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<br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Of DEED Of TRUST <br /> <br />8~~- 102936 <br /> <br /> <br />! <br />'~ <br />,t <br />I <br />1 <br />! <br />r <br /> <br />BORROWER' READ "iHl' BEFORE SIGNING: <br />Borrower1l (Trusto..) undenstend Ihallhedocumen'lhallhe Borrowers are abou'loexeculo 's a peod olTruat and 1101 a mortyagund that thepoweror sale/lovided <br />lor in 1110 Deed oITruSI prO'<ides subllantially dlfferenl righlS and obllgltions to the Borrowe.. than a morlgage in Ihe evenl 01. dalault or breach 01 obligation (,nder Ihe <br />Deed 01 Trus~ Including, bu' nOlllmlted to, Ih. Unclerl right to havelhe R')al Proporly sold by Ihe Truslee wlthoulany Judicia' proceeding or loreclolure, Borrowers <br />rep,_nl and walfantlhallhls acknowledgement wn e.o<:uted by them before lhe e.ecullon 01 the Deed 01 rUlt. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />( Ip <br />~~Ch _--fl.\jQ~e.u,..oa <br />(Sheila R. VanOeWalleJlorrower <br /> <br />PREfACE TO DEED Of TRUST <br /> <br />COMPLETE tltla ......."" ONLY 11_ _I PI_fly deecrlbed """llala allNDIYIDUALL Y OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND. <br />n~, complala ONL V ONE el\ller A, I, or C: <br /> <br />o A. DISCLAIMER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrower(e) acknowledge thai they .re about toeJtecute the lollawlng Deed 01 Trust upcn Iho real estat8 doscribed therein, The Bonower(II). and 8ach of them if <br />more Ih.ln one. 110 hereby d~CUllm Ihelr nght Ie) dealgnB1flI a homestead pursuant tt\ereto NO par1 01 the homestead of elth~r 01 the Borrow~((!I) is presently or will In the <br />futuro bo InUlleCl upon snlU rGal 0111510. The 60rrow8r(5) understand 11'1atll ell her ostabllshes a homostead on any pari 01 SSld real estata dUring the time the Deed 0' Trullt <br />remains un,aUslied and B lien upon said rem I 8'!ale.there IhoClll be no 119ht'O make n deslgnallon of homestead in tho evenl of a foreclosure or trustee's sale with rospect to <br />Uid Deed at T ruSI <br /> <br />o B WAIYEIl 01' 1I10;';T TO DESIGNATE HOME!lTEAD: <br /> <br />The Borrowe1(1} IctllOowledge 1hal thO)' or. Bboul ~o &ltccute the followlOg Deod 01 T IU5tllpon the real estDI~ doscrlbed theroln The Borrower(:s). and each of them if <br />more than one. do nereby Itu;m flgt'lt to de'JO~3.te a homcsleEl() plIrsuant theroto fne Borrowerlsl understand thot the\, have the ngh, '0 make a designlltl.on of <br />homesteod ,"dth.t b.,eI.DCuling: wciver. thoy are waiving fights o1h~'wI5e lIvallable fOf Itle purpose olnllordlng thom Ihe opportunltvto retain their namesload tnthe <br />ovonl 01 a dol.ull upon lIle 0...0 01 Trual. <br /> <br />C C DESIGNATION ()tI HOMESTEAD: <br /> <br />PUfluantlo Ihe farm t1omeltCl'ld Plo~ocllo" Ae1 tSeC'lon lti~1901 01 ~Q RevIscd Statute~ 0' ttlo ~tale of Nebraskn). 1he Borrower(s). do hereby designate Ihe 1e.1 <br />properly described tr the "Designation of Homoslt'dd~ attached m~fclo and Incorporat~ t'lfHcln bV IhlS mteronce <br /> <br />Borrowor <br /> <br />Borrower <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />HilS DCED or TRUST "",ad"., ullh<! 