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<br />88- 102984 <br /> <br />NON.UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funher crvemml and agree as follows: <br />19. Aeeeleratioa; RemetIia. LeDder .ball &lYe notice to Borrower prior io acceleration follomnl Borrower's <br />bradI of llIIY COYeBUt or qrftIBeIIt In dill Sec1Irity Iutrulllellt (but not prior to acceleration under parqrapba 13 and 17 <br />ualal applicable law pronde8 otllenrile). The notice IIIalI specify: (a) the default; (It) the ICdon required to cur~ the <br />default; (c). date, not _ thu 30 da)'ll'rolll the date the DOUce is &Inn to Bon:ower, by which the def.ult mat be cured; <br />ud (el) that failure to c:aftl tile def.ult on or before the date IpIdfted In the notice may relult In acceleration of the sums <br />secured by WI Security IlIItnuDeI!t IIIlI "'e of the Property. TIle notice shall further Inform Borrower of the ript to <br />reWtate after attderadon IIIlI the rilllt to briIIt . COIIrtlCtloa to IIMrt the non-exlltence of a default or lilY other <br />defellH of Borrower to acceleration ad ale. If the default II not cured on or before the date specifted in the DOl!ce, Lender <br />at 1m opdoe may require lnuaecliate pa)'lllellt in full of aU lUlU secured by this Security Instrument without further <br />denaud ud may inl'oke die power of"'e and uy other remeclies penaitted by applicable law. Lender shall be entided to <br />collect adl expeMeS IIICSlrrecI ill ,........ tile remecUes prol'ided In this parqraph 19, iDcludillll, but not limited to, <br />rea;owle attonleYI' fees_ cOltl of title el'ldeece. <br />If the power of we II la,oIced, TnIItM shaU rec:onI a notice of default in elCh COll1'lty in which any part of the <br />Property II located ud shall ....1 coplel of such aodce In the IlUllUler prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to the <br />other penou prescribed by aPflicable law, After tbe tiaIe reqafred by applicable law, Trustee shall Kin public notice of <br />sale to ihe penou ud In the manaer prescribed b)' applicable law. Trustee, without dellWld on Borrower, shall sell the <br />Pr:ljlerty at public auction to tile blahest bidder at the time and place and under the terms deslJPUlted in the notice llf sale In <br />one 01' more plU'cels and In ID)' order Trustee cletermiaes. Trustee filSy postpone sale of aU or an)' parcel of the Property by <br />public annOllllC:elDent at .be time IDd pllCe of lilY prnlously sdaeduled "'e. LendEr or Its deslanee may purchase the <br />Property at uy we. <br />UpoII receipt of paymeat of the price bid, Trustee shall deliYer to the purchaser Trustee's deed con'lIying the <br />Property. The rec:itaIJ ia the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie enclence of the truth of the mtements made therein. <br />Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the we in the 'ollomnl onler: (a) to aU expenses of the we, Includina. :'ut not limited <br />to, Trutee's fees u permitted hy applicable law and reuoaable attomeys' fees; (It) to all suma secured by this Security <br />IDltru..,t; and (c) lilY e:lCUI to the perIOIl or persons leplly entitled to It. <br />20. Lender In P.ouesslon. Upon acceleralion under paragraph 19 or abandonmenl of Ihe Propeny, ~l1der (in <br />person, by agenl or by judicially appoinled recciver) shall be entitled to enter upon, lake possession of and manage the <br />Propeny and to collecl Ihe rents of Ihe Propeny including Ihose past due. Any reuls collected by Lender or Ihe receiver <br />shall be applied firsl to payment of the costs of management of Ihe Propeny and colleclion of rents, including, but nOI <br />Iimiled 10. receiver's fees. premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable allomeys' fees, and Ihen 10 Ihe sums secured by <br />this Securily Inslrumenl <br />U. Reconyeyance. Upon paymenl of all sums secured by Ihis Security Inslrumenl. Lender shall request Truslee 10 <br />reconvey Ihe Property and shall surrender Ihis Securily Inslrumenl and all notes evidencing debl secured by Ihis Securily <br />Inslrumenllo Truslee. 'fruslee shall reconvey Ihe Propeny wilhoul warranly and without charge to the person or persons <br />legally entitled to il. Such person or persons shall pay any recordalion costs. <br />22. SulJldbcte Trustee. Lender, at its oplion. may from timc to lime remove Trustee and appoinl a successor truslee <br />to any Truslee appoinled hereunder by an inslrumenl recorded in Ihe counly in which this SecurilY Instrument is recorded. <br />Wilhoul conveyance of Ihe Propeny, t.he successor lrustee shall succeed 10 all the litle, powcr and dUlies conferred upon <br />Truslee hcrein and by applicable law. <br />13. Request for Nodc:eI. Borrowcr requcsts thaI copies of Ihe nOlices of defaull and sale be scnl 10 Borrower's <br />addre5$ which is the ProperlY Address, <br />24. Riders to this Seccuity r.r..nt. If one or more riders are execuled by Borrower and recorded logether wilh <br />Ihis Securily Inslrumene. Ihe covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated inlo and shall amend and <br />supplement the covenanl5 and agreemenls of Ihis Securily Jnslrument as if Ihe rider(s) were a pan of this Security <br />Instrument. (Check applicable box(es)) <br />o Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 2-4 Family Ridcr <br /> <br />o Gradualed Pllymenl Rider <br /> <br />o Planned Unil Developmenl Rider <br /> <br />[i] Other(s) (specify) Acknowledgement <br /> <br /> <br />,=.~N~~'.=~i~~~~=-~~'Jh~dm ......m'"iiit <br /> <br />j~~~ZajiCek ~ <br /> <br />'c:i7t:~j6'~~~1'~!L.2....,.,.,....""".~ <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />County ss; <br /> <br />On Ibis 3rd day of June ,]9 88. before me, [he undersigned. a Notary Public <br />duly commissioned and qualified for said county, personally came Jon M. Zajicek and Lynn E <br />Zajicek, Husband and Wife --------------------------_____________ ,to me known 10 be the <br />idenlical person(s) whose name{s) are subscribed to thc foregoing inslrumenl and acknowledged the execution <br />Ihcrcof 10 be their volunlary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at Crand Is land, Nebraska <br />date aforesaid. <br /> <br />in said COIlOly, the <br /> <br />My <br /> <br /> <br />/~ ~ ~i!.-" ., ' ,~ PJ~'/" c./~ /9L <br />~0-:~".~ ,1., ~.<,I.;;~.C:,~~, <br /> <br />N\llaq Public <br />REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />To TRus.rEE: <br />The undersigned is the holder 31' the note or nOles secured by thIS Dccd or Tnl't Sard note nr 11<1\l". Illllt'thl'l <br />with all olher Indebtedness secured" Deed or TrUll. have been paId III full You arc heret-\- dlle,'led tll \all,l'I ',lid <br />note 01 nOles and Ihls Dced of Trull, which arc deh,.ered herebs, and to re"ln\'~'. Without """i11111. allthl'l"''''l' <br />no"" ht'ld b" YelU under Ih" Deed of TrUll to the pel'ol1 11I persom Iellall\ cl1l1tled therelll <br /> <br />Dale <br />