<br />
<br />,88- 102986
<br />
<br />
<br />The undersigned, GRAND ISLAND BAPTIST TEMPLE, INC., a
<br />Nebraska nonprofit corporation, identified as "Trustor" under a
<br />certain Deed of Trust .dated /14- Y ;;2. 7 ' 198$, in respect to
<br />that real estate descr~bed as:
<br />
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the West
<br />Half of the Northeast Quarter (wHml) of
<br />section Eleven (11), Township Eleven (11)
<br />North, Range Ten (10) West of the Sixth (6th)
<br />Principal Meridian, in Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />more particularly described as follows:
<br />
<br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot Ten
<br />(10) Sunset Seventh Subdivision, also being a
<br />point on the westerly line of Macron Street;
<br />thence westerly along the South line of said
<br />Sunset Seventh Subdivision a distance of Four
<br />Hundred Fifty 1450.0) feet; thence southerly
<br />parallel to the westerly line of said Macron
<br />Street, a distance of Four Hundred Eighty-
<br />Four (484.0) feet; thence easterly parallel
<br />to the South line of said Sunset Seventh
<br />Subdivision, a distance of Four Hundred Fifty
<br />(450.0l feet, to the westerly line of said
<br />Macron Street; thence northerly along the
<br />westerly line of said Macron Street, a
<br />distance of Four Hundred Eighty-Four (484.0)
<br />feet to the place of beginning and containing
<br />5.000 acres more or less:
<br />
<br />
<br />to be entered into among Trustor, DAVID C. HUSTON, "Trustee", and
<br />DANIEL WEEKS and JUDY WEEKS, husband and wife, "Beneficiary",
<br />hereby acknowledges that this Acknowledgement is made prior to
<br />its execution of that Deed of Trust and that it knows and under-
<br />stands that (a) the Deed of Trust to be executed by Trustor is a
<br />Trust Deed and not a Mortgage and Ib) that the power of sale
<br />provided for in the Deed of Trust provides essentially different
<br />rights and obligations to the Trustor than a Mortgage in the
<br />event of default or breach of obligation.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th:} undersigned l1as executed this
<br />Acknowledgement on this ..z 7 day of ~l Jl Y' , 1988.
<br />
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<br />
<br />By
<br />
<br />/J/ }'/ ,,/
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<br />Acting presi~nt
<br />"Trustor"
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<br />COL~TY OF HALL )
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<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this
<br />,;.7 ?'r_ day o~ /7 A Y , 1988, by f ~J:.1f RILl: TI<. ,
<br />Act1ng Pres3.dent of Grand Island Baptl.st Temple, Ind., a Nebraska
<br />nonprofit corporation, on behalf of tl.1e corporation.
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<br />C-/L- ~-?-l. .... Ay.c..1.-i!~ ,,'
<br />Notary Public
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