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<br />~.c[~ DEED OF TRUST
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<br />S. I~' · ~ , THIS DEED OF TRUST fSec!Jri!y lnstrumentn)is made on ..................!l.~..g~......................................._.....
<br />.r .~~ f, 19.JUL.. The trustor is ...~"\liC;l........Y.~~..~,J~~tt.Y..);;,...Y.ooHo.o:;;.en....bJJ..sbrJn:l.an:l.~intly
<br />'\, 'I. ).. ~..eas;;h..in..tlle;U::..OJeln...t:iqbt,..,....,..,.., ("Borrower"). The trusteeisI:J.mn:..f..~~.J!~y'!~gL.........~.
<br />(" \) ~ ~.~~~~~.'n;Q~..Q.f...J:..m9.1?,~~...".....,.....",.......................................................................... {"'Trustee").'lh;beueficiaryis
<br />~ ~ F.I.RST...EE.UEBAL..SAVINGS,..AND. ..LOAN" AS~.O'ClATIQti..Qf...l.m.OOW...................., which i:s orpnized.and aisttn!
<br />(~... k \' under the laws of ..,Tbe...1Jnlt:ed..Stat.es..,aLAmerica......... and whose address is J,2.3.S....~.N~~...str.ce.t...m.........__.
<br />~ ll\. lJ.ucaln... . HebrasJr.a..D,8SDll. ......., ,. ,.", ,.. ..'.....,... ....'. ...., ."." ....,.........,......................... ...,.., '.............._........ (MLeoder").
<br />r 0' \' '<. Borrower owes Lenderthe principal sum of ,Eiqht..Th:lusand..Six..Hl.Ir1dn:d.~..~.llbllOO'..........;=.._
<br />
<br />l . ,\ ~!~'~h~.~;;;~~~~.~.~.hi~.~~ri~;'I~~~'~~~.~~~~.~:8;~~~j;?~id'~.i~~.~~~I~:Y~:~c:':i:e~= ~n::
<br />
<br />. ~ paid c:arber. due and payable on ...Jl.U'le..15.....19.9.3.........,.......................,..............,..............,........................ ,.."....._m..._.
<br />~. ,), This Security Instrumenl secures to Lender: (a) the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note. with interest. and all
<br />, ' ." '-renewals, extensions and modifications; (b) Ihe paymenl of all other sums. with interest, advanced under ruagrapb , 10
<br />~ ,\ ,Protect Ihe seeurily of this Securily Instrument; and (c) the performance: of Borrower's covenants and llyeements. Fortbis
<br />~ p\ll1XlSC. Borrower irrevocab)~IS and conveys 10 Trustee. in trust, with powa of sale. the follo'll;ng described properly
<br />~ (" located in ,.,......"............,.....,...?M,;1"""....",......",............,.......,..........................,..................................... ~'mty. Nebra.skI.':
<br />
<br />0,
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<br />t,"
<br />J
<br />n
<br />f..J
<br />C:-'
<br />
<br />Loan NUlJlber
<br />
<br />82703-60-1
<br />
<br />
<br />(lpKe AIIoYe no. Line Far 11--.,. DlUI
<br />
<br />~,
<br />~,
<br />",,0
<br />
<br />Lot Four (4), Swlset Subdivision, being a part of the North Half (N~) of the
<br />Northeast Quarter (NEl41 of Section Eleven (11), 'lbwnship Eleven (11) North,
<br />Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />which has the address of ......
<br />
<br />Nebraska .......,....,~,~~!?,~.......
<br />fZ,p Codo)
<br />
<br />4167 Wes,t..C;l,pitaJ..,Avenue.
<br />ISt'Hl]
<br />("Property Addros");
<br />
<br />Gram Island
<br />IC'l,,;
<br />
<br />'TOOf:nlfR WITIl all the lrnpro\'emenl~ now or hereafter erected on thc properly. and all ea~'l("\l~. T1j:ht~,
<br />appunenanCC1l, rent~. ro)'aluo. mmeral. OIl and gas rights and profits. Wilier nght~ and SH:-C\.. and all IhlUre<> Ihi\\ or
<br />hereafter II pan oflhe propen)', All replacemelm and additions shalllllso beco\'ered hy 11m Sccunly In'lnlme'll All of Ihe
<br />foregoing i\ referred to in Ihis Securil)' In~lrumt'nt liS the "Pmpert)',"
<br />
<br />DoRROWl:R C('IV[NANTS Ihat norrower I~ lawfully sei~ed oflhe otale herehy ,'oll\cyt'>.l 31ld h:" Ihe nj:ht h' ):,1:11\;
<br />and Gom'c)' the Property lInd that the Property is unencumbered. e~l:'cpt for enGumhranl:'l'" "I' n,'(.t1rd Bnm'\\'~r "'l1!mm,
<br />and ""III defend generall)' Ihe lhlc 10 the Pmperty against all claim, and demand\'_ ,ubJC'CI to all~ elll:umhralll.'l" "I' lc\",)I..i
<br />
<br />T"'~ Sr,nr~n~' ISSHWMI'S'I' cornhlllCli uniform Clwcnants for nahnlllll u\'e and nnll.untt.,rm "''','Ilanl, "1111
<br />hmll~d ~4nal"m. t>y JUIHdiclll1n '0 con\ll1ule a uniform \'<<utit)' II1\lrUmel11 covering reall'wl>ert\
<br />
<br />H[8RASKA--~"".,. f."',I,-,INMA/fHlMC UNIfORM I"STRUM!:Nr
<br />
<br />r{"ln _~o~e l2/11!I.1
<br />
<br />"I),-m H4 Ii . 7 h 7
<br />