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<br />Loan Number 79291-1-U~
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<br />pl,!!:~..~~!;~..!!,:..~~,~~!:..~.,!.!g~.~I.......,.. ("Borrower"). The trustcc is~I~:r...f..~~M1...~~y'!!j.9.~..~...1Q~.
<br />...~~~J~:r.!Q~..Q.f...~I~~.c?~..."..............,..........,......................,..................... .................. {"Trustcc"). The b!mc:fu:ia;y is
<br />=""FWT,..IEIlEBAL..SA'llINGS,..ANILW.AN..ASS.QCUtXQ.N.,Q.f...l.tN!;;QW..................... which is organized and existin!
<br />:. under the :"ws of ...Tbe,.1lD.ite.d..5.ta.tes...af...!me.rJ.ca........... and whose address is .l235..~~N~~...st.l:".t..._............
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<br />: Utu:.Qln...Jiebr.aska..6.8SDB..................................,..,.,......,.,..................................,.....'.............. ............... {..~.
<br />..,. Borrower owes Lender the principal sum of ,r.9.r.r;:f...!u,'-..Th~~t~~g.;.ffdglJ~...ffg:t;!~h,~.~...~~tJ.Y...~.~!l...~Q1.1Q.~.........
<br />~ ..........,..............,......................................., 001111'5 (U.S, 5..................."..,..........). This debt IS evidenced by Borrower 5 note
<br />)Ii dated the same date as this SecurilJ~trument (..NO:lf~o,,&jch provides for monthly paymer.ts. with the full debt, if not
<br />
<br />~ ~~ c;:~~:7ns-::;~~b~.~.~~;.(~)'.ih~.~~~~i.~r.fu;.&:b~.~d~~.b~.~h.~.N~~~..;jtb.i;~.~.;n
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<br />renewals, extensions and modiflcations; (b) the payment or all other sums, with interest. advanced under parqraph 7 to
<br />protect the security of this Security Instrument; and (c) the performance of Borrower's covenants and qrcemcnts. For this
<br />PUlJXlSl7 Borrowe!jjmocably grants and cooveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale. the following described property
<br />
<br />located In ......"................'..................., ,....................................,......................................................,....... County, N~b:
<br />
<br />Lot Four (4), in Block One (I), in Capital Heights Fourth Subdivision, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />, 4241 Michigan Avenue
<br />which hilS the address of .....................,..'..........""..,..........................",
<br />68803 .. [St,,,,,!] ..
<br />Nebraska ..'...............,...........'...................,..' ( Property Address );
<br />[lID Codl! I
<br />
<br />Grand Island
<br />""'" ....'" ..... '....,.. ,.." ..,.., ,...., "'iE,i;.'i"" .......... ........ ,....
<br />
<br />TOOETUER WITH all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all ca.\ements, ngh.,.,
<br />appurtenances. rents. royalties, mineral. oil and gas rights and profits. water rights and stock and all Ih.tures now or
<br />hereafter. part, of the property. All replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Security Instrument. All of the
<br />foregoins is refen'ed to lnthl. Security Instrument as the "PropeI1y,"
<br />
<br />BoRROWER CO\lENANTS thai Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby con\'eyed lInd has the nghtlo gmnl
<br />and convey IheProperty and thai the Property is unencumbered. ellcepl for encllmbrances l)frecord, Borro.....er wnrranls
<br />and will defend generally the litle to the Property againsl all claims and demands, subjecl to allY encumbrances of rcx'ord.
<br />
<br />TItIS SttlJRITY INSt'RUMENT combines uniform covenants for national u~e and 1'I')h,unif",tn co.'Cnl1hts ....ilh
<br />limilrd varialion, by juri\llicJionlo conMitule a uniform lIl!I:1Irity instrument covering real rl\~p:rt~'
<br />
<br />
<br />f~.10211 12/113
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<br />~'r;rm ~45 - 787
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