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<br />88.... 102922
<br />
<br />^SSIGNlIBtlT or r'lORTGAGg - Corporation
<br />
<br />KtRl\4 ALL rmll BY THESE I'RESEUTS, Tlmt Superior ~'C1rtcoge,
<br />Corpora t!on, the porty of the first port, in cOllsidernl:ion of the sum
<br />ONE:
<br />lawCul money of the United States of Americo, to it in hond paid by
<br />^ Corporntlon, the pnrty of the !1ecolld pnrt, at or be Core the ensenl.lng and
<br />del Ivery of thene pr{'sents, rcccipl: whereof is hereby ocknowledr,cd, has
<br />gronted, IUHl.lnined, solfl, IInnIr,ne,l, trl'lllsf.crred, onrl set ov,er, nnd, by th'.!se
<br />"J1,:cscnt!J, do{'n p,l'Il11t, hnrgnln, nell, n!1sign, tronsfer, tronsferred, /lnd set
<br />dver, Ullto \:he !laid ,'nr ty of thc nr!cond port, its successors and assign!!, 8
<br />certoill JllUEUrURE OF tlORTGAGE, Beoring dote 10lH of ~ 19 86 ,
<br />Recorded as 00::. 41 85-1CX1ll4 of the t1ortgoge Records of HAl'L CIll'llY,
<br />~ and mode by 'lJBlXRE C. ~ /H) .m\N 1m~, fI.mPN) Pm WIIiE
<br />
<br />lllc. a
<br />oC
<br />Dollars
<br />
<br />to Superior tlortr.op,e, Inc. and nll its rIght, title amI interest to the
<br />premises therein described, a9 follows, to-wit:
<br />
<br />'lIE EASI' FlFLY rIVE FEEl' (55') CF !.Dr'lW) (2), IN ~'S 3.IDIVISJ.CN, flN
<br />AlD1TIQII 'ID 'llE Cl'lY CF GWD ISAV, HAr.L CIlNlY, ~.
<br />
<br />.'
<br />
<br />TonI" tI'f: I' with tl1[' notc \: hcrc III denc d hc,l, n 1\.1 thl'! mOlley .1t1C or to become due
<br />therculHll"r, Inctr.lll1np.llllr>renl thclcon, TO "^n: Mill TO f1ULU the some unto the
<br />!lol" l':ll'lV of the nc(:ollll pnrt, lIs [lllr:rp.!l~'orn oml n!lair,lIs Corever, subject
<br />only to the provisions of Dold I1HlElHURE Of IIURTG^GE thcrein contained,
<br />
<br />^nd the It~Hly tJr lhe r I r!lt "nrt ,Ioc!; hcrchy mnlCf!, constitute oml op"olnt tIle
<br />said !,arty or' the nl'contl "ort, it,!] truc oml 1001ful ottorney, irrevocable, in
<br />its nllme, or otlmrwinl'. hut ot t1l(!ir own proper costs nnd ch'uJtc!!, to hove,
<br />line, "lItI tlllo'! oIl IIII_ful woyo IInd meDII!! {or the recovery oC tho nold money nnd
<br />lntcrent, nlHl, in CODe or 1'0 yml"llt, to d.l!lc!tnrse the snmc nB the pInt oC the
<br />first port millht, 01" could do, if thpsl! presents were not mode.
<br />
<br />IN WnllESS ImEREOf, SUI'<:,rior Hort.n"ne, Inc. a corporation of the Stote of
<br />lIehronlut !tn!'l l:nll!'lc,l Uti!! ^!Jslf)lImellt oC Hortgnac to be cxecuted by its
<br />I'resfdcllt nntl ottesterl by its Secretory ond it!! Corporote See I to be hereunto
<br />affixed the 3lSl' doy of W\Y in the yeer 19 W .
<br />
<br />
<br />",~ ,.
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<br />(.llf;~ ';.. ' ~~.
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<br />By:
<br />
<br />~ /?&,f,,)
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<br />, -
<br />St~te~Q.f"N.J,>.yr~9ke )
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<br />. CoU~~J1 ~f1'1~ ll' )
<br />: -.',.:.' ,.,:'..- .' :.':'_..-~
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<br />
<br />'tt.'~/L 0</<d)::L&.~
<br />
<br />
<br />On this 3lSI' rloy of MIl:{ , 1963 , "erore ml!, n !lotor)' I'ubllc,
<br />duly r:OIn,"I.!'l~lolIl:'d nnd 'lunll flt>d In nntl [or nol,l Count)' Illld Stote, I'etsonnll)'
<br />callie lh~ I'll,ovr. nrtlllf'd KENT HOLSTEN, VICE PHF.SJDENT IIND KI\RE:N G. BEIrJKE:, T\SST". SECRETARY
<br />of SUI'~r I Qr 1101' t.r,np,e, J nc. \.Iho 1] rc personll" y kllOI", to lIle to be the identicn 1
<br />11I!t!10n!1 \.Ih',I"H~, nomell nrl:' nHilled'lo thc nbove lIBs.tp,lIment of Uortgnge 09 the
<br />Pro91d!mt nlld SCl':l'ctoty or !loid Corl'oTntton, "nd th"y nckno\.lledged the
<br />inotrument 1:0 1m tholr voluntary oct nnd deed, Dnd thl! voluntsry sct snd der!d
<br />of the anld Corporntion.
<br />
<br />ss.
<br />
<br />.~
<br />
<br />'.
<br />
<br />lo'ITtIF:SS my hnnd and offidol Gllol, in Grand IBland, in soid County, thl! dtlte
<br />Dfore$Old.
<br />
<br />
<br />~-i((Irri 0 it 0('7\)
<br />. lIotor, rubllc
<br />rumr::cCA It. ANDERSON
<br />
<br />ItE.rt.1lm 'IO:
<br />
<br />CEI4 '!'all HUH T I.h)l'1E 1:1 t1,r' ,
<br />1" . tl. flO;.: I flO i
<br />mUll/f1 1 !;L,)I-m. tiE: t.1 HIO:?
<br />