<br />I.?aX>77932
<br />~
<br />
<br />88- 102926
<br />
<br />^SSlGIUlElI'f OF NURTG^GI:: - Corporotion
<br />
<br />I(NOI~ ^L1. tIE" 8Y TIIESE PRESEIHS, Thnt Superior Hortgage I
<br />Corporation, the party of the f!Tst port, in considerotion of the sum
<br />ONE
<br />lawful money of the United Stotes of America, to it in hand paid b}'
<br />^ CorporotJon. the pnrty or the second l!nrt, at or before the ensefll.ing and
<br />delivery of the!!e pn:':;ents, receipt Nhcreof is hereby acknowledged, has
<br />gran tell, bor go ll1Cd, sol d, O!'lrliglled, trons [erred, 0",1 set over. nnd I by these
<br />'p~esents, dot':1 r,l'Elllt, hnqJoln, sell, or-siUn, tronsfer, trnnsferred, ond set
<br />dver. IInto the !'lnid fmrty of the second f1ort, its successors Dnd Dssigns, s
<br />certo In I NIJEtHURE OF tIORTG^GE, Deer illp' dote 14m of EmU\RY 19 86 ,
<br />Recorded as occ. j f;;;1~ of the Hor!:gege Records of i'WL CD.NlY,
<br />l\HRA9.<A n n ma e y <:liN'J E. IKWiI fH) 8I\RBI\PA r... fRlo,N, ,iSl/IN) fH) WII1E
<br />
<br />Inc. 8
<br />of
<br />Dollars
<br />
<br />to Superior Nortnor.e, Inc. and oil its right, title ond Interest to the
<br />premises t~erein described, 09 follows, to-wit:
<br />A PPm' CF 'lIE N:RI1f1Bl' Q:wmR CF 'lIE 3:l.1l1Hm CJ,WmR CF ~ ThENlY-EClR (;:14), ID<N:HIP
<br />EIJMN (ll} NEH, PJKE (10), ;.mr CF 'lIE 6JH P.M. HAU. CD.NlY, ~, I:ES:RtEED PS R:IUl'B:
<br />~ M 'lIE N:RI1f1Bl' aR:fR CF 'lIE s::IJIfHSl' QlllRlER CF ST\ID ~ '>>'iNIY-RlR (;:14),
<br />'lIl'HiIIP EI&'EN (ll) NEH, PJKE'lEN (10) ~, IUNIN; 'DBa: 3lJIH CN 'lIE FASlER.Y Lm!: CF SAID
<br />o:m.tER ~ A DISlJ'<<E CF tImElY (9)) FEEr, 'llEN:E J:lE ViS!' PfffiAlIH, 'ID 'lIE N:RlH Lm!: CF Sl\ID
<br />Q.M1m ~, A ~'I{E CF QE fINHD SOOY 'llHE (163) EmI', 'lE:N:E J:lE N:RIP. PMPU.H. 'ID 'lIE
<br />oor LIN:: CF ST\ID o:m.tER ~ A ~'lE CF NnElY (9)) FfEI' 'ill 'lIE NEH Lm!: CF SAID Q:wmR
<br />s:I:TD:N, 'IiI:lU: J:lE ETBl' CN 'lIE tnmi r..lI'E CF ST\ID QlI\RIER ::a:r:rrn A DISDNE CF em !lNllED SOOY
<br />'lHlEE (163) f1:Er 'ID 'lIE tn:mFA91' alNR CF SAID SlJ.IlHSl' a.wmR ItiICli IS 'llE RKE CF
<br />J:B:iIlNm::i.
<br />
<br />. .
<br />
<br />TOF)ethf'r \lith the nntl! ttl'!P~11I d(1)crJhcd. nllll thl'? mOlley ,hlu or to !Jecome dlle
<br />thcrellllllf'r, '"cfuellnr. lllterent thercon, '10 "^Vf~ Mil) TO 1l0LIl the sOlOe unto the
<br />~:mld pl1lty o[ Ihe !lccond I'nrt, il:s ntll:C('!1!10nl 01111 o!l!llp,lIs (orever, subject
<br />only to the f1rovlnlollO of Imid IIlVl~rIlURI'; UF t10RlG^GE therein contained.
