<br />
<br />~=
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 25,062
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY TlIESEPRF.5ENTS: That Ronald E. Clark and Mary E. Clark, each in his and hel:
<br />own right, and as spouse of each other,
<br />
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in considelation of the IUDI of
<br />Fllrr y Two ThOlI":tnn :tnd.....nuJ I 00 ----------.--:-----------------------------------------:1lOLLARS
<br />loaned to SlIilI mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Gland Is!lInd, Nebraska, Mortgllgce, upon 420 shares of stock of
<br />gid ASSOClATION. Certificate No, L 25,062 ,do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the followiD&
<br />.w...aibed real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />lot Eight (8), Amick Acres Third Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />l\>Utllel with all the tCOlelIll'nts. heredilarnenu and appurlen:mcrs there-UlllO ""'ong.ing, including altaclled floor coverings. all window screens,
<br />windo... ",.des, blind., storm windows, awnmgs, healing, alf condillomng, and plumbmg and water equipment and accessories therelo, pumps, stows,
<br />refrigrralOl., and other fhturcs and equipment oow or herc:afler attached 10 01 used III connechon wilh said real estate.
<br />
<br />And whcreas the >aid mortpgor has agJUd .nd ,I,,,,, hereby agree Ihal the nlortr,agor mall and will pay all taxes and aSICssments levied or
<br />llD:SIlCd upon uKl I"enllse. and upon this murlgage and the bond ",cured theleby before the same shan become delinquent; to furnish approYCd
<br />msurancr upon the buildingJ on said premise. siluated in the sum of S 42,000.00 payable 10 !Wiid ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for u.id insUla"ce: and nol ro c"Umm,r or perm.t any wasle on or about said premi5c:s;
<br />
<br />In 0ISt' of ddault ie lhe JlC'lfurm:mce of any of lhe lerm. and cnnd'lIons of IhlS mortl\311c llf the bond lecwed hereby, the mortPSllfl WII.
<br />un delNlnd. be enlillA:d 10 immediare ptlS!lewon of Ihe morlga~1 P'C'"'''''' and Ihe mortgagor hereby awgns, transfen and lets over to the
<br />mortgagee all the lent.. .evenue. and mcume to be deflved f ,om lhe murlgl>gcd premises during SUdl lime as Ihe mor19Jle indebtedncsa shall remain
<br />unpaid; and the rnorlpgt"C ..hall have the puwer tu '!,po,"1 allY a~enl or .genl' It may desire fUI the purpose of lepairing said premile. and renlinl
<br />Ihe salDl' and OOIIeL"tillg lhe Icnls. levenues and income. ao<l 'I may 1"')' oul of <:lid moome all expensts of repairing said plcm~s and ncccmry
<br />commiaions and expense> incurred in lenting and Ill:trugmg Ihe gme and of collectmg rentals thelefrom; the balance remaining, if any, to be
<br />applied 10W1lrd the '''scharge of !o:lid lfl<lrtp!l" IOdehlc-doe.., the"" lJ~hls of the mortgagee may be exercised at any time durin& the existence of IUcl1
<br />default, irrespective of any temJXlf3!)' Wllh<er of IIrr ""II'"
<br />
<br />'rhesc P,csents, ho...."vel, ale upon the Cundlllun, nllll ,flhe $:lId MOlIll38'" >halllepay said loan on or before the maturity of said shares by
<br />payment: pay monthly 10 '3.ld ASSOCIATION <If Ihe sum specifrcd in Ihe Bond ,",cured hereby as llllerest and principal on Slid Ioan,on orbefoltl
<br />the Twentielh day of each and eve!)' l11"nth. until ...d loan (i fully paId, pay allla..."" and .-umeuls levied against said premi5c:s and on this Mor/plc
