<br />
<br />88.... 102970
<br />
<br />THISDEEDOFTRUST,madethls 31st day of Mav
<br />Beck. Husband and Wife.
<br />who"e mailing address Is (Street)
<br />
<br />,19~.byandamong Kevin F. Bech and Gretchen S.
<br />P.O. Box 55 (City) Trumbull.
<br />
<br />(State and Zip) Nebraska 68980
<br />
<br />(herelll "Trustor"); and
<br />
<br />Bank of Doniphan
<br />
<br />whose
<br />
<br />P.O. Box B
<br />Bank of Doniphan
<br />
<br />(City) Doniphan
<br />
<br />(State and Zip) Nebraska 68832
<br />
<br />mailing addressls(Street)
<br />
<br />(Herein "Trustee"); and
<br />
<br />. whose mailing address Is (Street) P _ 0 Rmr R
<br />
<br />(City)
<br />
<br />Doniphan
<br />
<br />(StateandZlp) Nebraska 68832
<br />
<br />,(herein "Bent;flclary"),
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Including the Indebtedness Identlflod herein and the trust herein crealed, the receipt of which is llereby
<br />acknowledged, Trustor Irrevocably grants. transfers, conveys, and assigns to Trustee, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE. for the benefit and secur-
<br />Ity of Bemlflclary, under and subject to the terms and conditions of this Deed of Trust. the 'eal property descrlbea as follows:
<br />The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SEt of swt) of Section Thirty Six (36).
<br />in Township Nine (9) North. Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M.. Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />TOGETHER WITH, all rents, profits, royalties, Income and other berleflts derived from the real property; 8111ellses or subleases covering the real
<br />property or any portion thereof, now or hereafter existing or entered Inlo, and a\l right, IlIle and Interest of Trustor thereunder; all interests, estate or
<br />other clalmB, botn In law and In equity, which Trustor now hall or may hereafter acquire In Ihe real properly; all easements, rlghts-of.way, tene-
<br />monts, hereditaments and appurtenances thereof and therelo; all 011 and gas rlghls and prollls, water rlghls and water stock; all right. title and
<br />Interest of Trustor, now owned othereafter acquired, in and to any land lying wllhln Ihe right.ol,way of any street or highway adjoining the real
<br />property, any and all buildings, fixtures, Improvemenls, and appurtenances now or ~erealler erected thereo,; or belonging thereto, (herein
<br />referred to as "Improvement" or Improvements"); and any and all awards made for Ihe taking by emlnenl domain, or by any proceeding or pur.
<br />chaNin lieu th(lr4Qf, of the whOle or any part ollhe reat property.
<br />All 0' the 'oregolng .atate, properly and Interesl hereby conveyed 10 Truslee herein cOllectively referred to as Ihe "Property".
<br />(a) The payment of Indebtedness evidenced by Trustor's note of even dale herewith In the principle sum 01 Thirty thousand and nollOO
<br />
<br />Dollars ($ 30.000.00 ), loosther with inleresl at the rate or rates provided Ihereln. (h ereln, together with any and all
<br />renewals, modifications, and extensions thereof, r.,ferred to as Ihe "Noto") both principal and Inlerest on Ihe Nota b.,lng payable In accordance
<br />with the terms SIIII forth therein, reference 10 which is hereby made. the IInal payment of principal and Interest, II not sooner paid and if no
<br />renewals, modifications or extensions are made, due and payable on 1-1Q-95 ,
<br />
<br />(b) The performance of each agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contained; and
<br />
<br />(c) The payment of any sum or sums of money with Inleresllhereon which may be herealler paid or advanced under the lerms of rlotls Deed of
<br />Trust.
<br />
<br />(d) The payment of any future advances neceSllary to protect the security or any luture advance made at Ihe option 01 the parties; and
<br />
<br />(e) The performance of an obligatton ot any olher person named In this Trusl Deed to a benellciary.
