bMuce UDti1 paid. TIle _ priDdp&I ad iIltcreIt Iha1l be payable at the ofrlce of TI1 e Equ i. t ab 1 e <br />Loan Association. Grand Island. <br />in Grand Island. Nebraska. . GrallllChodW'pIact.dIcldtln'oflllrllOl:r <br />.., dcIipIce in writinl. in momhIJ inItaUIDeau of Three Hundred Eighty Seven and 63/100 _______________ <br />~--------------DoOItn (S 387.63 ). -c::ommeftci", 0i'I the lint dQ Gf Juh . <br />19 a8, and 011 die flnt day of eIdIlDOl1tb thereafter until the princ:ipaJ and interest artfully paid, esmpt that tbe riM! p.,)'IIIftU cd <br />PIiItcIPa1I11d ...... if not IOOIIe\' paid. IhIll be due and payable OIllhe firM day of May <br />20 113: aU ~ to the ttnnl of. certain pronUeeory note of CWft date hernvith executed by the 1IitI~. <br /> <br />l. <br />'lilt) ,pII' _ ClIB * <br />Bu il ding ,and <br /> <br />TNa fonn II UMd In COftMCIIon with moft~ lMl.itred under 1M OM- to faur.f.nll)' progl1ml of tM NMtoMI HouIInGl Act -""tl'l pm, <br />wtde for pet10dkl MoftllOllntMHanctl Premium ~I.. <br />PrevIOus Edition. Are OblKIlete tfUD.ftlQM (MIl ~ <br />p. 1 0' 4 ~Cnli :\'D ~ 'I'd1~ <br />