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<br />220600692 <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />Thi3 rarm is used In connection <br />with mOrlgage5 insured under the <br />on.. 10 four-family provisions or I <br />the National Housing Act. <br /> <br />88- 102871 <br /> <br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and execuled thl~ 14TBay of APRIL <br />19 as, by and between MAYLON J. HANSON AND DESSA L. HANSON, HUSBAND 1\NO WIFE <br /> <br />,A.D. <br /> <br />of Ihe County of <br />Ihe MonllllP, and <br /> <br />HALL ' and Stale of Nebraska, party of the rim pllfl, hereinafter wlfd <br /> <br />OCCIDENTAL NEBRASKA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK <br />NEBRASKA <br /> <br />a corporalion organized and existinglmder the 1..wI of <br />l!Mty of Ihe second pan, hereinafter ciilled the Mortgagee, <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: lbat Ihe said Mongagor, for and in consideration of the sum of <br />FORTY THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTY AND 00/100-------------- Dollars ($ 40,960.00), paid by the <br />Monpgce, ti.e receipt of ,which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents docs Grant, Bargaio, <br />s.:U, Convey and Conftnnunlo the Mongagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the folIowing-descri~ real estate, situated <br />In the Co!JIIly of HALL ' , and SUlle <br />of Nebraska, to wit: <br />LOT TWO (2), OF PARK GARDENS SECOND SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF Gr~ ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />,.~ ,<,-""~ <br /> <br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containinll in aU <br />Govemmenl survey: <br /> <br />acres according 10 <br /> <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the p~ above described, with all the appurteJW\ccs thereunto bc\onJin& nail <br />including all heating, plumbinl and Ii&blinJ rlXlurcs and equipmcnl now or btreafter attadled 10 or used in cOMeclion with <br />said real C$lale unto the Mortpace. and to its successors and assi&m, forever. The Mongaaor represents to, and covenanls <br />\\ith, the Mol1plCe. that lbe MortPlor has lcod rilhl to sell and convey said premilies; that Ibey are free. from <br />encumbrance: and that the Monpgor will warranl and defend the same apinst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; <br />and the said Monpaor~y relinquishes all riJhls of homestead. and all martial rights,.either or in equity; and all <br />other contingenl interests. of !he MortNor in and to the ahove-described premi5es, the intenlion being 10 coovey hereby an <br />absolutc..titJe. in fee. simp1e..iDclucliDg all righlS of homestead. and other righls and intcrcsls as afcmsaid~ <br /> <br />PltOVIDEo ALWAYS, a.nd,1bcse prcsc:nls ~ aec:uted and delivered upon the following conditions. to "it: <br /> <br />The ~Nin to Wnto the M~. or order, the principal sum of <br />FORTY THOU c.HUND SIXTY 00/100 ~11ars ($ 40,960.00 1, <br /> <br />with inlm:.l from date at the me of NINE AND ONE-HALF per ccnt\lDl( 9.500 ~)pc:r annum on <br />the unpaid balance until paid. The said principal and inU'l'eSl shall be payable al the offICe of OCCIDENTAL NEBR FEDERAL <br />SAVINGS BA!iIt 11704 W CENTER RD OMAHA NE 6a144 . or al sI,Jch other place as the holder of <br />the note may desipte in writinl. in monthly ~ of FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY SEVEN AND 711100 <br />JUNE ,0' . aa Do1lars (S 427 71 ), commencinJ on the firSI day of <br />.' , ]9 ;~'and on the ftrst d&yoF each month thereafter until Ihe principal and <br />interest are ,fully P8i4J4Ayncepl that the IliWJlajmenl 0~pa1 andin~, if DOl sooner paid, shaUbe due and payable on <br />the ilTSt4ayof .. '..,' , .... . .~ ?-O 3;allaccordinlllothetcmu.ofacertainpromissory <br />note of C'\'Cft date taefcwiIh. CXCQItCd ~ the said MDI:tpIOf; . <br /> <br />- . - - , - . '- . <br />,- "-. - - - <br />-. -', ',; <br />The MOftJ&Ior in ordcr.morcfll~ lO~..the -um,y of this Mortgage, agrees: <br />} ...... ..:c;;l ...... <br />1.,TltaI he will!l&y the~dneU, .licreinbefore provided. PRIVILEGE IS RESERVED TO PAY THE DEBT, <br />IN WHOLE OR IN PART. ON ANY lNSTAl.LMENT DUE DATE. <br /> <br />2, 1baI, :OJClher wilh, and inaddilion to. Ibe monthly pal~n~l. of prinapal and inleresl payahlo under th. 'erms of <br />tb. nOle liC1:llred hereby, lb. Mongagnr will pay I" the Monga~C1:. on Ih. flfst day of each month un,i1,h. ",id not. " rully <br />l"'ld. the (ollo"-Ina sum~: <br />