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<br />88- 10295e
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<br />KNOW ALl. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That. Whereas, In an action in the
<br />District Court of the Eleventh Judicial District of the State of Nebraska, wIthIn .and
<br />for the County of Hall, wherein NEBRASKA INVESTMENT FiNANCE AUTHORITY, A
<br />Corporation, Plaintiff. and NINA FAYE BENSON, et aI, are Defendants, at the Jan-
<br />uary Term, A.D. 1988. ot said Court, a Decree was rendered finding that there is dU2
<br />and owIng to Plaintltfi l"OR THE SUM OF '39,916.40 Dollars together with interest
<br />costs. and accruing costs. and is a first llen. and whereas it wafJ then and there
<br />further ordered In the said action that in default of the payment of the sum so
<br />found due by the saId Defendants that William A. Francis. Master Commissioner duly
<br />appointed by said Court, should cause the lands and tenements her'einafter descrIbed
<br />to be advertised and sold according to law to pay the same, and whereas, default
<br />having been made therein, the said William A. FrancIs, Master CommissIoner duly
<br />appointed by aaid Court. under and by virtue of said Decree and the Order of Saile
<br />to him duly directed, did on May 31 st, 1988. in the lower level of the County Cour-
<br />thouse in the City of Grand Island in said County of Hall, having first given due and
<br />legal notke of the time and place of said sale tor more than thirty days thereto in
<br />the Grand Island Independent, a newspaper printed and in general circulation in said
<br />County of Hall, sell said premises at public auction to Nebraska Investment Finance
<br />Authority, its successors and assIgns, tor the sum ot '40,737.36, which sale was
<br />afterward at the January Term of said Court, A.D., 1988 examined and contlrmed and
<br />the said William A. FrancIs. Master Commissioner duly appointed by said Court. was
<br />ordered to convey said premises In fee simple to the said Nebraska Investment Fi-
<br />nance Authority, Its successors and assigns.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, 1. the said Wllllam A. Francis, Master Commissioner duly
<br />appointed by said C(lurt. &s aforesaid. in consIderation of the premises and by virtue
<br />of the powers vested In me by law and the Decree ot said Court, do hereby GIve,
<br />Grant and Convey to the said Nebraska Investment Finance Authority. its successors
<br />and assigns, the premises 80 8S aforesaId sold, to wIt:
<br />
<br />Suite No. Twelve (12), "B" Windsor Square Condominium
<br />Property Regime being part of Unit Two (2), Lot Two
<br />(2). Block Eight (8), Replat, Continental Gardens, an
<br />Addition to the City ot Grand Island, Hall County.
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />TO HA VE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto the said Nebraska Investment FI-
<br />nance Authority, Its successors and assigns. and. to them and theIr use and behoof
<br />forever.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHERE09, 1 have, 8S
<br />hereunto set my hand this day ot June.
<br />
<br />
<br />such duly appointed Master Commissioner,
<br />1988. r
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<br />!~}jjd#.f ;J~~~dr4
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<br />WUllam A. Francis,
<br />Master CommIssioner
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<br />~AMP TAX
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