<br />88- 103002
<br />
<br />NON. UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower lUId Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br />19. Acc:cleration; RelMlliel. Leader IIIIdI &lye notice to Dorro"er prior tn acceleration follo"lng Borro"er's
<br />breIdl of uy COYelWlt or qreement Ia WI Security IlIItrulllent (but not prior to IICCllleratlon UDder parqrapbl13 and 17
<br />unl_ applicable Ja" pro'fldel otMrwlse). De notice IIhaIllplCify: (a) the default; (b) the action required to cure the
<br />deflult; (e) I date, not ... dau 30 dayl from tile dal'e tile notice II &IYea to BorrO"er, by "lUch the default DlUlt be cured;
<br />od (d) that fail1m to care tile defult OIl or before the date lpeclfted Ia the notice may result Ia uceleratloa of the IUDlI
<br />1eC'.1Nd by WI Sealrity IlIItr1uaeDt ad llie of the Property. ne DOtice IIhaIl further Inform Borro"er of tbe ripe to
<br />relutlte after KCelentlOll ud the riallt to brin. I coart :ldion to uaert the aoa>elllltence of a default or lUly other
<br />defeue of Borro"er to Kl:eleratioa ad llie. If the defIIu1t II DOt cured oa or before the date speclfted In the notice, Lmder
<br />at im option may requIre IlBIlledIate plI)'11M11t la full of aIlllWDl secured by thII Security lDItrument "Ithout further
<br />de.....lUId ....y Inyoke tile po"er of llie ud laY ether remedies permitted by applicable la". Leader shall he eatltled to
<br />collect all espeuea IlIC1Irred In JIUI'I1Ilaa the mMCIla pro'flded In tlU. parqrapb 19, Includlna. but not limited to,
<br />~ble littoney.' fees ud COItI of title eYldeace.
<br />U ~ po"er of SIle II IlIvoked, Trutee Ual1 record a notice of default In each county In which uy part of the
<br />Property IsICM:llted ud ahaIllllllil copIeI of IUcla aotlc:e ID the lIIIIlIler preaaibed by applic:able Ja" to Borro"er aad to the
<br />other penou pracrtbed'by appIIc:able Ja". Aftlei' the time required by applicable II". Trustee LIJa1l &lye public notice of
<br />Ale to the perIOIII ud In the IIIIIUIer pret'uibed by applicable la", Trustee, "ithout dellWld on Borro"er, sballsell the
<br />Property at pablle ..uction to the IUghest bidder It the time lad pIKe aad under the terms deslRJllted Ia the notice of llie in
<br />one or iIIOft pan:els and In laY ol'der Trutee determlaea. Trutee IDlY postpone lIle of all or uy parcel o~ the Property by
<br />pubUc IDDOUDtelllent at the time and pIKe of uy pre'floualy Idleduled lIle. Leader or its designee may purcbase the
<br />Property It uy ule.
<br />Upon receipt of paymtat of tbe pric:e bid, Trutee shall c1eliyer to the purchaser Tnmee'] deed connyina the
<br />Property, lbe recitals III the 'frustee'. deed shall be prima facie e"elence of the truth of the statements made therein.
<br />Trustee shall Ipply the proceedI of the lIle In the follomR onier: (a) to all expeusei of the sale, Iaeludlnio but &ot Umited
<br />to, 'fnlltee's i_ u peralitted by applicable Ja" aDd reuoaable attorneys' fees; (b) to allsu_ IeCIlI'ed by this Security
<br />llIItnUnent; ud (c) any ellcell to the penon or penoulepUy entitled to It.
<br />20. Leader ID ~. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Propeny, Lender (m
<br />person, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the
<br />Propeny md to collect the rents of the Propeny including those past due, Any rents collected by Lender or the r>!Ceiver
<br />shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including, but not
<br />limited to, receiver's fees. premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees, and then to the sums secured by
<br />this Security Instrument.
<br />21. RecoaYeYsnc:e. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Trustee to
<br />rcconvey the Propeny and siuJl surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Propeny without warranty and without charge to the person or persons
<br />legally entitled to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs,
<br />21. s...t.itute TI'1IItee. Lender, at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee
<br />to any Trustee appoimed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Inslrument is recc.rded.
<br />Without conveyana: of the PropertY. the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon
<br />Trustee herein and by applicable Jaw.
<br />23. R$lIlIeIt for NotJcea. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's
<br />address which is the Property Address.
<br />U. RIden to thII Secvlty ~t. If one or more nden are executed by Borrower and recorded together with
<br />thIS Security Instrument. the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br />supplement the covenants L'ld agreements of this SecurilY Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of Ibis Security
<br />Instrument. [Check applicable box(es))
<br />o Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Coodominium Rider 0 2-4 Family Rider
<br />
<br />o Graduall:d Payment Rider
<br />
<br />o Planned Unit Development Rider
<br />
<br />~ Other(s) [specify] Acknowledgment
<br />
<br />By SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to the termS and covenants contained in this Security
<br />Instrument and in any rider(s) executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br />
<br />.....................................-..............................................
<br />
<br />"..k!.~.b..I?.~:.~t...,.....,.,...(Seal)
<br />Wilbur 8. Kleint ~
<br />
<br />..~:Ja\!,[~.~ {~4.J,}y.-s...,"',.....,'".,.(Seal)
<br />Sharon K. Kleint ~
<br />
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />County 55:
<br />
<br />On Ihis 6th day of June ,19 88, before me, Ihe undersigned, a Notary Public
<br />duly comminioned and qualified for said county, personally came Wilbur B. Kleint and
<br />Sharon K. Kleint, Husband and Wife ,tomeknownlobelhe
<br />idenlical person(5) who,e name(s) are subscribed 10 Ihe foregoing inslrumenl lInd lIcknowledged Ihe ellccution
<br />thereof 10 be thei r volunlary acl and deed,
<br />Witn~5 my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said county, Ihe
<br />dale aforesaid.
<br />
<br />J:~ --- If IlIrIIb
<br />c.a.. UAllUI
<br />.. It CIa .. IlL a ,.
<br />T 01ll!$TF.E
<br />rhe .mdenlRned " lhe holder ollhe 1101e or nOfe\ 'eeured 0\ Ih" Deed 0' Tru,r Said 110fe or l101e\, IOj:l'llwr
<br />",'1111 ~Il oll1el II1detJledne" \ecured bv 11m Deed 01 TIU", ha' r oeel1 pa.d 111 full You lire herel:l\ d;r('t'lro 10 ,'al1cl'l 'aid
<br />note' 01 n()u~~ and (hl'i 1J("("d of If'U\I. ",hsch nre dch\corrd tH"rd",. ,'loLl tl' f!'l..tlt1\r.\, \\IlIHlul \\ruranl\. ~lIlh{" ("1.11('
<br />"0" held h, 'ou undel ,tm Dee,l 01 T'1I\1 10 Ihe l'<'"nr. o. p.."o", kl!nlh 1'l1ll1lrJ Ih,',r,o
<br />
<br />/1 ~), .
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<br />....,"""-""~,,',' ,:4J~,.,.
<br />~olaJ) I)ublh;
<br />
<br />My Commission expirn:
<br />
<br />DIIlt
<br />