26tn,.v u' May 198.8 by .00 nmong me TruSlor, P.hlUipJ.-Y.anDeWalle <br />L.Shellll..R ._..Ya.oD.e,Walle. ,husban.d_,Jn.d, wife ..ho.~ ",.,,,"u ad"'." ..6Q!f ,,!:>-_C_coff____GJ:lm:l Island ',- <br />t'iE-__6.8.8IU~7_8l0_ \norcmSo""..ur I In" 1<u."...., WUlI!lm G. Blac:kb,urn., ,a.,mem~r QLtbeJ:HLStMe~A~oc., <br />..ho.. mailing o1dr..... _ J;~,~_Q,.__,BQ~,_,2~l!J),. (j,n.nd_J sJi!l.nd. N E 6ltl!O~.::2_2ltO, _, _ ,,____.'_,___(herO;n "TruSIO."). <br />andlheS"".I;culf)' ,_EiviLPolnts, Bank .... ,,_u __ u___,_,__._____ ..,-"...-,---- <br />whOse """"ng addross ,"f...O.L ,Box 1507. GrandlsJand. NE 68802:::150.7, ,__u'__"'__ [herein "Lend.,.,) <br /> <br />FOR VALUABLE CONS10ERA110N lncludmg trl(' In(h:,:ol~dne!i'' Idenhltl\:'C htlfDlfl nnd 1rlls.l herOIn created. Ih~ 'CCOlpt 01 WhlClllS hereby .acknowledged. Borrower <br />horeby Irre'tocably Qrant!. trlln5fef' con'We;'~ .and a~$'9l'\' to TflJst€'e tN TRUST WITH POWER OF SALE tor Ihe b.~nDr't find ,ecunly 01 Lender. under i1nd sUbJect to the <br />lerm, 3n~ contllllonl nC'r~manfJr '!I,,1 for1t'\ tne leal prOpt"rt.,. descnttl:"lj as tollo.....~ <br /> <br />See Attached <br /> <br />- "'QethOr .tth all bulldmgs.. tmp'O'llemenu.. h:s.lurCS. 5tre~l, ""~Y". paS'-fJgeways. ear.erncnts. nghts. pnvlleges and appurtenances located (hereon Or In anywise <br />pertAl.nlflg lhe<<dO. and the fents. liJ'IIues and P'O'lti .e-lt't!r&lons and rema;nl2er5 Uleuwf. tflcludlng_ but not Ilml1ecl to. healing and cooling eQUlpmenl and such perscnol <br />property that Is attached 10 lht!llmprovements. so ItS to conshlutl!l a f"dule a.nd 10gether with the homestead or mafltallOterests.lf any. whiCh Inferes15 arc hereby released <br />Bnd waive<t; aU ~ .tllth. tnc-lu<hng replacemonts. Rnd additions fheleto I' hemny declared to be a port 'Of the real estAte secured by the hen of thiS O(!e(1 0' Trust and all of the <br />'oregoin; betng retencd to herem as th" -properly" <br /> <br />r.,iS Dee:j Of T,us.1 ~hall !HtCurtt t.aj t~ pay",ent Or 1ho DnnclDalsum and Interest eVlacnce-d by Borrower'~ note andior credit agreement dated 05.::2,6::.8.8__ <br /> <br />, . ~I"I"O a malUrl1V date 01 Jlfi:-,01=20.0.3-. ___. ._, ,n th. Or<g<nal pllnclpai amounl 01 S ,S.5...lUl,O"'.DI:L__ and any and all <br />modific".ttiOM.lft.aCe-n&iDns and: renewats theroof or thereto and any 80d a1l1uture advance~ and 'eaOvances. nt:!reunder pur5lJan11o one or more promissory notcSe Dr tredit <br />40fHt!'en1.thereJn called "Note'"'): ib) the payment of other sums ad~anC~CI!}y LEndsf 10 prOfect [f1~ sccunty at Ute NOle. fCllfle- perlonnance aU COyenDnts and agre'Jment <br />oJ BonowJ!.1 aet foM netetn. at\d (eI).aU in1fabledness and obligahons of Borrower 10 lem1er whether d:r&ct mdlfecl. absolute or ccntmgent and 'Nhcthe' an5llOg hy note, <br />9u1in'f'Il~, OYfttdfatt or otherWlle. <br /> <br />~rr~r~ to protee1 the MCttri.ty of this Deed of rrust covenants and agrees LenOCI as. fOllOW!. <br /> <br />, ............tol ~ .,..In.,nt. Bonower AhaU promptly pay when due t"6; pfinclpal of end InterMI on. and any teert Of charg~s prOVIded In. 1he Note or In tt.." <br />o.eo 01 TrUll <br /> <br />2. tttt.. $OUOIlllt'U:;.