<br />
<br />1. Payrrienl of Principal and Intarelt. Trustor shall promplly pay when due Ihe principal of and Interesl on the indebtedness evidenced by the
<br />Note, 2Ild aU other charges and fees as provided in the Note, and Ihe principal 01 and Interesl on any Future Advances secured by Ihis Deed of Trust
<br />2. Wamtnty of Title. Trustor Is lawfully seized and possessed of good and Indefeasible title and estate to the Property hereby conveyed and has
<br />the right to gtant and convey Ihe Properly; the Property Is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances excepl liens now of record; and Trustor
<br />will warrant and defend the title 10 the Property agalnsl all claims and demands,
<br />3. Malntenlnce and ComplIance with La.l. Trustor shall keep the Property In good condition and repair and shall not commit waste or permit
<br />ImpalrmGnt or deterioration of the Property and shall comply with Ihe provisions of any tease If Ihls Deed 01 Truslls on a leasehold. No improve-
<br />ment, now or hereafter erected upon the Property shall be altered, removed or demolished withoutlhe prior written consenl of Beneficiary. Trustor
<br />shall comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, covenants, conditions and reslrlctlons ilffectlng the Property and not commit, suffer. or pe,-
<br />mit any acl to be done in or upon the Property In violation 01 any law, ordinance, regulation, covenant, condition or restriction. Trustor shall com-
<br />plete or restore promptly and In good workmanlike manner any Improvemenl on Ihe Property which may be damaged or destroyed and pay. when
<br />due. all claims for labor performed and malerla's furnished Iherefore and lor any alterations thereof,
<br />
<br />4.lnlurlnce. Truslor, allts expense. will maintain with Insurors approved by Beneficiary, Insurance with respect to the Improvements and per.
<br />sonal,property, constltullng the Property, agalnslloss by fire. lightning, lornado, and other perilS and hazards covered by slandard exlended
<br />coverage endorsement, In an amount equal 10 al least one hundred percenl of the lull replacement value Ihereol and Insurance agalnsl such
<br />other hazarda and In such amounts I'S Is cuslomarlly carried by owners and operalors 01 similar propertlos or 8S Beneficiary may reol.Jire for It~
<br />protection. Trustor will comply with such other requirements as Boneflclary may from timo 10 time requesl tor Ihe prolectlon by Insurance of 'he
<br />Interests ot the respective partlos. All Insurance policllls maintained pursuant to this Deed 01 Trust shall name Truslor and Beneficiary as in-
<br />sured~, as 'helr respective Inlerests may appear, and provide thai there shall be no cancellallon or modification without any less thant5 days
<br />prior written noliflcation 10 Trustee and Beneficiary. In Ihe event any policy hereunder is nol renewed on or before 15 days prior to Its oxplralion
<br />dale, "[rustee or Beneficiary may procure such Insurance In accordance with Ihe provisions 01 paragraph 7 hereol. Trustor shall deliver to
<br />Banollclarr th9 original pollcies of Illsurance and renewals thereof or memo copies of such policies and renewals thereof, Failure to furnIsh
<br />such Insurance by Trustor, or renewals as required hereunder shall, at Ihe oplion ot Beneficiary, constitute a default,
<br />5. Ta..a, A.....manta, and Challl'a. Trustor shall pay alllaxes, aSAessments and other charges, Including. wllhout limitation, fines and 1m.
<br />pOBltioflS atlrlbulable to the Property. and leasehold payments or ground renls, It any, before Ihe same become dellquent. TruSlor shall promptly
<br />furnish' to Banli1f1ciary all nollces ot amounts due under tnls paragraph, and In 'he event Trustor shall make payment directly. Trustor shall prompt.
<br />ly furnish to BenefiCiary recelpls evidencing such paymenle. Trustor shall pay all loxos and aSllessmen,s which may be !ovied upon
<br />Benoflclar~'8 Interest herein or upon Ihls Deed of Trusl without regard to any law that may be onacted Imposing paymenl of the whole or any
<br />part Ihor80f upon Ihe Benf'f1clarv.
<br />