<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST {"Security Instrument"') is made on
<br />19 88.Thetrustoris Jon M. Zajicek and Lynn E. Zajicek, Husb3nd and Wife
<br />----------- ----------------------- ("Borrower"'. The trustee is AREND R. BAACK. mtomey ("Trustee").
<br />organi?.ed and existing under the laws of NEBRASKA, and whose address is 221 Soulh Locuat, GrIIn..1laland. Nebraka
<br />81801 ("Lender",.
<br />Borrower owes Lender Iheprincipal sum of One Hundred Sixty Five Thousand and noj100------------
<br />-----------------------------Dollars (V,S, S 165,000. DO ). Thisdebl is evidenced by Borrower'snole
<br />daled the same dale as Ibis Securily Instrumenl ("Nole"), which provides for monlhly payments, with the full debl, if nOI
<br />paid earlier, due and payable on January 9, 1989
<br />This Securily Instrumenl secures to Lender: (a) Ihe repaymcnl of Ihe debl evidenced by Ihe NOle, with inleresl, and all
<br />renewals, eXlensions and modificalions; (b) Ihe paymenl of all other sums. wilh interest, advanced under paragraph 7 to
<br />prolecllhe securily oflhis Securily Instrumenl; and (c) the performance of Borrower's covenanls and agreements. For this
<br />purpose. Borrow.:r irrevocably grants and conveys 10 Trustee. in lrusl, with power of sale, the foUowing described propeny
<br />
<br />located in Ha 11 County, Nebraska:
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<br />lot Sixteen (16), in Hidden lakes Subdivision Number Two, being a part of the
<br />Southe5t Quarter of the r~ortheast quarter (SEtNEt) and part of the North Half
<br />of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter (N~NUSU) of Section Thirteen
<br />(13), Township eleven (11) North. Range Nine (9) west of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />Art)
<br />
<br />Atract of land in the Southwest quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWtSEt)
<br />of Section Twenty One (21). Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) west
<br />of the 6th P.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point
<br />on the West line of the County road as laid out by County Surveyor Baldwin
<br />in 1890, said road running along the east side of said W~swt. of said Section
<br />21, and which point of beginning is located 1520.9 feet south and 33.0 feet
<br />west of the northeast corner (as used since 1890) of the Northwest Quarter
<br />of the Southwest quarter (NUiz swt) of Section 21, running thence west at a right
<br />angle a distance of 300.0 feet, thence running south parallel to the west line
<br />of said county road a distance of 200.0 feet. runing thence east a distance
<br />of 300.0 feet to a point on the said west line of said county road, running
<br />thence north alDng and upon the said west line of said county road a distance
<br />of 200.0 feet to the point of beginning, all in Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />which has the address of 310 South Lakeside Drive and
<br />1618 South Harri~!'l-'J
<br />("Property Address");
<br />
<br />Grand Island
<br />[City]
<br />
<br />Nebruka
<br />
<br />68801
<br />[ZIp Code J
<br />
<br />TOGETHER WITH all Ihe improvements now or hereafter erecled on the property, and all easements, rights,
<br />appurtenances. rents, royalties, mineral. oil and gas rights and profils, waler rights and stock and all fixtures now or
<br />hereafter a pari oftne property. All replacements and additions shall also be covered by Ihis Security Inslrumenl, All oflhe
<br />foreloins is referred 10 in this Security Inslrumenl as the "Properly,"
<br />
<br />BoRROWER COVENANTS Ihal Borrower is lawfully I5Clsed of Ihe estate hereby conveyed and ha.s the righr to grant
<br />and cOD\'e)' Ihe Property and thallhe Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances or record, Borrow;:r warranls
<br />and Will defend generally Ihe lille to Ihe Propeny against all c1aJms and demands, subJecr to any e~cumbrances of record,
<br />
<br />THIS StcURITY INSTRl:MENT combine!! uniform covenants for national use and non, uniform clwenanlS wilh
<br />limned vanallon, by Jurisdiction to conStllUle a uniform secunt)' mstrument covenng real property
<br />
<br />
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<br />
<br />Form 30211 t2/13
<br />