& tM ownet 01 In.. Propeny. hl!li the r1gh1 And authurity to co"vey U'\(l PfOperty and wa.n31\ts1hat thf! lIan cr@j1ted her!'b\l is i1 'lfst and plior li(H" on <br />,q P'~r1y, tJ.~t as rn.y Oth$"fw1M be Gel fo,th t'll!fe-ln. and the. ekotu1l0n lInd df!ti1l1"ry 01 HH$- Deed of trust docs not vlol318 any con1r.1cl 0' Ol!\(!l oblll;~ohon 10 wtut:h <br />IloIrOll9l " lu\l!\l<:1 <br /> <br />.3 T..... A~ To ~y when due.n talllet., .petel.1 aue-ssmenlS and a11 ottler charges 9gl1mst thlP. P'OPf'rly and. upon wnl1en dcm.;Jnd by lendnr.1o pay to <br />L~ ,lJttl itrnoutrta. I"f't8v bit 1\lffIC.etltlO ,eona~ IhG tend., .0 pay SUl;h tilJlP'S.. aU4Jll,mtmf1 or other ct'..arge5 lIS lh~y bill'Come duo <br /> <br />. ~.. 1'0 k~p Uw P,ouetlW' m'ured ..g.a,"sl dlmlQf:! by fltO. t\stard.llncludttd 'WIthin the lerm -e.dended r;o...err.;ge.'. 3r'1d such other hllll!lrd" AS L(>ndl!l' "'oW <br />ftt4ttite, I'" IIIl"1'1:6u-ntt 6NJ ..'PI eCff'lc.tttCl''l wccept.ab... to l.ender .nd IlJIlh lo..-s Pilyatlle 10 the If.!ndr' In ca&<' of IO-SlJi undf'or ouch pohClt!5.. Ihe Lljl)()(.ll .! tluthotlzr.d 10 .1diUS.1 <br />t.tli~' .M(~'i:lOft't"",.it c-t.~m.. ~~Htund.r and'tflllH t\.lt'C tho oplltm ut"ItU All or pari 01 the lnsu.r"nte proterdS ill 10 gny It'ld('bl~n(o~!j Sl:'cut-pd hfl(llt)r ani' 1(\ MIl:;h <br />~d(l:. In lflln.::l4l>t ~""l' dlt1te',,,,.n.. tHl to) tt1'" OOfrl:,......' lO" l';wJ u~d ft.... '''41' 'toeait o,r ''''l'I.tOll''on of thil!' .p'OPiPf1'i Of llltl '(;11 any att'll!" llurpc1oro Of utJIP.CI !Hlh"ractOt'\l1u Lf~n(1~r <br />.lthQ~ .lfee~~ t!"A:d...-n of ."~t Of.l<<t Oi T h.... !or.~ fUll a'1'lOuflt Meu-fpd t'e"obr betor., '1uCh p,lVlT\flI"IE'vC!r 101). pl.lCi'! An)' ia~lpl.cAI:(ln 0; pt('c~~!1 10 H1('(IbIOOI'f'~!\ ",hi\11 <br />nl)1...'1l1'\d or c:<r11,pQf.-tt,.. rJ,,. dat@ ttf '"ft Pliyml!r'lllIlll~dlllr thn Nottl' 01' tun" IIIny C1nflu!t 1h@('t1UJ1{1q1 Of "'~rfllJn(kr' <br /> <br />~ ~.......... an. C~ ..1ft \...... UQUo*er ~t'lail "iPOP 1h!! f.!,QP'n'I'f In QQOd c(,mdlh.:.)n "n(! I~~M" "t.qll il1orn;ltll( ".ptltt Of If.l"IIl1;...t- l!l"~ <br />'~fJ.fOfD:ftMlIn .hI4~ mJl-t t:ott f.t.l1'l'lAQ4td t}I (fllt$tmyv;d, S""U tlc1 corn-mi~ or pltl","! .ny 1'II0l.hjl tl' d:(ptrrflQ'-ilt,tln of ~t't", P;'~J)l~tt., "n.,1! I'H'It r",",loW,.. tJ~(1laIH;!I tlf 1hlll~I.'\nlJl\1I't' ~l1l)r <br />111('1 ott1W' ltr.-t~r:r'loffit'lr'lt. on t~ P'Opprtl' _llhilnnQtr,nffll'folt S\t.'ttr Qt Pl',fmt an, At.t ~u"d{m" In 1')' lI(.>O" tP,,, Pf.ol)~rt", In ",.c~1-S110!'l 01 an, I~..... Ofll.l1!""Ce Cf 'NoIIII...Il(l'" -:11>(1 <br />7<1'*t1 r:"1 ""~d txfr~{l'tf,dt'tP\ifQ" III! no-'O'1.." (.('1.1 a"-1....~n".11 J,."" .F\(:umbter'CIl'IIfl.-dt:hliIfOf"I",'I"d '~"P':J'l"'"' O' 1.1,\t't,~ ~U"'''fA.t It,,.., r~IIJ1~N'). ur Atl't:' 1:1.;'11 th~...",~ <br />