<br />88- 102945
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />THAT WHEREAS, by reason of the partial payment ofthe indebt~ness secured by (1) Deed of T' ust
<br />executed by Van · s Electric Company
<br />in favor of FirsTler Bank, National Association, Omaha, Nebraska (hereinafter referred to as Firs Tier Bank) a!:
<br />Trustee for the benefit of FirsTler Bank. the Beneficiary named therein. dated June 5, 1986 .
<br />and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />Mortgage Record Book DOCUMENT ~ lte(;-l n~o;4? , and (2) the Assignment of Leases and Rents.
<br />made by Van - sElectric COlIIPany in favor of FirsTler Bank.
<br />in Mortgage Record Book. DOCUMENT aIx.B8ae #86-103543 . FlrsTler Bank, the Beneficiary, has
<br />reque~tad In -writing that this Partial Deed of Reconveyance and Release of ASGignment of Leases and
<br />Rents be executed and delivered as confirmed by its endorsement below:
<br />
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of such partial payment and in accordance with the request of
<br />the Beneficiary, Firs Tier Bank. as Trustee under the aforesaid Deed of Trust and as Assignee under the
<br />aforesaid Assignment of Leases and Rents, does by these presence, grant, remise, release, and reconvey
<br />to the person or persons entitled thereto all of the interest and estato derived to said Firs Tier Bank as .-
<br />Trustee. Beneficiary. and Assignee by or through said Deed of Trust and Assignment of Leases al?d Rents
<br />in the following described premises but only as to such premises:
<br />
<br />l~t Fifteen (15), Mehring and Giesenhagen Second Subdivision, a Replat of
<br />Lot Two (2) Mehring and Giesenhagen Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska, excepting ther~from
<br />a Tract of ground more particularly described in the Deed recorded at Book 156, Page 400
<br />of ~he Deed records of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />tagether with all buildings. fixtures. Improvements and appurtenances belonging to such premises.
<br />It being the intention that only the lands herein described be discharged. released and reconveyed
<br />from said Deed of irust and Assignment of Leases and Rents and that the rest of the real estate described in
<br />the aforementioned Deed of Trust and Assignment of Leases and Rents shall remain subject thereto unless
<br />otherwise reconveyed and released.
<br />
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said FirsTler Bank and FirsTler Bank Trustee haa caused these
<br />presence to be executed by its VP and its corporate seal affixed hereto this 7th day of
<br />June ,19 B8
<br />
<br />flriller Bank. National AuoclJltion
<br />Omaha. NebrHka
<br />By
<br />
<br />Attest
<br />
<br />F__'~
<br />:JI11.:; . . n.. ;Q.;".em
<br />
<br />This is to certify that Firs Tier Bank, Trustee, has been requested in writing to execute the foregoing
<br />Deed of Reconveyance and its action in doing so is ratified and confirmed in all respects.
<br />
<br />FirsT"", IMnlt. National Aaaociation
<br />Omaha, Nebraska
<br />
<br />.-:,
<br />
<br />Beneficiary
<br />
<br />","...:.,.' i....
<br />,~:~~ : . ~ ~: i.. :.~~:S ~
<br />f1'~~(ffiNE~SKA
<br />CO~riOF" "Hall
<br />"'--- 't.,', ",,..;;.<
<br />
<br />By
<br />
<br />Vice President
<br />
<br />)
<br />)SS
<br />)
<br />
<br />onttlis 7th day of June , 19 88 , before me the undersianed. a Notarj
<br />Public duly commissioned and qualified for said County personally came Dick D. Nietfeld ,
<br />to me known to be a Vice President of FlrsTler Bank. as Trustee, and wlloacknowledged
<br />execution thereof to be his volun act and deed ana the volu ary act an deed ,ot.f=irs er Bank. as
<br />Trustee. ___............ ~1. '
<br />My Commission expires
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />) SS
<br />COUNTY OF }
<br />
<br />On this, day of , 19 , before me the undersigned, a Notary
<br />Public duly commissioned and qualified for said County personally came ,
<br />to me known to be a of FirsTler Bank. as Trustee, and who acknowledged
<br />el(ecutlO1l thereof to be his voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act and deed of Flrsller Bank
<br />My Commll'!lslon expires ___,__ ,19
<br />
<br />Notary Public
<br />