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<br />n <br />3 <br />II <br />~ <br />;;j <br />~ <br /> <br />~ , '\ <br />\ ~ ~~ <br />\~~ <br />~ L_ ~, <br />~ ~~8~O <br />~,.. ~ <br />J. ~ <br />~" <br />~ <br /> <br />.. .-1-. '.. <br /> <br />(') <br />;;; <br />-- <br />c <br />... <br />::D <br />~ <br />!: <br />iiI <br />.;:.. <br /> <br />Excerpts From 'ntemll Revenue Code <br />Sec. 6321. lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />It any pdrson liable to pay any lax neglects or refuses to <br />pay the same alter demand, tne amount !including any InIM. <br />nt. addltionel amount, addlllon to tax, gr essessable penally. <br />logelher with any costs Il\8l may accrue In addillon thereto) <br />shall oe . lien In lavor of lhe Unllad Stales upon all prOp5rty <br />and righls 10 property, whelher real or personal, belongmg <br />10 such person <br /> <br />Sec, 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unress another-dAtJ I~ specifically fixeD by law, tttt'lI.n- <br />Imposed by sectlgn tl321 shall arise allhe tlnie Ihe asses,menl. <br />IS maDe anD shall continue unWths liability for Ihe am0Ul11 50 <br />anessed (or a Judgment agslnsl Ihe lax payer arialng oul of " <br />such lIabllltylls satisfied O' becomes unenforceable by reason <br />of lapse 01 time <br /> <br />Sec, 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br /> <br />Certain Persons. <br />(a) Purchaser's, Holders Of Security In- <br />tereltl, Mechanic'. L1enors, And Judgm.nt <br />Lien Creditors. - Ih" hen Imposed by settion 6321 shall <br />not be valid as agalnsl any purchasor. holder of a secunty <br />,nleresl. mechamc's lienor Of lu:lgmenllien creditor until nOllce <br />Ihereol which meels the raQullomen!S 01 subsection II) has <br />boon lIIeo by tha Secrotary <br /> <br />If) Place For Filing Notice; Form.- <br /> <br />Itl Place For FIJrng The nOI'ce leferreo to In sub. <br />sechon lal shall be filed 0 <br />(A! Under Slare Laws <br />I II Aeal Propert,. In the cas. 01 real property, In one <br />ofhca.wllhln the Slate lor Ihe county. Or other governmenla1 <br />subdiVisIon). as deSIgnated oy Ihe laws of such Stale, '" <br />whICh I~O propel1y ~ub!ect 10 the I,en ,s srluated. and <br />I 'P Personal Property In the case 01 personal <br />oroperty whethor tang'ble or ,ntang'ble In one office <br />wlthm the State 101 the .:ounty_ or other governmental <br />subdlYISIOn) <is jesjQnat~{j by thE !altt's 0' s-uCtl SLate <br />In wh'Ch Ino property subjrct 10 the hen,s s/tualed: <br />or <br />/91 WIth C!er~ Of :}r'ilrtt.:! Court In the office olltlc Clf.Hk of <br />ft1e Unlled 51at~'~ L!lsl;lr: court '01 rh~ llJd I!. 'it I /jfl,lrtclln 'Ntllcn <br />'''e or~;HW'( L:OjeCl !0 'ItP '5 $llUJ1~<j WI".:nt''o'er l/1e Statl': l1as <br />.,C.l [", l,iJlIt rJ~s!or"lt!l1l)n~ nttlc~ -M'l ':" rr,tlEb In,! lHl. feflW-'lI!. 01 <br />~\lOrHi'a'Jfe'JDt', ,to '.'1 <br />'el Witt"j lleCD,'j{:r ')f ~Odf.. Ct, '1""\9 D.~l' ,(I ;:' OIJr\':l J In <br />'\101': {jUice 01 ftl';l q~,~'Md':!( 1')1 Oi)eO~ ~f 'h.... ::hlr:r.1 'Jl COl. r-!IJ'u 11 <br /> <br />'~~ (i'O(II~'!' ".dJ1i>I' <br /> <br />" . 'II <br /> <br />I,., ,~., ~ 'i ,tuii If'" ~. <br /> <br />~'lmOal <br /> <br />~n~ is Document fifo, <br />88- 1 ~ ?-..8d "7 <br />Gtantol - /.:--,--, -'_.... <br /> <br />=~37J; <br />. OF NEGP'\SKA) <br />SS <br />1 ! r :!,' ~ t. ) <br /> <br />~T <br /><=.Ifi, <br />n <br />CD <br />'[!.J H <br />...... <br />II . ..-:/.:.> .I <br />>C;;;:; ;' "_,.I';:'::"o';::<~:;l_:r't...r.<-,,,....I <br />,.' "r:r;. ()r. r-FFn", <br />ar <br />~ <br /> <br />.... <br />f <br /> <br />:f <br />ii" <br /> <br />.- <br />co <br /> <br />!!. <br /> <br />it <br /> <br />lit <br />"C <br />a <br /> <br />(2) SlIus Of Property Subject To lien. For purposel 01 <br />paragraphl (1) Ind (4), property Ihall lit dHmld to lit Iltullld. <br />(AI Real Property . In th. else of rill property, It III <br />phVllcallllC:ltlon: or <br />(8) P.rlonl' Proparty . In Iht Clse of perlOnll proptl1y. <br />wh.ther tanglbll or Inllnglble, It the r..ldlnca 01 the <br />!UpaVlr althe Ilmtltht notice of lien II fIIld. <br />For purposes of paragrapll{21 (Ill. 1he resldlnce of I corporation <br />or p,rtnersnip shall lit dHmtd to be lhe pllCl II which the <br />princiPII executlye olflca of 1ht1xJ~lneu II loc:alecl, Ind the <br />residlnte of I IuplyJr who,e ruldenee Is wllhout th. Unllld <br />Stat., shall be deemed 10 be in the Dlslrlcl of CQlumbla. <br />(3) Form 0 Tht form" and conlenl ot lhI 'notlCl <br />r,flr~ to In subllcll.O~ ~U~II be prllC!llII4' IfY ill\' . <br />Secrslary. Such notice shaH be valid notwiffisianding Iny <br />allier 'provision 01 IIW rtgll'dlno' lhe form ot. ~nltlft 01.' , <br />nollce of lien, <br /> <br />Not.: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain interests even though notice of lien <br />imposed by section 6321 Is filed with respect <br />10: <br /> <br />t Secuflties <br />2 Motor vehicles <br />3 Personal properly purchased a' relail <br />4 Personil properly purchased In casuI' saie <br />5 Personal property subJacted 10 possessory lien <br />6 Aeal property tll Ind 3peclll IIsessmenl liens <br />7 ReSIdential properly subletl to I mechanlc'~ <br />lien lor certain repairs and Improvoments <br />8 Anorney's liens <br />9 Certain Insurance contracts <br />to Passbook loans <br /> <br />Ig) Reflllng Of Notlc., - for purposes of thll <br />SeellO" . <br /> <br />III G.n.rll Rul.. - Unle" nollce 01 lien 15 refiled In <br />Ifle manner preSCribed In palBgrap~ (2) dUllng th6 required <br />rellllng periOd. such nollee 01 lien shall be trealed as filed On Ihl <br />dolO orrwhlch 'liS flied IIn accordance wlln subsocllon (f)) aller <br />Ihe expiration 01 such 'ollllng period <br /> <br />'2) Place For Filing. - A "ol,CO 01 lien r.t,led <br />Ou' 109 tne reQUITed rell'lng p"rlod shauD;! ellect/ve unly . <br />(A) II <br />'" such nollce at lien IS rellled 10 Ihe ollles In which the <br />pflor nollce 0111,," was 111eo and <br />I,,: In Ihe case 01 real oroperly Ih. lac! 01 '.'Iling IS <br />onl"ed and 'ecorded ,n an IndOl 10 Ihe exleo' reqUireD by <br />'1dISeCI!On 11) 141 and <br />3, "anv case In which. 90 doys or mo,e prior IP.lhtdalO <br />01 . reflllnQ 01 not'co 01 lion under subpa~Qraph 1M Ihll <br />"-,.-......,. ,~,~ -' <br /> <br />- c.?2 <br />C6 <br />I~ <br /> <br />1.11 <br /> <br />z <br />!:> <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />fil1 9 <br /> <br />48 <br /> <br />c <br />~ <br />I <br />i <br /> <br />;J <br /> <br />Secr.llry rec.'ytd wrlll.n Inlormltlon (In the mllllllf <br />prtacrtlltd In regulltIonl Iuutd by Iha StCrlflry) <br />conclmlng I chlnge In till tIllPlYl(1 mldlnel, III notice <br />of luch IIln II 1110 !lI1d In accordlnce with IUbllCllon (f) In <br />the Slltlln ':'lhleh loch rllkltnct II localld. <br /> <br />(3) RequIred R,fllng P,rIod. - In tilt CUI <br />01 Iny notice 01 lien, the IIrtn ~requlrld 1lIf1l1ng periDll" mlll1s . <br />(AI the one-year perlDllendlng 3) dlY.lfllr the explratlon <br />of e yelrl l"lr th. date of the _Imtlnt of the till. and <br />(8) the one'year p.rlod endlno wllh lhe .xplrltlon of6 years <br />alt,r thl cion ofthl pl1lCllllng requll1ld f8!lllng llIrlocl for <br />such notice 01 lien. ' <br />.; i - " ,-' f.- <br />SeC. 6325. Release Of: Uen Or <br /> <br />'Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />(II R..... Of LIen. - Sulljact to such <br />regulalions ilS lhe Secretary may prescribe. the SecrwIary sllall <br />IssuI I elnlfleate 0\ relea.. of any lien Imposlll with rUlIlCtto <br />any intlml' reyenue tal nollallr thIn:ll daylalllr the dlY on <br />which. <br />(I) L1lblllty Satisfied or Unenforceable . The Setrelary <br />linds that the liability lor the amoUl11 assessed. tDllether with all <br />IntereSI In respecl .hlr.of. nil bien fully satisfied or ~~6 <br />bacoml IlGally ulllnforcubll; or <br />(2t Bond Accepted. There Is lurnlshed 10 lhe Stcrelary and <br />acceptld by him a Ilond thaI Is condilioned upon the payment 0' <br />the Imoun' ass.ssld. tDllelher with all ill18ml in respect <br />therlOl. wit11ln the lime prescribed by law (including any <br />extension of such time', and that Is in accordlnce wltll ~Ucl1 <br />rOQulremsnls relaling 10 terms. conditions. and form of tlIe bond <br />Bnd sureties thereon, as mlY be specllllll by such rtgulltlons. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />lkt DlIclOlUrt ot Certain Returns IIId <br />~.tum Informltlon For TII Admlnl.tratlon <br />Purpo.... - <br /> <br />121 Oosclosure of amounl of outstandlnQ lien .11 a notice 01 <br />r,en has bee" Illed pursuanl to SeCltOn 6323'11 one amount ollne <br />outstanding obltgalton secured by such hen may be QiaclOMlllo <br />any person who lurnishes satlslaelory wrillen evidence tIla' he <br />has a rlghl In Ihe orooerty ~ublect 10 suCh hen or Intends 10 <br />oblaln a IIgh"n such ploperly <br />