<br />
<br />and lhe Bond secured thereby. beh"e dehnquency; furn"" approved IIlSUlan"" upon the huildings Ihereon in the sum of S 42,000.00 payable
<br />10 uid ASSOCIATION; repay to "lid ASSOCIATION Ilpon demand all money by It p,.,d for such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest at
<br />lhe l1l3ximum legal rale thereon from .ute of paymefll all "f wh,d, Mortgagor herehy agrees If) pay; permit no wastc on said premiRs; keL-p and comply
<br />
<br />Wllh :tIllhe agreements and C1lfllhtioru of the Bond for S 42,000.00 IhlS .uy given by Ihe SOtid Morlll3&or to said ASSOCIATION. and comply
<br />with aU the requirements of the Cons! ,tutlOn and By.LaWli of saId ASSOCIATION; then lhese prescnts shaD become null and wid, oWlWbc they
<br />wll remain in full force and 1fll1)' be fmeclosed at the oplU]fl of the ..00 ASSOCIA nON after failule for three monUu to malte any of said
<br />fOymenls Of be tlner monlhll in amaIS m I!lJ:king ....ir1 molllhly payments, ()( 10 k.ec:p and comply with the agrtcmcntJI and comlilions of said Bond;
<br />and Mortgagor agrees to have :I receiver al'pomlffi forlhwith UI such foreclosure proc;r;edings.
<br />
<br />If lhe", is any change in ownership of the real esIate mortgaged herem, by sale or otherwise, then the entire remaining indcbtedncsa hereby
<br />secured dull. at the option of The Equiuble Building and Loan Associ:llton of Grand Island, NebrlUka, become immediately due and payable withoul
<br />further notice, and lhe amounl remaining due undet s:nd bond, and any olher bond for any addillonal advances made thereunder ,shall, from the
<br />dale of exen:i:sc of said option. be.. interest al the lrulx.imwn legal ntle, and this mortgage may Ihen be forecloJed t" satisfy the amount due on Rid
<br />bond,aOO any olher bond for additional adYlUlIXS, together with all sums paId by gid The Equitable Building and Loan Auoc:lation ofGrmd (Sland,
<br />Nebrub fOf insurancr. I:1.s:CS and :mr1SIDents. and abstr3cling ext"nsion dlarges. wilh interest thereon. flOm date of payment at Ihe maximum
<br />Iepl rale,
<br />
<br />A~ Vrovided m the Bond "'aired hereby, while this nwrtpge renulIO> m effecl the morlgagee may hereafler edvance additional sums 10 th~
<br />nmlten './ Slid Bond, their assigm or succe!iiSOf1i in inlerest. whIch sums mall be WIthin the security of this mortgage the same as the funds OI~inally
<br />tle4;UJed thereby, Ihe lolal amounl uf principal debt nullo exceed at any lime the original amount of Ihis mortgage.
<br />
<br />June A. n., 1988
<br />
<br />
<br />Mary E. ark
<br />
<br />!>TATF. 01' NEBRASKA. { "'.
<br />COUNTY 01' HALL {
<br />
<br />O1,lh;o
<br />
<br />nth
<br />
<br />.u) of June
<br />
<br />19 88 . before me.
<br />
<br />Ronald E. Clark Bnd Mary E, Clark, each in
<br />Bnd as spouse of each other.
<br />rlV' In be lne- u:knhal p:11Iim G wh(J~ name S itfC affiud to the aho\"t" mstru~ucn~mort&J!t.or S
<br />mno....kdVd ilIA! !.lid lmlrtlll",,,t In h~ the i r mlunlary ou:l and deed. .I
<br />I
<br />W11NI.-S.~ m~' hond and ""t.,ial S~11 lh. da!e .JOr.",id
<br />My ("nmmi...klll '''pilrl y.... /-,!~(r
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<br />the undersigned, . NOlar)' l'ublic in alld for said Counly. p<:fSlllnall)' CIlnlll
<br />his and her own right,
<br />who
<br />
<br />are
<br />
<br />p<:1....n.II)' known to
<br />
<br />and
<br />
<br />they
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