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<br />88- 102902 <br /> <br />OOc,:t.056479 <br /> <br />0022121 <br /> <br />FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF _________________________________________ <br />_ .__II::IIEr['L!\l1.~E_It:lQU6~1l~ILNI~E_I:IUNIlEi:EILAN1J_~QL1QO==:::=:':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::--.- <br />doL L.~ 1- s. to j t pa i d , __loIE6IEB~_SEc.;UBIIIEfU:;QI:.lE:At:lX________._.______________. <br />a Corporation duLy orqanized and existing under ~nd by virtue of the <br />Laws of the State of Wisconsin, Located at Mi Lwaukee. Wisconsin <br />does hereby ~rdnt bargain. sell. assign, transfer. convey and set over <br />unto U~I~EBSA~_I:.lQBIGaOE_~QBeQ8AIIQ~_QE_WI6CQt:l61~_________ a Corporation <br />duly organized and existin9 under and by virtue of the Laws of the <br />State of ______WI6CQMSI~______a certain indenture of Mortgage. executed <br />b y _CI:lAB~ES_~..._.JEMIHMS_AMIL~IL.f:LA..._.JEMl:i:lt:lS_____.__________________________ <br /> <br />________________!::IUSE!AMD_At:lI!_WIEE_________.__________.__________________ 0 f <br />._aBal:lllLIS~AMI!____, County of 1:IE1L.L.____.___.._________. State of ___.__MII:.__ <br />and da ted, the ________________.lgII:L______.__ day of _DECEl:.laEEL_. A. II. , <br />19:Z1 t 0 _______WE6IEBf:LSECUBIIIES_l:QI:.lE:AML________________________________ <br />on certain Lands in the County of __I:I~L.L.__________________________in the <br />State of___M"____toCJ',dher with the Mortgage Note thet-ein l-eferred to <br />and alL the right, titLe and Interest conveyed by said Mortgage, in and <br />to said lands, which Mortg~ge was duLy recorded !n the Office of the <br />Reg i stel- of Deed1!1 in and foy' the County of _HAL.L.______________________ in <br />the State of _Mil.. en the 16IH._.______di3y of __I:!El:EMI1EfL__, A.D.. 191.1, at <br />__________u-cLock __M., in VoLume ____________of Mortgages, on <br />page_________________. Document No. ____11.:::QQ1.260_______. <br /> <br />LOT FIFTEEN (15), BLOCK FIVE (5) IN MORRIS' FOURTH ADDITION <br />TO THE CITY OD GRAND ISLAND HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />To have and to hoLd the Mortgage Note and Mortgage, and the <br />deb t thel-eby sec ured, a nd Ii L l 1- I gh l. tit le and i nte~l-est conveyed by <br />said Mortgage, ;n ~nd to the Lands therein described, to the said <br />U~1~Eae8L._~QBlaAGE_CDaeCBeIIQ~_OE_WISCC~SI~________________________._____ <br />its successors dnd assigns forever. for its and their use and benefit. <br /> <br />And said Corporation hereby covenants that there is now owing and <br />unpaid on the said Mortgage Note and Mortgage. as principal, a sum not <br /> <br />Less tha n ______.__________________._______________.__________________________ <br />, II:lIBrLMl~5:_II:lQUSAt:fD_Ml~E_!::IU~I!BEI!_AMI!_~CJL1QQ:::::::::==:::::::::::::::::::::::::==:::===:::::::::::::::DOLLARS <br />and aLso i nterest ___________._.___________________________________ and that <br />it h~s good right to assign the same. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said _WE6IEBt:f_SECUBlIIES_CQl:.lee~y_________ <br />___________________has caused these pn~sents to be signed by _____________ <br />E:EI:':lI:':lY~yMtLZlJI1E!.._ ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT, AND Coun'ters i gned by <br />ljlCI::IEL.E_L..L_I!BEWll.;;Z______.__________. its _aSSISI8MLSECBEIABL__________ <br />at Mi Lwaukee, Wisconsin. and Its corporate seaL to be hereunto affixed, <br />this ___l!ilI_____day of ___t!leaIL._______._.__, A.D.y 1988. <br /> <br />___WESJ.EB!i-SECU <br />~. n'! <br />f. . <br />-- -., ---~ - - - --- <br />PENNY ZOEtE .'~.; :' <br />ASSI. T T VICE PRESIDENt <br /> <br />countel-fsi.ld; . I)~:" '<'<1fi. <br /> <br />-----t$----~-..J.;;a.;t.:~.,i....:.. _.:..- <br />MICH_LE L. DREWICZ ." <br />ASSI TANT SECRETARY <br /> <br /> <br />: .~.:, <br /> <br />staIE_QE_W!SCO~SIN______) 55. <br />MIL.WaU~EE_________Coun'ty~ <br />P~rsonaLLy came before me, this __lSI___day of __AE:BIL._____. A.II., <br />19a8. _.__.E:E~t:lXL.:iMM_.ZQElEI..__._________ASS ISTANT VF' and ___._l:11CI:IEL.E_I.._DBEWIC1: <br />AeSlEiIAt:!I_5ECBEIElBX__________()f the above named COl-pol-at i on, to me know" <br />to bo the persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and to me <br />h nown to be such eSSIS:rls~:L!..!...E:... OJ nd aSS16IA~I_SECEi:EIAE:X._.__.____ of sa i d <br />Corporation, and acknowLedged that they executed the foregoin9 <br />lnotrument as such officers as the deed of said Corporation, by Its <br />.lutho,-ity. ") ..' -~ .." " <br />.-....,.-::. < .r.. (.' ~ <br />'_ ..(, (/ {. ./ L. (_ ~'~':''(,' ;1.t-t,LU <br />-:t~_.. _.. _ w- _ _..._ _._......... _._1:..",.. ..., ...l":::I-..j__....__...._......_.____ <br />PAULINE E. ROBERTS / <br />Nota,-y F'ublic: <br />__OZaU~EE_______________County,..Wl. <br />My Commimmlon ~xpires l:.leY_B~_l~a~__ <br />1h,e.;, Jmd"'.JIl.ent "we; d"ilrt"'t! by WE8IEBtL8ECUi:UIIES..CC...t.'MICt:lEl.E._DBEWl.t:.:Z_.. <br />