<br />l.2Xl3545O
<br />195059
<br />
<br />89- 102924
<br />
<br />ASSIGIUIEIIT or llURI GAlm - Corporation
<br />
<br />
<br />KII(J\~ ALl. ',tEll BY TIlESE 1'1\ ES EIlTS , Tho t Superior r'lortgop,e,
<br />Corpornt1on, the pnrty of the Brst pnrt, in considerntion of the sum
<br />onE
<br />lnwflll money of the United Slnl:c!l or ^merico, to it in hand paid by
<br />" COIporntJon, the pnrl.y of the f;('f"ollll pnrt, nt or !JeCare the cnscnl..i,/Ig ond
<br />de li ver y of I lIeGc I'r('~ent~, ref:e 11'1: wherco r 1 n hereby ncknOldedr,cd, hos
<br />gront!!.I, Iml en1111'11 , Go].I, n!:"Ir,lIc,l, trOlm(crred, 01111 set ovor, onel, by these
<br />,,~csent!';. !lo('!: r,nlllt, hnrcnln, Gell. nG5iu", tronsCer, trollsferred, >:IlId set
<br />dver, IIlIlII Ihe ~rdd I'nrl)' of tha r;ccond Ilnrt, its successors ond ossigns, 0
<br />certaIn JIIUI~rHurIE OF t10RTG^GE, Denrinp' !,IoLe 18lH of JftUI!Er:l 19 ffJ
<br />Recorded as D:X::. 167-J.aB3l of the Ilortgnge Records of H1l[L <II.NIY,
<br />~ ond mode by .xm D. ?1Dl<E PN) C'iN.IHIA S. ?101<B, tIlXWD lR) WIFE
<br />
<br />rile. B
<br />of
<br />Do11nrs
<br />
<br />to Superior !Iortr.nr.e, Inc. nnd nil its rIght, title and interest to the
<br />premises therein described, os follows, to-wit:
<br />
<br />wr CH: (1) I EI.DX CH: (1), N:S1.R:IAIE ESlMES, ~ CN 'nE N::RIfH:Sl'
<br />J.wmR CF 'lIE lOmEASl' Q:.MIER (l'W.i tEl:i) CF ~ 'lHIRlY FIVE (35),
<br />'JOoNmP EIE.Vf.N (ll) N:RlH, rwa: 'lfN (10) \'EST CF 'lIE em P.M., fWL
<br />CIlNiY, z.aBA":i<A.
<br />
<br />"
<br />
<br />lor,eth,.,. \lllh Ih(' IIrJ!:P. th"lcln dCr.rllhp,l. ,,",t thF? mOIl\!)' dlte or to UCCOOl!! due
<br />{,hcrCtlnol"r. Illcl.Illinr. 11I1"'f'~t th~"~OIl, '10 It^VI~ hllll TO 1I0l.U the r.nm!:! UlIto the
<br />nnlt1 I',HI,)' of lit,.. "ceo,,,1 I'nrt, l'!J ~1":r,.r.~OIn 01111 n~:r.lp,ns forever, subject
<br />only 10 the rrov!5!mw o[ '1r1itl lllIJElfltfRF. OF IlUl!TGhGE therein contained,
<br />
<br />^nd till' I"'rly flf tI", [11~1 I'nlt doc!; helchy mn!tnr COl19litul~ nnd nJ'polnt the
<br />snid ['nil y 0[' till' r.rroml I'nrt, i t~ trllf' [Jnrl lrlHful nttornr:!Y. irrevocnble, In
<br />ttn """"', Of at.""!....ln,.. I",t. nt t11,..lr 01<11 J1t<)J1cr co!.:t:! nllll chnrr.!!!!. to have,
<br />U11I:'. nnt! tnl,c 011 1,1>'[111 \.'nl'~ nntl mCOI19 [01 the r!!covery of the snl.d money and
<br />tnlerer.l. n'HI, In CI1!'C o[ I'n)'m""t, to dlr.c:lml!::e the !Jnme ns the pllrt of the
<br />fIrst port might. or cOllld do, if these present!! were not mode.
<br />
<br />111 WI HIESS \mEI!I/lf, SII po::' riOI' lIor I. 1:,,;:e,
<br />lIehrnslw linn cnll,-",'I tld!1 ^ss I r,nmr:nt
<br />Prcf;idellt nnd attested by Its Secretory
<br />eHhed the 3lSI' doy of
<br />
<br />MAY
<br />
<br />lne. 0 cOI'poro t I on of tlte Stnte of
<br />of lIortgone to be ml:eclltf>d hy its
<br />nnd it!! Corporole Seal to be hereunto
<br />in the yeor 1983 .
<br />
<br />surERIOR f10RTGAGE, we.
<br />
<br />\' C :~,:.,~..~.
<br />
<br />ny:
<br />
<br />~4 &M1-~)
<br />
<br />":,:,:',.,
<br />
<br />. StBt;;e ::Of:\~bro~o ) KENT 1I0r..STEN, VICE: PRESIDENT
<br />
<br />:~c~~~~~;,~~~~l> ~ 55, ^ttes~./,~_(~~
<br />
<br />
<br />On thl~ 3lSI' ,Iny of (IW\Y ,19 88 , h,.fo! ~ m~, n "otary ruhIic,
<br />tlulJ' f:f'ltnmlr:r.ionrrl mill '1unltried in Old for ~oid COllnty ond Stote, r~nwlI:'ll1r
<br />cnmc t h~ aho"" nnm,.d RElIT 1I0LSTF.il, V J Cr. T'P.F.SJDEHT MID KlIREN G. BEIT"KE, ASST'. SECRETARY
<br />o[ SUl'rl'far Ikatr,l1r,e, Inc. ",ho :}re prrr.n,,,,IIy kn'owlI to IIIe lo be the identicnl
<br />I'er5""r. "lwr.,', nnlner; nt" nf[Ixc,I'to thr: O"'JVC osslp,nmcllt of ltortr,nut' n~ LIlt'
<br />J'rt'~ltl"nl nllll Ser,r,..tory nf 5:11<1 Corl'Qll1tlQlI, nn.' they nclolOwledgccl the
<br />insttllmr:'lIt to hI'! tlte t r vol un tory Dct ollll deed, ood the \'oluntary nct Dnd deed
<br />of the oold Corporation.
<br />
<br />:.1:.
<br />
<br />WITllf~o;S "'1 hond olld officiol sCDI, in Grllnd lslllnd. in sofd County, the dote
<br />u(oresald.
<br />
<br />--t'1 ~ h d {. ('Li{ (J. rrlJ,tAc"'-;\._)
<br />~J'llbllc
<br />Ht;m~CCll K, I\NDEHSOl
<br />
<br />Hf.:'lWN 10:
<br />
<br />~_-.._....w
<br />RmECc..'\ K, AHOEJlSON
<br />.. 0.- E::,l 0loi1 1, 1991
<br />I:EIJIHn\ ..,UHllh)OE Clll"",
<br />fe' .11. (1t ,)' I IH.f ~
<br />Ulif\t!t. T!;l (\111'. liE MlI,ltJ:'
<br />