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<br />OOc!>10'56c!>~:i1 0022121 <br /> <br />FDR AND IN CUNSIDERATION OF ________.______________.__.____88.~__~.~_~_a!9J~ <br />___I~IBIY._IWO_I~QU5e~U_5I~_~U~DB~D_~~D_~OL1QQ=======:=================--- <br />doL La r' S t t l) I t p aid . __U~I!ll!~E:aa~._I:lClBIl3a13E_CaB~aBAllot'LOE_l"'I6CO~61IL___ <br />.il COI-pOl-ation duty oPJanized and existing undel- and by virtue of the <br />Laws of the state of Wisconsin. located at Mi Lwaukee. Wisconsin <br />does hel-eby <Jl-ant bal-gain. seLL. assign, .transfer. convey and set ovel- <br />unto _U~1!l.!;:B5el.._Se!.!1~l3S_~et:lI:LE.t._A...__.______________________ a CorPI>l-at i on <br />duLy organized and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the <br />State of ______It.IlSCO~SItL_____.a cel-ta i n i ndentul-e of Moy.tglSge. executed <br />by _Cl..aUnE-a...-I:lCal..fl~E-e~D-~Dy.CE-A.t.-I:lCal..~I~~--------------------------- <br /> <br />_________________~U5aet:lU_a~D_WlEE_____________________________________of <br />_l3BAt:lD_ISI..At:lD____> County of ~eI..L________________. State of _____~a___ <br />and date~, the _______________22I~-------- day of _D~C~M~~B__. A.D., <br />19"11. l' 0 _______W~SIEEi:tLSECUBlnEILClJMeeblL._____________________----------- <br />on cE'l-tain lands in the County of __l::IeJLL_____.____________________in the <br />state of___t:lj.____to<.Jether \>Iith the Mo\-tgage Note therein referred to <br />dTld aLL the l-ight, title and inte,-est conveyed by said Mortgage, in and <br />tc said lands, which Mortgage was duly recorded in the Office of the <br />Reg i s t el- 0 f Ileed sin and f or the Co un t y 0 f _l:ieJLL______________________ i n <br />the State ~f _t:l._ on the 3BD________ddy of__~et:lUeBy.____t A.D., 1918. at <br />__________~-cloc!; __M.. in Volume ____________01' Mortgages. on <br />page_________________t Document No. ____1.8=QQQQ21_______. <br /> <br />LOT HIO (2), BLOCK ONE (1), ISLAND ACRES NUMBER 2. flEING A <br />REPLAT OF LOTS (1). TWO (2), FIVE (5). SIX (6) AND SEVEN (7 <br />ISLAND ACRES. CITY OF GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA <br /> <br />To have and to hold the Said Mortgage Note and Mortgage. and the <br />debt thel-eby secured. and all ,-ight, title dnd interest conveyed by <br />said Mortga<Je. in dlld to the lands then:."in descl-lbed. to the said <br />Ut:lI\.!~B5eL_Se!.!1t:lI:3S_eet:lILE.t.._e...__ ----------------------.--------------------- <br />its succeSSOI-S and assi~~Tls fOI-eve,-, fOl its and thei," use and benefit. <br /> <br />And 53id Corporation hereby covenants that there is now owing and <br />unpaid on the said Mortgage Note and Mortqagc. as pl-incipal, a sum ....ot <br /> <br />less than ______________________________________________________-------- <br />I~laIY_IWlJ_I~OU5a~D_SIX_~Ut:l~BE~_aND_NOL1QQ===========================DOLLARS <br />and also interes~ ____________________________________________ and that <br />It has good right to assign the samc. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS IJHEREOF, th~ sa I d _UI:U!.!EBSel..-I:lQBIaal3E-COa~OBeJII.lJt:l-OE- <br />WISCOt:lSIN_________has caused these presents to be signed by ------------ <br />EE~t:lYI..YN~_ZlJa~L.._ ASSISTANT ~IICE PRESIDENT, AND Counters i 9 ned by <br />I:lIC~EI..E_L.~_~BEWI.CZ_______________' Its _eJ55ISIet:lI_SECBEIeay.___________ <br />at Hi lwaukee, Wisconsin, and Its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed. <br />th IS ___lSI_____day of __aE:81L---------, A. I.t, . 1966. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />SI~IE_OE_WIS~lJt:lSIM------~ 55. <br />MILWeU~EE_________County) <br />Permonally came before me. thiS __lSI___day of __eJfBll.._____. A.D., <br />1966. ___E:Et:l~rl..y.t:lM_ZOaE!..____________AS6 ISTANT VF' a nd ___MIC~EI..E__L_~BEW.ll::l <br />~5alaIAt:lI_5ECBEleJBr._________l)f the above named Corpol-at i on. to me HnOWll <br />to be the per~;ons who executed the fon~goillg instl-ument, and to me <br />.c no,",,, to be such A5SISIeNI_!.!...E.l. a Ild eSSlSI~~I_6ECEiEleBy._____.__ of sa' d <br />COfpora1ion, ~nd acknowledQed 1hat they eKecuted the foregoing <br />i Ila t1. umc:." " , a~ ~"J(;h off i Cf~l-!:\ iH' t hf! deed of !!H) I d COl-P or a 1: i 01\, by i is <br />it U tho ,- i t y . ' ') "j <br />J' ,(--)" / t! <br />____~__ {l.<:. < (-<Mc..~ {.;;: ~__:.~_~i:._4::._-_.- <br />PAUl.. I NF E. ROfcERTS / <br />Not Illl"y Pub t Ie <br />...LJl.AUt:\E:E:.. . ... _. _.___.__1:: I) \j".1 y , _WI. <br />My I:"rnm I ","; '"'' r'KP i I"C!!I MA~_.U._l9-aa.._,_ <br />Tt"I~~ If.,~tf~jtf't1Itlt wnq dr~i'~~d llY UN1~ChUOL HDI~lAU[_COR~._Ct_Wl{~l~UEL~_nB~Wl(.l <br />