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<br />88- 102904 <br />0061056651 )022121 <br /> <br />FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF _____________________________._____________ <br />___Il:IIBI:LlIdO_Il::IlJUSANILIUiLl:IUNtlBE::ILElIllILI:::IOilQQ::=======================.-.-- <br />dollars, to it paid.__WE::SIE::EN_SECUBIIIE::S_CCMfAIlIY_____________________ <br />a Corporation duly organized and existing under .and by virtue of the <br />laws of the State of Wisconsin, located at Mi lwaukee. Wisconsin <br />does hel-eb~' g,-ant bargain, sell. assign, 'b-ansfer. convey and set ovel- <br />unto UNI~E::BSAL_MCBIGElGE::_CC8~CBAIICIlI_CE_WISClJI:::ISllll_________ a Corporation <br />duly organized and existinq under and by virtue of the laws of the <br />St..te of ______IdISCONSlt;!_____a eel-tain indentul-e of Mortgage. executed <br />by _CLAUDE_A~_MCALflI:::1E_AMD_JCXCE::_A~_MeALeIIlIE::_____________-------------- <br /> <br />________________I::IUSaAIlID_AI:::ID_WlEE::_____________________________________of <br />_GB8ND_lSLAIlID____, County of I::IALL________________. State of _____1:::1.___ <br />and dated. the _______________22I~________ day of _DE::CE::MeEB__. A.D.. <br />1911 to ______WE::SIE::B~_SE::CUBIIIE6_CO~e8I:::1Y_______________________---------- <br />on certain Lands in the County of __~A~~__________________________in the <br />State of___N&..___together with the Mortgage Hote therein referred to <br />and all th~ right, title and interest conveyed by said Mortgage, in and <br />to said lands, which Mortgage was duly recorded in the Office of the <br />Register of Deeds in a.nd for the Cuunty of _I::IB~~______________________in <br />the State !If _.t:I"_ 011 the JEi:D_._______ddy of __J8MUB5:Y____, A.D.. 1916. at <br />__________!l-clock __M., in Volume ____________of Mortgages. on <br />page_________________, Document No. ____:l6=QQQQ21_______. <br /> <br />LOT TWO (2), BLOCK ONE (1). ISLAND ACRES NUMBER 2, BEING A <br />REPLAT OF LOTS (1), TWO (2), FIVE (5), SIX (6) AND SEVEN (7 <br />ISLHND ACRES, CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />To have dnd to hold the said Mortgage Note and Mortgage. and the <br />debt thereby secured, and all right, title and interest conveyed by <br />said MOI-tqa<Je, in and to the lands thel-ein descl-;bed, to the said <br />UNI!.lE::BS~L_!::IlJBIGe~E_t:OBe[JBBI10ILOE_WISC.[JMS W_____________________________ <br />Its succeSSOI-S and assi'Jns forevel-, for Its dl1d thei,- use and benefii. <br /> <br />And sa~d Corporation hereby covenants that there is now owing and <br />unpaid on the said Mortgage Note and Mortgage, as PI-incipal, a sum not <br /> <br />less than ______________________________________________________--------- <br />I~IBIY_IWC_I~QUSeI:::lD_SI~_~U~DBE~_e~D_l:::IlJL1QQ===========================DOLLARS <br />and also jnteres. ____________________________________________ and that <br />,t has good right to ~sslgn the same. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said _WE5IE8~_SEeUBIIIE::S_eOM~8Il1r_________ <br />__________________has caused tl,ese presents to be signed by ____________ <br />eE::I:::IN:tI..Y~tLZO:E!E::L_ ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT, AND Counters i gned by <br />Mle~E~E_I..~_~BEWlt:Z_______________, its _ASSISIAI:::II_5Et:5:EIBB:t___________ <br />dt Mi lWdukee, Wiscol1sin. and its corpor~te seal to be hereunto affixed, <br />th I S ___lSI______day 0 f __eEBl~_________, A. D. ,/1966. <br />/ <br />___WESIEE;N SEe I _ <br />k/ " QI-?, r:a- <br />. LI. 7 <br />___ _2::~. <br />PENN ZOB <br />ASSI T T VICE PRESIDENT <br />Countel'signed: .~, ~' <br /> <br />___fJ 1&5-1~{~.i:__lAL~<-_ " -- <br />to\IdHELE L. DREWICZ '. <br />AS5lS1AN1 SECRETARY <br /> <br /> <br />al8IE_QE_W!SCCI:::ISl~____) S~. <br />~l~W8UKEE::_________County~ <br />Per50flCl lly came befon:~ me. th IS __lSI__..ddY of __ee5:I~_____, A.D., <br />19aa, ___e~~I:::I:tI..:t~~_ZCaE::I..___________ASSISTANT VP dnd ___Mlt:~E~~_l.._OEEWlCl <br />aSS1SIAtlI_Se:CBEIABY________cf the "bave name-d Ca,-pOl-at i on, to me known <br />to be ihe who e><ecui:ed the fOl"t?<;IolntJ I,,~..t,"ument. and to me <br />~I now II to be such ASS1SIAtdI_"-!...Ei ,11\11 055IcI~I:H.._5ECI5:EIABY_..______ ot' S.ll d <br />Corpordtlon, and acknowledged thdt they e~~[u1~d the foregoing <br />in~.trlJml!,.d ,~s Buch offlc.m"s as 1111'." d(.",,~11 of ~,...I!j COI"pol"ation. by it's <br />"lJ thl)f j '.'.,... <br /> <br />;h..". th".tt"'Uflfi.!'t.t ~"i'~,,, dlJ,1tnd hy <br /> <br />,~) t~ /i,"/ <br />'-%-,/_" /", dt/Q. <br />~,,-= -,,/_{{. (. f~ _ {. i~,!-_ _. :...I..c:..,_ _~t:r&.f:::__;!:i:::..___ <br />PALLINE E. ROBERTS / <br />Nota,-.,.. Public: <br />__ H OZAUl:I:E.E .... .__ __ _....__._.____COUll't y , _1111. <br />My Comml~slon ~xPlre~ NB~_a&_~2UU__ <br />WE..61Er<IL GECUlUIIE::i CO~, 0 <br />