<br />
<br />Allel till' I'/1lty of the rfrol: port docs herehy molto, COIlOUtut!! ollll nppoint the
<br />!lnld p11l1.y 1)[' tllf' nl'cond port, it9 trlle nlld lnulul ottorney. irrp.vocnblc, ;I,ll
<br />It 'I IH""", nr "t.hlnwl ne, hut ot the! r own prOlt(!r costo olld charnell, to hove.
<br />IIn!', nll,1 tnl". nIl II1"rlll WOY9 otHl meolls rur the recovery of the soid mone}' ond
<br />llltl?te~lt, 01,,1, In Cllse of I'nYPI!!lIt, to dlschorge the some os the part of the
<br />[Irnt pun m1r.ht, Dr couid do. if these presents were not mode.
<br />
<br />III WIIIIESS l"'E!lEUf, SIIpt:'rlor NortF)nF)e, IlIc. " cnrporotion of the Stote of
<br />lIebrn!llw hll!! cOll!'c.1 th!!1 ^sslBllment of ~lortgn8(! to bel I!lcecuted b, its
<br />Presidellt "nd attest!!.1 by its Secretory olld itll Corpornte Seal to be hereunto
<br />offixed the 3lSl' doy of ~ in the yeor 1988
<br />
<br />
<br />~'J
<br />"
<br />
<br />By:
<br />
<br />d-4 &~,,)
<br />
<br />....,
<br />'.<r~.. Ij.
<br />
<br />(',
<br />
<br />',' J.
<br />
<br />
<br />^,t.~~ t,dI ~~LL
<br />
<br />>', AR8N G. BEILKE, I\SS1'. SECRETARY'
<br />
<br />:',' On thIs 3lSl',lflY "r MP.Y' ' 19 ffi ' before me, 0 lIotnry I'uhllc.
<br />"duly cOInmf.lJslolI"d nnd '111;:111 fiert in oll!l for snr.1 Co"nty nlld Stotl!, PersonnIly
<br />came the ohov!" n:1lllf'd KENT 1I0LSTEN, VICE PRF.SlDENT 1\ND KTlR8N G. B8ILKE, 1\SS1". SECRETARY
<br />of SUI.erJor Ilortr.;:1r,e, Inc. who ore pN!;onnlly kl10lm to Ille tu be the identic"!
<br />,person!; who"l" , fHlmes nre nHilled'to tht'! nhove DssJp,lIment of tlortBoBc ns the
<br />President ond Scc:rctory of said CQrpfJrntlon, !llld tho,V ncknowledBed the
<br />instrument to he the I r vol untor, oct ond deeli, ond the volunter}' oct ond deed
<br />of the said Corporotion.
<br />
<br />St~t~ o~;Neb~~skD )
<br />, - -,., ''''',,'.' )
<br />
<br />Coun~~rl7f:'JIDl1 )
<br />
<br />ss.
<br />
<br />WITnESS my hond alld officiol 9col, in Grnnd Islond, in Bold County. the dete
<br />nforeBold.
<br />
<br />IU-71U1U1 'lU:
<br />
<br />.J:... 1OTAlir~!Jlf 1!1 .~'Jlb
<br />REBECCA K. AlI,DEP"t,lf; r
<br />1I1 r.omm Err ~P'" '~; I
<br />CEllI W'll t1l.m I CJ(\('_ ~ J ,r-;--
<br />f" . () . [lU X I I'lO i
<br />UJUlllll HiLAlH.I. W;: {,1.11lO:?
<br />
<br />'-f'~.bLUf.'!,_df (Ir[i c 1~,./dJ~)
<br />-"1' rlotnry PI/blic
<br />