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<br />l52Il.l29:n5 <br />J..$98l <br /> <br />88-102925 <br /> <br />ASSIGIUlEln OF I'IURTGAGE - Corporotion <br /> <br />KNOH ALl. tllm BY rmmE rnESEIITS, Thot Superior tlortgage, <br />Corporotion, t!le porty of tha first port, in considarot!on of the sum <br />ONE: <br />lawful monay of the Un!t(!!J Stotes of ^rnerico. to it in hond paid by <br />COLONIAL CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK, FSB <br />^ CorporotJon. thc porty of the !H!coml pnrt, at or b(!Iore thl:! cnserll,il1g Dlld <br />delivery of tll(!sa I,,'('sent!!, f(!cei"t whereof is Imreby acknowlcdg!!d, hos <br />grunted. Imfnnilled. sold. n~~f.nn(!ll. tronsf.erred, onrl set ov~r, Dnd, by these <br />p!."csents. docs gnlllt. bnrgotn, sell, ossign. tronsfer. tronsferred, and set <br />dv!!r. until the soid pnrty fir tIll! !l!'!collll IIOrt, its successors and 8ss1gns, 8 <br />certoin HlUEtrruRE OF t10Rl'GAGE, Beorinp' dnte 8JH of JlLY 1986 <br />Recorded as J:D:. * ffi-.l037~ of the Nortgoge Records of Iil\I:L <IlNlY, <br />~ onil mo(Je by CA'L E. DlEIZ JlN) C1RL A. DJEIZ, fI.mlU) IN) WlIE <br /> <br />Inc. a <br />of <br />Dollars <br /> <br /> <br />to Superior Ilort:r.nge, Inc. ond 011 its right, title Bnd interest to the <br />premises therein desctibed, os follows, to-wit: <br /> <br />ill!' '00 (2), m lI.OJ{ QE (I), FASI'rnmJ Ui'N J\Illl'.l'll:N, w:m RIl/ER, HAU. <II.NlY, ~t\A. <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />Toccther .lith the "ote tllen"n de!lcf'lbcd. 0,"1 tht! moncy chIC or to becom!! dlle <br />ther!'!"",I..r. i IIC hilling I lit r'f erlt thereon. TO Il^ VI~ ^"1> TO 1101.1> the sume unto the <br />snlrf I'nrl:v of Ih~ !lcconrl I,"rt. its !1l1cr~n!1or!l olld n!J!lIp,l1s Corever, subject <br />onl y to the prov is10n9 of. 1m Id IJlIJEIIIURE OF tlURl'C^GE therein contained. <br /> <br />^nd t he po r t y of the r J r sl. pnf t ,Io!!s hereby make, const Hute ond oPlloint the <br />soid !,lIr ty of' thl! !)r'conrJ !,nrt, i t!l trill! olHl In\~ful ottorn!!y, irrevocable, in <br />its n,,",c, or otheEwlm~. hilt nt their own proper costs nnd charlle!l, to hovc, <br />use. on<l tnl~r. 011 In\lf tll "'[if" nnd menns (or the r!!covery of the !loid mon!!y ond <br />Interc!lt. nllll. in cosc or Jlo)'m""t. to IlJllchorge tlm :mml:! 09 the part of the <br />Urst pllrt might. or could do. if these prescnts were not mode. <br /> <br />111 Wl'IrlESS \lIIERI~OF, SUJlerior Ilortp,one, Inc. n corporation of the Stote of <br />tlebrasl:n hnn cnllserl this ^ssl!.!nm!!"t of ~Iortgnge to be executed by its <br />Pres.lcJcnt [Jlld attesterl by its Secretery ond its Corporote Scal to be hereunto <br />efflxed ,-the 31ST doy of [il.Y in the year 1900 <br /> <br />SUPERIOR HORl'GAGE, WC. <br /> <br />,'-I. <br /> <br />/~ <br /> <br />8y: ~~c!P,fAd <br /> <br />KENT HOLSm~, VICE PRESIDEN'!, <br /> <br />'/ <br /> <br />.. ~\,.",." ,,~ <br />'St.tli~"':f:- tfi..t)nf~ka ) <br />. .,"'< ) <br />cou~t.i 'a'! 11011 ) <br /> <br />Atte <br /> <br /> <br />ss. <br /> <br />AREN G. BEILKE, ASST. SECRETARY <br /> <br />011 lhls 31ST Ilny of MW . 19 00 . before mc. n lIotary l'ubUc, <br />duly COlnml!1sfonerJ -n-nd Il1lo1Hled in and ror sold County ond Stote, Personnlly <br />eam!! th~ nhov!! n"med KEIU HOLSTEN, VICE PRFSIDENT AND KAREN G. BElf.RE, ASST~ SECRETARY <br />of SUI't'rlor IIortr,nr.c, 1m:. who ore persol1nlIy kllOHl1 to me to be the tdentlcnl <br />IlerSOIl!1 wlw!1c j nom(!!l nre nffheet'lo the obove !JssJr,llment of .Iurtgos!! nn the <br />f'rerd,If!,.t oml Scr:rctory of salrf Corf1ornt ton. nnd they ncknowleds!!d tha <br />il1strumt'lIt to he their voluntory act Dnd deed, ond the voluntary act and deed <br />of the sold Corporotion. <br /> <br />WITtlES5 m, hand and officiol 9('01. In Grond l!l!ond, In solr! County, the dOUr <br />etorermld. <br /> <br />. -t~ )J.d.,-ilL!j{ C1ri t1 Jt J IL) <br />"ator)' Public <br />REneCCA K. ANDE~~ <br /> <br />~TO: <br /> <br />J:-IIlMY..sL111 of 'l!:r~b <br />M:IECCA Il ANO(RSOI. <br />II, r-.. Elp. Apr!!l, 19'31 <br /> <br />CEt~ I Hr.1 HOl'n 411''1GE: ctmr'. <br />r" .ll. NIX Hl!l (' <br />llIu,tUr[ !~l. film, w:: 6ntl()~' <br />