<br />15;a:XJ77916
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<br />
<br />88- 102923
<br />
<br />hSSIGNNEIIT OF l-IURTG^GE - Corllorotion
<br />
<br />KNOll hLI. HIm DY THESE PllESEIlTS. Thl1t Superior Hortgoge. Inc. 0
<br />Corporation, the porty of the first part, in consitlcrntioll of the sum of
<br />ON~~ Dollors
<br />lawful money of the United Stotes pE hmericn, to it in hand paid by
<br />to. CorporntJon, the party or the !':l'colld IHn-t, nt or before the el1sel1Hng Dud
<br />delivery oC thc!1e "1'C~sents, receipt \~hcreof is hercby acknowledged, has
<br />grolltell, ImroninClI, solll, nl'lnf,gllerl, trollsf.erred, ",,,1 set over, owl, by these
<br />pt:csent.r" doc!! grant, barna In, sell, n~si Cn, tronsfer, tral1sferred, and set
<br />dVer, Ullto the nnhl pnrty of the !'lccond flort, its Sllccessors and ossigns, B
<br />certain HUlEt/lURE Of NORTGAGE, Beorinp' date 31sr of.JPlUR{ 19 ~
<br />Recorded as LXX::. I tE-1CI:691 of the tlortgoge Rec.ords of HAU. CIlNlY,
<br />~ nnir mode by ~ L. .xHB:N lID;m R. .xHB:N, Iil'S.'l.lH) lID WIPE
<br />
<br />to Superior Uortr,or,e, Jnc. Bnd olt it!! right, title nnd interest to the
<br />premises therein described. os follows, to-wit:
<br />
<br />UJr F'IVE (5/, m ElDJ( eN: (I), m CAPrIN.. fElG-ll5 ~ !ElK; A Pm
<br />CF 'lIE 9:IJH'A':n' c:x.wmR CF 'lIE s:l1llHSl' c:x.wmR (~) CF ~
<br />'00 (2), m'IOftHIP WMN (il) N:RIH, RJNE'1m (10), ~ CF ~ am
<br />P.M., flAIL CIJ.NlY, ~
<br />
<br />,',
<br />.,
<br />
<br />"
<br />
<br />Togt~t1tr'r "lth thl" note Ll,r~If:'ln ,1t!!1rrilH.,I, nn" th" mOIlC)' due or to become dlle
<br />t1HncuIHI,'r, IIIClll.11111'. 1111('r('~t thercon. 'ro "^VE Mill TO !lO"/) th<? Slllne unto the
<br />nold porty of I h'l !lCCUllrI l"II't, I l:CJ flIlC(,C!1nOro nnd nonir,tls Corc\'er, suhject
<br />only to the prodsiolls of sIIid 1IIIJElllURE OF t10RlGAGI~ therein contained.
<br />
<br />^nd th(' "n r lye r the r J I CJ t pllrt doe!! heft-by molcc, const 1 tute and nppoillt t.he
<br />nnid pllrl)' of' the !H'cond pnrt, ~tn true ami lllldul Ilttorllcy, irrevocnble, 1n
<br />ita nnme, or oLhl?p.,ojnf:', hilt III theIr own proper cost!) nnd charr.en. to have,
<br />lise, nlld tlll(" 1111 10"[111 ...oya nil" menns for the recovery of the said money ond
<br />intel'cnt, nllll, in cnne of poym"llt, to "f !lchorge thn 11l1me os the part of the
<br />first port might, or could do, if these pres<?nts were not made.
<br />
<br />IN WHNESS "'IIEREOF, Superior Il0rtgage, IIIc. n corporotion of the Stote of
<br />Uebrasltn hnn cnllst!11 tld 9 ^ss{gnment of Hortgoge to be executed by its
<br />President and attested by Its Secretary snd its Corporote SeBI to be hereunto
<br />affixed the 31sr dBY of jI\\y in the yeor 19 l:B .
<br />
<br />\ ~"" .\~ i :'p.."r
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<br />
<br />On th I.!; 31."n' (10)' (1 f !'Wi' 19 l:B ' be fore Ole, a lIotary I'uhli c,
<br />dilly cnmml~!ljonrtr-n"d '1H:11Hlcll In ond for solt! CO\lnty ond Stnte, Personally
<br />come tll() nhovf' n""If'll KENT 1l0LSTEN, VICE rnf.SIDENT I\tlD KAREN G. BEIr.KE:, l\SST~ SE:CRETARY
<br />of SIII'!'r I<Jr rlor tr.::1r,!!, tne, "1110 ort! p~rsonnll y kIlO'.'II to ml! to br. thl! idl!lltienl
<br />rll!rSOIl!l \,'!to",,, , rlll\l1C!1 nre affIxed- 1:0 tht! nhov!' Dsslp,llmellt 'Of tlortgnlJc n!f the
<br />rr(!l'i.,lent om! Serrctory of !ll]id Corpornt lOll, 011.1 they ncknowledgt'd the
<br />1n!ltrum!'llt to hI! theIr voluntary oct nnd deed, nnd the voluntory act and deed
<br />o[ the sold Corporation.
<br />
<br />8y:
<br />
<br />S8.
<br />
<br />WITtIF'.5S my hond and officlol !um!, in Grand Islol1ll. in soid County, the doti!
<br />e[oreooid.
<br />
<br />:u:t'URH 'ro s
<br />
<br />J:~ ImMr-8IJII erllqb
<br />REBECCA l( ANOl ""'("'.
<br />.",' "'i r.c~.", f.t" A:;:t.l i; 1
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<br />Clmr'.
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<br />--t,J... hJd-C.{1~jr (}il if LA .f;J\.",1
<br />I lIotor')' Public'
<br />ttt:;OF;CCA R. I\NO~RSON
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<br />CE'~ f I~N HOI~ 'fJr'\Uf.'
<br />f' ,II, flU" I no;
<br />URNIl' 1!;1 MlI1. liE
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