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<br />88- <br /> <br />103034 <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L <br /> <br />25.063 <br /> <br />KNOWALLMENByTItESEPRESENTS,That Keith A. Jorgensen and Rita K. Jorgensen, each in his and <br />her own right. and as spouse of each other. <br /> <br />MOrfP8'lr, wbclbcr one or mare. in CDIIIidcratioll of tile _ of <br />Thirty Four Thousand and nollOO ---------------------------------------------------DOLLARS <br /> <br />Ioanc<lto said mortPBOr by The r.quitable Buildintl and Loan Association of Grand Idmd, Nebrasb, Mortgap. upon 340 IIwes of r"..ld of <br />said ASSOCIATION. CertlfK2te No. L 25 ,063 ,do hereby gnnl, comey md mortglge unto the said ASSOCIATION tile fDIIDwiDI <br />described real estate, siluated in Ilall County, Nebrub: <br /> <br /> <br />Lot Seven t7), Klock One (I), in Windolph's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska <br /> <br />l"Fther with aU II", lenement', hereditaments and appurten.on= Ihereuntu belunging, including .ttached floor covcrinp, all window ICRaIS, <br />wiIIdow shades, blinds, dorm windoWl, awniap, healing, air conditioning, and p1umbin& and water equipment and acc:t:aJrics thereto.JIlIIIIIII.atawa. <br />refrifleraton, lUld other fixlure. and equipmenl now or hell:aftcl allacl1ed 10 or med in connection wilb llid real eslale. <br /> <br />And wbcreu the IIid morlggor has llgIttd alid .we. heteby agn:e tllal Ihe morlPBOf shall and will pay all lUes and _b Ie'Iied 01' <br />-.ed upon IIid premiac:s md upon Ibis mortJ!ll&C and the bond IIC<:Ured lherebr before the same &haIJ beco_ de\inquent; to familh lIJIJII11'Ied <br />imurance upon the buildinp on said prenilir1 sitlPted in the sum of S 34 .000 . UO payable to said ASSOCIATION and to de1i1;a to Slid <br />ASSOCIATION lhe policie, fOf gid 1115Ul'Ulce; .nd not 10 commit or permit lll1Y waste on ur aboul said premiJe!; <br /> <br />In cax .If defaull in Ihe perfonn.tJ1te of any of the lernu and conditions of this mortPKC or tile bond ~cured hel'\lby, die ~ 1haIl. <br />OIl demand, be enlitled to immediate possesUon of the morllllFd premi:les md lhe morIpgor hereby usips, traosfen and leis owr to the <br />mortPFC &Illhe .enl.. revenucs and income to be derMd from the mortlllgcd premiac:s durin& such time u the mortPF ~ abIII ~ <br />UIIpIid; and I"" mortpsce shall have the power to appoinl any .,.t or .grots it may desire for the ptIl'POJC of rcpairina said pmuiIes ad ICIItiIIC <br />Ibc same and coll<<lin& the rents. rewenucs and income, and it may payout of gid income all expenses of rcpairins said premiaea aDd ~ <br />collllllUlions and cxpenln incurred in rcntin!: and mana~ the 52mc and of collectin& .entals therefrom; tile balance remainin&, if any. to be <br />aJllllied 10ward Ihr disdw&e of said mong>lgc indeblcdlH'n; lhese righls of the morlgagee may be exercilcd at any time during tbe exio;;Lence of IIIdI <br />dCtaull, irrcspedive of any tempo.ary _!ve. of lhe same. <br /> <br />Theil: I'tcscnls. huwever, are upon Ihe Conditiun, Thai if the 52il1 Morlgagor shall repay said loan on or before the maturity of said Iharn by <br />payment; pay monlhly III said ASSOCIATION uf Ihe sum specir"'d in Ihe Bond lICeu.ed hereby as interesl and principal on said loaD, on or before <br />the Twenlieth day of cael. .nd ewry monlh, unlil Slid loan is fully paid; pay .11 wes and aSlCS5RlCflI. levied apinslaid premiJr:s andoo this MOItpF <br /> <br />and the Bond se.:ured thereby, before delinquency; r umish .pproYcd in,urance upon the buildin&& lhereon in the IUlD of S 34.000.00 payable <br />10 aid ASSOCIATION; repay 10 said ASSOCIATION upon demand III money by it paid fur melt tuC!, a_nls and inJunnc:e with interatal <br />the maximum legal ule Ihereon from date uf payment all of whlch Murtpgor hereby agrccs 10 pay; permil no wuteonsaid pnmriIes;bqt and comply <br /> <br />with aJlthe qrccOlenl5 and conditions of the Bond fo. S 34, 000 .00 tbis day gi\'en by the said Mortpgor to Did ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />wilh all the requiremenls of Ihe Cunstilution and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATION; then Ihese presents shaD become nuD and wid. otlIcnriIc they <br />shaD remain in fuD force and may be foreclosed al the option of the said ASSOCIATION after f.i1ure for three months 10 make any of said <br />paymenls or be thrcc monlhs in arrear' in making said monlhly payment" or 10 keep .nd comply with Ihe agrcemmts and conditions of said Bond; <br />lI1Id Mortpgor agrees to have a receWer .ppointed forthwilh in wch foreclosure proceedings. <br /> <br />If there is any ehanse in ownership of the real estate mortgaged herein, by ale or Olberwi1e, lhen the entire .remaining ~ hereby <br />KCUred 1haIJ, al lhe oplion of The Equitable Building and Loan Asaociation of Grand Is/ar;d, Nebrasb, become immediately uue and payable without <br />furt""r nolice. and the amounl remaining due under said bond, and any other bond for any additional adYanCe! made thereundt'r.IhaII, from the <br />dale of cm:rme of oaid option. bear interest althe maximum JegaI rate, and this mortgage may then be foreclmed to .liIfy the IIDDlIDt due DIlIIid <br />bond,lIId any otber bond for .Illditional adftl1(ll:S, tOJlCther with all 50_ paid by aid The Equillble Buiklina and Loan ~tion of Grmd ldand, <br />NebraXa for insurance, lues and _nb, and Ibstractin& extension dwges, with interest thereon, from date cf payment at tile maximum <br />1ep1 rate. <br /> <br />As provided in the Bond secured hereby, while Ibis mortgage remain, in elTeet the mortgagee may hereafler advance additiort~llWlllto the <br />mBc'" qf aid Bond, their assipls or Sll<:rCCS5Ors in interest, which SUlll~ .hall be within lI1e security of Ibis mortgage lhe same u Ibe funda ofisinalJy <br />accured lhereby, the 10111 amount of principal debl not tu exceed al any lime the original .mounl of 11m mortgage. <br /> <br />day of June A. D., 19 88 <br /> <br /> <br />Rita K. Jorg sen <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASkA,( <br />u. <br />COVNIY 01' IIALL <br /> <br />OnthD <br /> <br />10th <br /> <br />day nf <br /> <br />June <br /> <br />1988 <br /> <br />. hefon_, <br /> <br />Keith A. Jorgensen and Rita K. Jorgensen, <br />right. and 89 spouse of each other <br />me to be tbe identical per.m s who,", olme S arc .f/hed to lhe .!xlVO In.lmment U 111t.rtSlltlor S <br /> <br />adnllWltdsed the uid inslmnlt'Dtlo be the i r Y<,lunlary lei alld .Ieed. <br />WITNESS my hand and Nol.llrial Seal the dlte afll..., <br /> <br />My l'('mmiS'li<h1expiru .II vr~./Y <br /> <br />\he undef5i&noed, a Notary Public in and for said County, ~....m;.IJyCUM <br />eaeh in h is and her own who arc peno.ully known t<' <br /> <br />and they <br /> <br />wneral/y <br /> <br />/~ /.. ,) <br />C ~.'1 ,~"" ;>;,' " ( ,r--, .<:.r/....J>v <br />~Yd", ",:.:' , ",,,,;;r""i"-- <br /> <br />1.'.ft1 .. <br /> <br />,- ._-Itll......... <br />JrMHNI 0. IIOI.Wt <br />" ".:;...,fI., c... r. N1w. 21. I. <br />-- <br />